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... T 11 1 C O U It T. The health of ?? Royal ?? thc Duchess o Kent is much imnprovetl. IHer Royal Highness stil relmils at Fogtltore. The Veryv Nev. tite Doan of Armiugh and Mrs. Dis ncy httve attivedl at the Deainery llotte, Aritiagh. William Edmnoid Fox, Iisq., ?? arrived at Castle- dillon, from Soutlhgate l1tise, Soutthgate. The ,Marquis attd Marchioness of' Kildare have left Carton Ifouse ...


... NAVAN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19.-Thlis lair was heavily stocked. There were same buyers present, but fewer than was expected firom across the Channel, the late disappoinitment having deterred many from coming. IIfiters sold at from £15 to £19 Ios each. Some few bullocks at from £17 to £21 each; lighter cattle at from £12 ?? to £13 each. Prinic fed beef realised fully 6Os per cwt.; coarse beef went ...


... SUNDAY EVENING AT A NEW YORK THIEATRE (FllOM T'lE NEIW YORK TRIBUNE, DEC. 11.) TuRoUDnouTr tbe whole of last week it was genelrally nttllersti'etl byn no itneeiment tihat Nix. A. H1. Puridy, p)10 rpiotor ortfle Nationial Tiheatre, in Chathiam Street, haid offered its nse fir the puirpose of Divine service on Sulnday evellings. Tilm Rev. E. D. [liscox, DD., of the Stanton Street Blastist Church ...


... - FASHION THE COURT. WINDson, WEDNEsDAY.-Her Majesty's dinner party yesterday included his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Major-General the Right Hon. J. and Lady Alicia Peel, Colonel the Hon. R. Bruce, the lon. Mrs. Biddulph, Major Loyd Lindsay, and the Right. Hon. Spencer and Mrs. S. Walpole, who arrived on a visit in the afternoon, Hans Henry Hamilton, Esq.q Q.O., Chairmanof thM County ...


... FASI-HION. T 11 E C O U R T. WiNisselt, Fu;3. 4.-The Qacen and Prince Consort walkied in the Home Park this morning. The Duchess of Kent visited her Majesty at the Castle. At the openingrY of Parliamenit on Tiharsday, her ?? wore a skirt ol' white sati . with stripes of gold, a toira o1 diamionds, and a necklzice comlposed of the same precious stones, her mantle and train being of crimson ...


... THE COURT. WBiDSOrn, TUESDAY.-Her Majesty's dinuet party yesterday comprised her Royal flightiless the Duchess of Kent (attended by Lady Fanny Howard), ComIt Peiponcher, Lord and Lady Rokeby, the Dean of Windsor, alnd the IIou. Mrs. Wellesley. VICEREGAL COURT. Their Excellencies cntertained at dinnier on Tnes- day eveninu tthe Lord and Lady Mayoress, the Arch- bishop and Miss Whately, the ...


... THE COURT. WINDSOR, TIIURSDAY.-IHer Majesty's dinner party yesterday included his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, the Right Hlon. Spencer and Mris. S. Walpolo, Colonel the Hon. It. DiVuce, the Dean of Windsor and the llon. Mrs. Wellosley, Colonel F. H. and Lady Emily Seymour, Sir .naines Clark, and Miajor Loyd Lindsay. Lord Stanley had an audience of her Ma- jesty, and presented Mr. ...


... 'E-A S T TER A M U'SfE a 1E NT-S. ' YESTIIUIDAY, being Baster Mlondayj)was observed here in the usual manier, aril41he places of recreation and aninuseileit, Whivielb vero mnore than ordinarily mime- roins received a d1o e share of ptiblio patronagoe The weather, uipon whichl on iich occasions so much de- pel.,ls, was more than ordinarily enigmatical, and few were so weather-wiSO as to ho able ...


... - THE COURT. WINDSOR, APRIL 25.-To-day baing the anniver- sary of the birth of the Princess Alice, the band of the Scots Fusilier Guards played a selection of fi- vourite airs on the East Terrace, at seven o'clock in the morning, The Duchess of Kent paid her Mla- jesty a Visit of congratulation at the Castle. The IQue nacompanied by- the Princess Alice, rode in the ridilig-Ilonis` this ...


... T HE COURT. THE PRINCEsS FREDERIOK WILLIAM OF PRUSSIA.- The Princess Frederick William may be expected to arrive in this country immediately, on a visit to her Majesty and the Prince Consort. The Victoria and Albert, Roval yacht, under the command of Captain the Hon. J. Denman, sails to-day for Antwerp, for the purpose of bringing her Royal Highness over to Eng- land, The Earl of Donoughmore ...


... T R E C O U R T. The Prince Ctisort rode on horseback on Monday, attenlderi by Captain Da Plat. Hot' Majesty's dinner patty (11 Monday evening inctluded til ?? of hKnt, tho Princess Alice, the Duke anid Duchess of' Bluceleuch, i le Earl of Aber- deen, the Lady in Waiting to the Duchess of lient, Lad y Fannry Hfoward, Lord Claude liailton, Lord Pannirie, the Dean of' Windsor and the Hon. Mrs. ...


... REVIEWS, PlRI1SON AND VORI OF TIE TIOrIY St'IRIT. A Discnlse by the ReV. ISAAc NELSON. Belrast: G. P/hlilips 4f Soons. lvE lear i fromn the title-page that this discourse was delivered onl two successive Sundays to the Presby- teriart coigrogation, Donregall Street-; nnd that, lile manry otheor discoursos and trcatises that it would have been as well harl never seen tile light, it is ...