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Advertisements & Notices

... WINTER EVENING AMUSEMENTS. SPIERS & SON -PESPECTFUILLY invite in inspection of the ?? following portion of their Stock, suitable for the present season*- OHESSD¢EN, including the celebrated Staunton pattern, St. George's Club. Edinburgh, and others, il ivory, bone, and ?? Boards nnd Tables, Baclegammnon and Draught Boards. BAGATELLE BOARDS. The Games of Cannonade, Squails, Royal Garrison, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i ,pOUND, esupposed to have strayed,-A LODANT F HjEiER :-the owner may receive thle samte by apply- in g to Mrs. 13idger, Pomfrct Cawtleo are, (,oin, and upayoin all reasonable e-pellces. ?? 22, 1i:S. NEW YEAR'3- FAIR. THE ROYAL OAK COMIMIERCIAL INN, ¢I IlRLB lR ?? OXON. CA1 PITAL ACCOMMAIODATION at this House. IJ-Enclosed Fields of Pa.stare for Cattle.-Di-ner on the table it Twelke o'clock. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEAL & SON'S S NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE CONTAINS Designs and Prices of 150 different J Articles of BED ROO!M FURNITURE, as weell as of 100 BEDSTEADS and Prices of every description of Bedding SENT FREE BY POST. HEAL and SON, Bedstead, Bedding, & Bed Room Furniture Manufacturers, 196, Tottenham Court-road, London. SOUTH AFRICAN WINES. CLArET, 18S. per dozen; Stsnaxy, 20s. ; high class ditto, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1859. CALENDAR EOR THE WEEK. Jan. 1 S. Circumcision.-Sun rises at 8.8. - 2 Su. SECOND SUNDAY AFTER CURISTMAS. Morning Lessons-Isaiah 41st; Matthew Ist, Even- ing Lessons-Isaiah 43rd; Romans 1st. - 3 M. Sun rises at 8.8; sets at 4.1. - 4 Tu. New Moon, 5.26 anm. - 5 W. Day increased 12 minutes. - 6 Tin. Epiphany (Old Christmas Day). - 7 F. Penny Post established, 1840. Noltices to Advcrtisers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P. II. I1AMBIDIGE, BURY FIELDS, BOURTON-ON-TIE-)VATER, B EGS to inform his friends and the public t generally of his intention of commencing the Business of AUCTION EER and VALUER of FARIIING STOCK; and hopes, from his experience and knowledge of stock, combined wvith a punctual attention to all conimissions he may be favoured with, to receive their patronage and sup- port t .ecember 15, 1858. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Enamelled Slate Chimney-pieces. HE LJLLANGOLLEN SLATE COMPANY TLbc n,'pectfully to infoermt tie public that they livtr ?? Mr. JAMES JO1INSON, of Oxford, Timbier Morclianit, sole Agent for Oxfordi and its vicinity, for thlie Sale of their Enamelled Slate Chinlineypieces. These Chimney-iieocs, in design and effct, are very, superior to Marble. An a-sortment on view, at prices from 1,s. Gld. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ORIGINAL SHETLAND WAREHOUSE. C STANDEN AND COMIPANY, TAILORS, No. 28, HIGH STREET, OXFORD, RESPECTFUL.LY invite inspection of their C large and seell-assorted STOCK of SHETLAND C TWEEDS, peculiarly adapted for Suits and Over Coats for fr the present season.-Suits, complete, from 73s. 6d. Electro-Plated Table Cutlery, F warranted quality, from the best Makers, at O SPIERS & SON'S WAREHOUSES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RARE WINES for Connoisseurs. (MHOICE PORT, of 1834 Vinutage (Sandeman'n J 8hipping), 9i6s, per dozern; and, in marignumire, 180B. Ac This ?? is mellow and fruitv, yet free from sweetness- and possessing great flavor. Very dry Old Port, 84s.; ex ue ceedinglv pale dry Sherry, free from spirit, much recom mended for invalids, 72e. per dozen. Clarets, from 36s. to 84s. Champagne, 60q., 72., and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HUNTING APPOINTMENTS. The Heythrop Hounds. MONDAT ?? Pomnfret Castle. WEVDNESDAY ?? Bs ell Grove. FRIDAY ?? . loorton lVood. SATURDAY .. iddington Gate. Each day at half-past ten o'clock. South Oxfordshire (Earl MTacclesfield's and Colomil Fane's) Hounds. / MONDAY ?? Britwell Cross Roads. FUI)DAY .Park Farm, Mattrperry. At a quarter before eleven. Mr. Drake's Hounds. TUESDAY ?? ?? illae. r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE OF DIVIDEND. BANK OF DEPOSIT, No. 3, PALL MALL EAST, LOND/ON, SW. THE WARRANTS for the HALF-YEARLY 3Interest, at the rate of 5 per Cent, per Annun, on Deposit Accounts, to the 30th of December, w ill be ready for delivery ott and after the ] 2th of January, and payable daily between the hours of Ten and Four. PETER MiIORRISON, M1anaging Director. Parties desirous of Investilng Moiniev ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROPOSED PORTRAIT OF TIHE Tght l-Ion. J. W. HENLEY, M.P., CHAIRMAN OF THE QUARTER SESSIONS FOR THIS COUNTY, To be placed in the County Hal l, Oxford. AVD~ITIONAI SUBSCiRITIONS. £ a. d. Rev. F. Cart wright, Oakley, Thame 2 2 0 H. Churchill, Esq., Deddington. ?? II0 Mr. I. Scadding, Thiamoe .. 0 10 6 I1r. John Wear'u gin. jun., Oxford. .. ?? 0 10 6 Mr. H. Costa, Stadhampton .. ?? 0 10 0 As FUAN; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE MORNING POST to be DISPOSED was T OF at half-price, the day of ?? to tors, Mr. Parsons, bookseller, Abingdon. oved FARM TO LET. r91HE QUARRY HILL FARM, in the parish 'abl L g of ingiam Oson, fron the 25th of March next; led consisting of 136tA. 1R. OP. of chiefly Arable Land, mostly hrile a turnip and barley soil, with a suitable House and Home- stall i the centre, now in the hands of ...