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... LANCASHiRE SUMt1ER ASSIZES. BOUTHERK' DIVISION. iih CROWN COURT. ti BEFORs; AIR. BARON WATSO.N. 55hr MONDAY, AUGUST 22. re BOTTLING A VOTE'i. AT BURY. ra Zicharial, flardmii anad Joseph L;ootb, whlo were t round guilty of having~ kidiiapp-d a voter at the late sa' Bury election, wvere pla~ced in the dock for sentence, to Several witueessue weore called wiho spoke favourably . of then,, and a ...


... I d ISOUTHERN DIVISION OF LA-XOASHfpE. CROWN COURT. BEFORE MR. JUSTICE W5ILLES. FRIDAY, MA.RCH 25. Robert Afitobell (aged 25) wai; indicted for having 3, at Liverpool on the' 6th D~ecemiber last, feloniously killed and stain David Davies. Mr. Deightun ap. D poarned for the prosecution, and Mr. Simlon for the deece. About eight o'clock on the evening of Son- day, athe 26th December, the ...


... I I SOUTHERN DIVISION OF LANCASHIRE. CROWN COU1tT. BEFORtE BI. JUSTICE WILLES. MONDAY, MARCH 28. TRIAL OF MR ARCHIBALD MANN, THE VOCALIST. Archibald Mann was indicted on two counts-one charging him with assaulting Charles John Broawte, with intent to commit au unnatural offence, and the other charging him with a common assault. The prisoner, who appeared in dock in a braided over- coat ...


... - -- . . _ _ _ _. SOUTHERN DIVISION OF LANCASHIRE. fdl full CROWN COURT. plL. BEFORE MR, JUSTICE WiLLtm. eltel cil TUESDAY, MARCH 22. wii lANSLAUGHRTER AT ASHTON-UNDER- Mary Craig (aged 60), a midwife, was indicted for as` having, at Ashton-under-Lyno, on the 11th Decembor Asi lt, elonionsy killed Jalia Flannigan. Mr. Kay Ou yrosecuted, avnd r. Hopwood defendod the pridoner. the e tr appeared ...


... LIVERAPOOL POLICE, COURT. FRIDAY, SEPTEM1BER 16. BEFORE DfR. rRESTOl, KEEPING A DISORDERLY HousE.-A middle. aged man, named John Mulroy, was charged with keeping a disreputable and disorderly house in Banastre-street.- Detective-offioer Laycock stated that the prisoner returned'from transportation two or three years ago, and for some timeafter his return he kept a house of ill-fame in Pall ...


... COURT, &J. I W1NDSOR CASTLE, SATUREDAY, NoV. 5.-Her Majesty and his Royal Highness the Prince Consort walked this forenoon within the grounds of the castle. Their Royal Elighnesses the Princess of Sa- lerno and tlie Dake and Duchess ?? paid a visit this day to the Queen. Their Royal Highnesses the Princesses Alice and Helena took equestrian exercise in the riding school. The Hon. General and ...


... LIVERPOOL POLICE POUJRT. SATURFDAY, JULY 2. TIEFORB5 AUIR T. S-.l~iiil A NYa!A1N wrrn six ALT AKM.-A5,igoa a infanlt fit her arm,w~ was charged %-b ear~ from bal,. ipoll a1 lorry-Mr. 11aliol said that be had twefre Lim a Bud ?? Of the. Vf5ner. ish, had goney in he eitieq of Dtiti. Joies, O r'Heira, inliat Hughesf IgioaD. * s'conI iaiirl threo tlmnes in 1i8, live times in 1i. ci_ io.h5 hin ...


... FRIDAY, MARCH 18. Ut4PtOvOKY.1i AMsi.UT.-rartin Cape. it rough-loolhiu' fellow, was charged with havieg toeaaited .ry Wr. nl, ii he iS your6g lud residtig in Villa-areet, ubrly that croci-si proleeutrx Wai piing aloulnse-streat, we the prs.r. whom he ...


... 14vi~IWOQ~ !POLICE1 COURT. Hughes, Mr. BloCk 0 f h er. l ssa slept in'the saexurocn551 45_aU igb prsoner hadtbne h hw vrt O~ii~O*~ forhe,-iewsrmnd. SO ~ a ey young ltd. wiaoaslel ~ wstr swaets appreheuded ofeltleO .bbai1sodtoo vror~h Mtreach to yon woman who buh I p o W 5 odg n s ais m f~ e1 Iwith having in NOTC= 1W Iwife. to whom he was inrred 1 yearsasces e tlill alive; and the facts haying ...


... I I~ . . SATURDAY, JANUARY 22. DEFOItE MRB. J. S. MANSFINLI). CatAnRE or ArmrBLPeNen TO inToor. - Charloe Stoplionp, the second mato of the American dhip ArIel, wae chlrge I tith atteinpting to shoot John Fr.nikln Latham, the first mate. The protenator stated that on Tuesdtiy Jaot ha was obliged to leatve the ship, In eodnequesea of thyi prisoner, who had struck him several times having loaded ...


... LIVERPOOL POLUICK COURT. * ' T MSDAY, F.E~II ARY 1. BEIFORE M3R. J. S.. MANSFIELD, L LUoKY Xsrlr YnOM RoBenmy.-A man named James Tayor. belonging to St. Helen's, was charged with being drunk an disorderly In WVhltechapel. on Monday nigh. The pri- v her, 1: aDPesse, ws food qucrrei with two disrepuaiblo female., and upon being sep ated ytho poce he charled the wo.en with robblng bm ofeĀ£18. The ...


... | S.TURDAY, JULY 23. E BEFORE MR. J. SI MILn~iFIELD. r Ronenriy O.F A WATOI.-A Young man namdxi Wtilhim Honderson.who was miniuan arm waebroughtupton acharge of stealing a Os1ver chronomcter from a JDutch brig lying I in the Queen's Dock. The watch was abstracted from the I cabin of the vessel on Thursday rmorning, and was sold by theI prisonor on tho following day to Patrick M'Mahon, a, ...