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Reynolds's Newspaper


... I IRARI MIS I. DaX u o, -Pert hnone of thoze frequent speakers whofv~havi bsea .jccularljKlled. the London 3tandin dishes, alei so generally EPopuar, unless it be Mr. gtowelL This is no m~attdr of eu1rptise; for hs bas ev'eryting in his UaOW-his1 singurly hadsome pon, is briliat o of poetic thoughts, hls Striking isants, and hi burning Protestant zeal,.-osnbire to-ake him one of t~e most ...


... : 3PVTfW qP BOOKS.: j THTE ,:Bog OF THE 'Wn~ns, FROM IT' SE TO ITS FAdd ;iBY a . ke i AL Rail, ,'Pgrfue 'one Co. Pot& bgerrd2sit', lcomplete and ?? and-, book of the river Thames. It is traced from its pure source and progress at Trewstbury Mead to Richmond, thence down its slimy, fiuddyiilthy assageppaet.tlse city. of London, to its ?? at th-e' Tre. The author and authoress of this pleasant ...


... UITEiiRy MISCELLMMA. ;Wirr LTiNG.-Thor ?? who pride themselves on always ,speaking the truth are, in faut, great self_ deceivers, as they would know did they but subject the!! conversation, for even one day, to a rigid analyie;. Did they recollect how often the phrase, glad to see you hag really meant, pray Re aa s00n as yoU Can! how often to call again rfght have been appended but ...


... TRI DRANA. MuSiC. ETC. ?? amusing trifie, called Pugs, adapted fromdite Prench, by Mr. Keeley, the comedian, has been produced at this house, and experienced a tolerable reelp- tisD. I it Mifs Louisa Kepley asiumes the character of a vloung lady 'Of feline origin, anid an such engages the affoections bf an addle pated German student, who is made to believe in the doctrine of the ...


... DRAMA, MUSIC, ft PRLaCESS's-The quaint and original dancing of Signor Espinosa is decidedly an attractive feature at the Priu- cess's. We have never witnessed so much agility of limb conibined with such singular personal ugliness. When surrounded by the lovely young ladies of Mr. Harriss unrivalled corps de buii&, the Signor resembles a satyr in the midst of clusters of beautiful nymphs. The ...


... LITERARY XXSOELLAxEA. 8li~rr naovzmcv-h ~ begoodiri sef elf -MproienI lit workit so 1oknie pa'0eical th, 'ftht hive ptf-in, r try, ancl~er. 'AiL consi~ble xr fbtaf the faitory. people~there ge fouiid out that bee3 a miau ha; 1~ the-.miifortie toghrow 4 gnht^ e o remain an ignoramnus all his life. That is a greet discovery Ws heav ofdrawin& c astses, pp''try-_4asses, clastes in~ ~'-ft-100t ...


... 1 ti: EBAZt E 5.2 -,t ., io 6 ' . 1 a , ?? ., flub V111 rM7 8nsii91Ly, At Malid.OS4aln war;'psr:djhe'rbncltrevolation reform found ~ ~at~uge~t m -loa~Athe crwn he was * 5 ?? 31whlcb, vt X ed' ?? aftat~ards Piued f'eha i lfor haod Inols aidin a'he not shj his;,fearem -theoi f ni adull idombifif:*diyee'b-aunota' of- mghthanbee 1 ife it e lot' e- ad his~t !coaljeorsWiwrn ~rn ~kefell thoiti-fa al ...


... T.H ?? SE1: DRAXa^, ;kusic, ETC.' Covm1NT GAuDxN. .Theaguenota hss been revived for tha purpose of Madame Grisi' appearing in her ?? character of Va ta. Herpiesnee was hailed with enthusiasm, and althongh time bhs materially im- pai2ed Madams's voal powers, she is still the finest tra gic actress on the Iljie stage- Mario, as RentaL acteul th sces. alonal impulse, and sang withtp aiful ...


... .TH Du.ANA, :T(SIC, ETC. Ro ITLXAL OPa COVEnT ?? long. expected production of Mayerbeer's new epera, Le Pardon' da rioerm elt toeak plate en ?? night. A consider. abl -portion of the music lhas been newly written; and, conaideking how careful, conscientious, and fastidious U. eayerbeer is known to be in whatever concerns his own works, we may imagine the amount of time and labour he hls ...


... IZTERARY XISOELLAVEA. ~~ I . I~tII A. FANATICAL ClT~snr PltATEN -William Cole gaye, This was brought to me, Aug. 21, 1776, by Dr. Ewi, Of Cambridge, from Dr. Colignon, who took it out of cn old 'Fog's Journal ?? 0 Lord, thou knowest that I have rine houses in the City of London, and likewise that I llave lstely purchosed an estate in fee simple in the county of Esex. lrd, I beslech thee to ...


... , WMW 071 !30So . SEEEIDAI AN~D HIS, Thas. X0ope, orqS 8'5 -ThisIs teprouctio of 5Au otognarian,'who stood a by Serian'skne inyuth andsatathisa table in man c hoo. Te atho thnkstha.Shridn'smemory. has not ,d bee dne usicetobyhisbigrahes.Moor'so ?? palliate Shideridan's outrageeus 'profligacy,dihnsyad carelesenees'lsi us that.aI o individual wti h of the sea-igirt isle, knew or respected, ...


... TIHE DEAKA, 1NUSIC, ETC. DRUF.Y LAria.-Oa Wednesday night, Mr. E. T. Smith's bene15t took place at Drury Lane, and, as might have bean expected, the house was crammed in every part -a fact Which is not to be wondered at, as the programme Pab forth was eulficient to attract any number of the music- lyvlng Public, and the popularity of Mr. Smith commands the million. The performance commenced ...