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Hampshire Telegraph


... Promotions. Surgeon «T. Rae (1858), to Deputv Inspector of Hospitals. Appointments. Captain*—R. J. J. G. Macdonald, to the vice J. Moore ; T. H. Mason, to the Cetsar, viceC. Frederick; A. Phillimore, to the vice Mason. Masters—A. Thomas, to the J'it lean; F. Tavlor, to the 5 Asia. Second Master—H. Aguilar, to the Grapples. Lieutenants—G. A. Brine, to the Donegal; C. N. Streatneld, to the Clio; ...


... Agent—Mr. J. Tucker, Printer, High-street. Southampton ending February 10th Patients admitted, 20 ; discharged, G. —E. M. Ramlall. Secretary. The Hanoverian Quadrille Parties' Bali came off on Monday evening last, at the Koval Victoria Booms, Portland-terrace, and was in every resjieet eminently successful Nearly 300 persons attended. Mr. 11. Faulkner's quadrille band was in attendance, and ...


... The above Sessions were held Thursday last at the Town Hall, before C. J. Gale, Esq., deputy for E. Smurke, Esq., who was unable to attend on account of iUness. 'lhe Deputy Recorder briefly addressed the Grand Jury, congratalatng them on the state of the calendar, for though it appeared 17 cases had been dealt with by the Magistrates under the Summary Jurisdiction Act, which left but two ...


... The Madrid journals of the Ist state that the last accounts from Morocco set forth that the Moors and Spaniards, after the combat of the 30th tilt., remained within three-quarters of a league of each other, hut that the Moors had taken up a strong position on some heights. Another detachment 3 wounded had arrived at Algesiras. The despatch of troops from Spain to Morocco was continuing. The ...


... CHICHESTER. were nnable, last week, to report the proceedings after one o'clock on Saturday. The contest was a severe one, and the utmost excitement prevailed throughout the City. This state of things continued, and became mote and more intense as the hour of closing the poll approached. At two o'clock the numbers stood thus—Lennox, 191, Freeland, 190, Smith, 175. At threi o'clock—Lennox, 241, ...


... Chichestf.b Corn Market, Wednesday.—New white wheat, 13'. os. to 13/. 10s.; old ditto, os. to 14/. Os.; new brown ditto, 12.'. Os. to 12/. 10s.; old ditto, 12/. Cs. IS/. Os. per load. Malting barley, 345. Od. to 30s. Od.; grinding ditto, 28s. Od. to 325. Od.; oats. 2ls. Od. to 285.; peas, 40s. Od. to Me. Od.; beans, 41». Od. to 60s. Od.; malt, 625. Od. to 86s. per qr. Flour, 375. per sack. ...


... Agents—Mr. W. H. Mason, Mr. W. Smither, and Mr. K. Knigut. The rectory of Petwortli, Sussex, has become vacant by the death of the Rev. Thomas Sockett, m.a. The benefice, which is worth nearly 1,000/. a-year, is in the gift of Col. Wyndhara, m.p. (hi Sunday last the Mayor (C. T. Halsted, Esq.), with the Members of the Town Council, Mace-bearer, and other officials, attended Divine Service at ...


... From Japan there is some important intelligence. On the 25th August Russian officer the name of Maufet, and one of his sailors, were barbarously murdered in the streets Yokiama, a village close to Kanagawo. This is said to have been done by some Japanese officials who had been degraded at the instance of one or other of the foreign representatives. General Mouravieff was fortunately at Yeddo ...


... Newport, Saturday—Average price of wheat, 21. it. 7'd. • oats 11. 35.; beans, 21. S«.; peas, 21. ' ' ' Arcndet, Cor* Market, Monday.—White wheat, 10s to 11/.55.; mixed ditto, 102.05. to 1K.05.; redditto, 10/.Os. 01 • per load. Barley, 30s. to 405.; oats, 20s. to 285.; beans, 42s' to Ms.; peas, 40s. per qr. Arundel Cattlr Market, Monday.—Oi beef, 4s. lod. to • cows and heifers, 4«. 4d. to 4s. ...


... CHICHESTER CATHEDRAL. THIBD A PTES EASTKE. Morning Service. —Sir John Rogers; Sanctus and Kvrie, Handel in E; Creed, Marsh in D. EveningService.—Dewe iii G; Anthem, How exoel'e&t, Spohr. In residence, the Rev. C. Pilkington, Residentiary Canon. ...


... Agent—Mr. T. Prouten. WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL. Third Sixdat iw Lejtt. Early Service o'clock.) —To Denm and Jubilate, Chant. Second Scrvuc (Half-past ten.) —Sanctum and Kyric, Jomelli; Creed, Farrant. I'sulm liefore the Sermon, its Paraphrase, Haydn. Afternoon Service (Halt-past three.) —Before the Sermon, Oh Lord, how amiable, llu-liaruson. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, Holland. Anthem, Let ...