... EXTmRODIIARY REVELATIONS. The enquiry was resumed on Wednesday morning, when several witnesses spoke as to being bribed. Mr. Thomas Taylor, solicitor, Wakefield, agent for the election expenses of Mr. Charleswortlh, stated the total at £652. lOs. Knew of no other expenses. The book pro- duced contained the several items; the leaves at the com- mencement were cut out, as the book had been used ...

Published: Friday 07 October 1859
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1812 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... The landholders of Aberdeenshire met on Wednesday, in the County Buildings, Aberdeen-Mr. 7homson, the con- vener of the county, presiding-anent imposing a volun- tary assessment on their property, for the purpose of de- fraying necessary expenses in the formation of county rifle and artillery corps. There was a numerous attendance. From a statement read by the convener, it appears that at the ...

Published: Tuesday 27 December 1859
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 705 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Court and Official

... Cctrl W Offidal. WINDSOR C.ASTL, Ootober 24.-The Quen -r,1, l3ince Consort, wvith Prince Arthur, walked in the grol inds of the Castle this morning. The Princesses Alice, Helena, and Louisa. rode in the P.iding-houso. The Dakde do Nemours visited her Majesy. RE-APrOINTmrERT OF SIn G. Gngy.-At the interreew on Thursday the Duke of Newocastle, after intina'tin-; his entire concurrence with the ...

Published: Wednesday 26 October 1859
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 443 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

District News

... pistlia pws. DUDLEY. Arnesog the gentlemen who underwent ?? at the Royal Cocllege of Surgeons, on Friday last, and received diplomas.5to PrM- ti~e as members of the eame, wes Mr. George Edward Horton, Gf this town. Tim SCALEt OF RMUNERctATION TO WITroMESex.-The effeet which the present low acale of rcecuneration to prosecutors anid witnesses has In obs tructing the adsninistration of justice ...

Published: Wednesday 02 November 1859
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 8261 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... MISOELLANEOUS. CHAPILAINS IN HER MAJESTY'S Anmy.-A ioyal war- rant has been issued, whereby chaplains of the Presby- terian and Roman Catholic persuasions are put precisely on tho samea footing as those of the United Church of England and Ireland. It provides that the pensions to be given to the widows of chaplains shall be at the rates granted to the widows of orphans of corresponding rank. ...

Published: Wednesday 14 December 1859
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1900 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... RE FOR M CON FERENCE AT MANCHESTER. MR. BRIGHT'S SPEECH. [BY ELECTRIC TELEonAPH.] MAN CHESTER, Tuesday Evening. A Reforne Conference was held this afternoon in the assembly- room of the Free Trade Hall; Mr. GEoneou WILSOX in the chair. A resolution approving of Mr. BrIght ?? Bill, and pledging the meeting on behalf of the Reformers of South Lancashire to support it, was carried unauimously. Mr ...

Published: Wednesday 02 February 1859
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1112 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

District News

... Restrict Fews. DUDLEY. CHAP.Oz OF oWILFUvL DAMAGIC AGjINST A WORIKMAN,- At the Public Office, yesterday, before T. Fereday, Eaq., a puddler in the employ of William liaden, Esq., named Thomas Hiadley, was charged with wilfully committing damage to and upon a certain iron roll by breaking the same. From the statement of Mr. Longhurst, the manager of the works, and one of the workmen, it ...

Published: Tuesday 12 July 1859
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4808 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... Is the brevity aud the meagreness of the Speech which her MAJESTY delivered yesterday afternoon to be accounted for on the supposition that as it is not improbable the' ceremony of inaugurating a New Parliament will have to be repeated' speedily, there was no use in wasting many words ? Or are Ministers so determined upon a stand-up fight with the Opposition that they have intentionally turned ...

Published: Wednesday 08 June 1859
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2220 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... LATEST NEW S.l BY E[.EOTRIO AND ITERNlATIONAL TELSEGtAPIH. OrIcEs, TzMPRL BUILDINGS, SW SzwEE . THE WAR. RUMIOURED REVERSE OF GARI- BALDI. The Hurtd's Turin and Paris correspondents state their belief that Garibaldi has met with a reverse in attacking Urb~an. The news of a great battle on the MlinCio is daily ex- -pected in -Paris. THE AUSTRIAN AND ALLIED MOVEMENTS. IMIARSEILLIS, Tuesday. ...

Published: Wednesday 22 June 1859
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 862 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... The usual weekly reeting of the Watch Comrmittee was hem yestorday, the Chairman (Alderman Manign) pridiog. Oni Gus matter worthy of notice occupied the attention of. the getiterzef present, and this had relation to the question mooted at the two precedinglmeetings, relative to the swearing of apprafseri In ieA- ations of distress, and the consideration of which was defeyred ti order .that the ...

Published: Wednesday 29 June 1859
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 689 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... THE REPRIEVE OF DR. SMETHURSTs LATEST PARTICULARS. [Freom the Observer of - yesterday.] The reprieve of the prisoner was quite unexpected. During the early part of the week Dr. Smethurst appeared to be in very good spirits, and seemed quite confident that the sentence would not be carried out, as he was fully in- formed of all that was going on outside, and also with the interview that his ...

Published: Monday 05 September 1859
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1651 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... LATEST NEWS-' ST EELrRIE AND INTERNATIONAL T= RIUH. Omrasm TONEp; BuIDINGS. NEW STREET. THE TUSCAN DEPUTATION IN TURIN. TuRItN, Saturday, September 3rd.-The members form- ing the Tuscan deputation arrived here to-day at noon. The municipal bidy and some members of the Parliament went to receive them at the railway terminus. The streets through which they passed were richly decorated. An im- ...

Published: Monday 05 September 1859
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1068 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News