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Reynolds's Newspaper


... THE DRAXA, KUSIC, ETC. DRTUR LAxz -The opera revived on Thursday night- II Gluramrento, by Mercadaote-contains much music that is pleasing. Mdfle. Guarducci and Mdme. Weiker took the two princtpal female parts, and acquitted themselves admirably-the former lady executing some rather difficult mueic in the beginning of the second act with the consum- mate skill for which she is so remarkable. ...


... FAHIO>i FOR PNVĀ£1WBkPl * 0 ~~[FSOm Le FOZ~et.j - A new woollen fabric, with patterns of flowers woven in, or brocheee, will be vary-fsbhionable this winter. Reps antique with black or brown ground, sprigged asl over with sm8all flowers in blue, pink, g een, lihar, &c., are also in great faycur. This material- is vary. thck, and is alse made in etripes. One of the prettiest of these designs is ...


... REVIEWS or BOOKS. tar of a new:advey6f uiab isp ui-ye ?5iod~ies its articles are 4l wiltieniqed amuinwl tellin Of ?? adveniture atthome sld abiciad'~4 tl i1,teR dand the jungle. AnoateeoL Goe ho~ib~b Pen of that experlieced *MrseM.Ch oh~~ wl be peculiarly acpal us tti uheti~ih the crack of the -gunim teyhm er pn h Scottish' moors. There isaloom so davcet tgspts men contained in ae~ nll4 Frt ...


... ?? ~~ISORLL~~~.NZA. ~ fo wha y e an. tob .e ?? life ofn s -itlii` periion Of -iec ?? prove mora interesting than that of a gentlemien who hai or BO many Years given a marked and most honourable im. prusw-to the highest ?? draim The work will enist tea ympathesanid ingago the attentin of countless readers in al elasses of the community,0ys, nd We may likewise say in all nations; for it h s ...


... EnVIEW8 Or BOOKS. TrrAN.- Hogg, Fhlet street.- Titan is more than assually uprightly this month. It contains some very pleasant, amussing reading, albeit the opening article on sermons and sermnonising is somewhat ponderous - as becomes, We Presu3Me, such grave and important matters, ,,MIy Early Days is an exciting story, written in that peculiar style so attractive to the million of ...


... TlW-FALSXZONS. LTg iom LC Foet.] Tbe prevailing colours for visits of ceremony and dinner dress are: bright blue and silver grey; blue of a deeper shade, bright brown, violet, and green of different shades for walking dress. Three skirts are sometimes worn, even in heavy materials; but the greatest novelty is the double ekirt-one of satin, the other of velvet the same colour, but not the same ...


... LITERARIT. XNISELWTEA. NORS AxD STABLss.-Blindhes -among -horses is caused, in .a great measure, by keeping them in dark con- fined stables, and shading' their eyeaswith haresja blinders. Dark, ill-ventilated, cellar stables are quite common.;, this stupid. practice should be abolished, becase such stables aen very detrimental to tha'hialth of thes'e noble nimale. All stables abould'be dtr; ...


... LITEBARY XISOEuLANIA. BLrm EYES -The Saxon race, it is worth noting, ale a blue-eyed race; so that a blue eye is no sign ofweeinass. It is maid that all the Presidents of the United States, except General Harrison, had blue eyea. Among the great mnt of the world the blue eyes appear to have been pre. dominant. Socrates, Shakspere, Locke, Bacon, Milton, Goethe, Franklin, andt Napoleon, all had ...


... THE DRAXZ& DUSIC,7 ETC. DFnuy LAwn-On Easter Monday, Drury Lane Theatre opened for the perfdrmance of Italian opera, at a scale of prices Placing this choicest Of entertainments within the reach of al. The theatre, both within and withour pre. setted oue blaze of light; the grand central chandelier being surrounded by seven satellites, and pendant gas ilin- sniuntorS were Suspended at evey ...


... '. Bevy-or Cl.u9 Dcc 7~0t, Wiffsqtdn 8iregt AMerth.-Ledr~-A~riod of P several r d e5ii 5lconductslO4 wev)&l peliodical,] ' ?? l4PG.JAlde fane. It- waiteditAd. with , judgment, taste, and. talnt it abounded in amusmet andginstrctiont;e and ilet-;sceswepo rijae eto Its partnership, wherein Nesers. Bri~dbury ad Evansi, the on 1 knwn nd h~hi~resectblaprinters., were in-,, messing the 'larger-ihr. ...


... THE DRAiffA tTSO,- ETO. DnuaY ILA=-The manager of this national theatre having selecled a truly national story for the plot.of an opera, William and Susan; or, all in the Downs, was produced with deserved and unequivocal success ?? last Mlr. Smith has chosen a mest opportune-time for the preduction of this novelty. The navy has al*ays been a popular service ; it at this moment occupies ths ...


... W,111~-iM P3O' *pTTrAx. Hoqg, Floc-sreet.-Thua moiithlj ?? of the beat of its elsse, has of late gitmefvidencaoe.>re zenwed vitality. Its cotn~rg=,*& caen. The August numbeis? a MlIN& tk~ki =one or two geod tales. and a biographicij aketolh of the ile- ?? p Post~nee touche wa Aip in the art of thieving. He ur ~ d~the Fourteenth. lie wee hen g~tan o-a band of thieves, mudres burglars. &C., ...