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... PEOPLES LECTURE3. I Last evening, Dr. Linlcester, M.D., P.RS., super. intendent of trio animial produet and food department *nat tlia South Kensington Musieumi, deliveredlin the concert Hall, Lord N olson-street, the first of a series t.of six popular lectures on 1Food. There was a Ls good attendance. His Worship the May~or, T. D. 1. Anderson, Esq., presidei, and amongst ot ler gentle. 1 ...


... ?? THE TEAR. When infant innocence is grieved, And hath not power to say In words, the import of its wrong, What giveth utterance way? When tides of unexpected joy, Like mountain billows come, What tells the rapture of the heart, Though speech itself be dumb? When pent within its secret cell The agony of grief, Upheaving, threats exhausted life, What lends the soul relief? When Folly in ...


... joiktfui from junncb. VERY BAD LiVErnS.-Q. What did the East India Com. pany die of? A. Indi(a)-gestion? TaiE LADIES' PLAGUE.- Burn the crinoline I Yes, my dear, 'tis all very well to say, burn the crinoline; but suppose you are in it ? HIT 'Ex AGAIN.- The Law Times is in ecestacies be- cause the attorneys of England have resolved to wear robes in court. If they'd go one stcp further, ...


... POEMS BY ELizA CooL-People's Edition.-Routtedge and Co. Amongst the many poets who have latterly attuned their Iyres to themes which directly appeal to the sym- pathies, hopes, and aspirations of the masses of the people, no one has received a more cordial recognition than Eliza Cook. A thoroughly healthy English tone pervades her works. If a profound regard for truth in its humblest ...


... l A F J . THE, FASHIONS FOR JUNE. ( f's-w the Lalies' Treasu-y.9 t Arrong tthe most reinirkable novelties in the e4 ?? of the Present season, we m11tust notice thle ?? of birds as timhings for hats and bonenets. On a recent occasion the limpres of thle French wore a bomnet ?? White crapsc, with a bsunaffling.birdI Plae~d on aspray of lilac. And onrirding-hats birds Of considerable taifo are ...


... I THE PRESCOT HORTICULTURAL, I tFLOWER, & POULTRY SHOW. This exhibition, which is one of the mtost attrac- tive of its kind held in the rural districts of Liver- pool, took place yesterday in a field Slppropriated for the purpose at Parkside, Pie~scot. The show, As on former occasions,, excited tite most lively interest amongst the inhabitants of Fresuot, fldgs; being dis. played from the ...

Pickings from Punch

... jictkino from J*rancb. Tus HoUe MAOAzxNz.-The caddy which contains the domestic gunpowder. GNTLENHSS OF TrE SEX.-After all, woman's forte is her ?? Paltmerston. BUCoLEUCa 5. BROUGHAM.-It is the drone and the busy bee. A TEETOTALLETRs DEFrNITIoN.- Language is most I decidedly only given to a drunken man to disguise his I thoughts. e A LETTER TO MANY.-Count Roguet has been sent by Louis ...


... AN ENTOMOLOGIOcAL PRIZE. - If our readers should chance to find on a fir-tree a large caterpillar, of bright green Colour, with brown stripe down the back, ter- minating in a black tail, let them carefully carry it home, taking a branch of fir for it to feed on, and give it a box with some loose earth at the bottom. If all goes well with it, it will change first into a brown chrysalis, then ...


... LABOUR. 'This world is not our lasting dwelling- A little music, sun, and balm; A little love, that grows by telling; A little dream, our fear dispelling; A goldon calm, A mournful psalm, And He who gave His own has taken. There is a sterner love than maiden Craves, morits, and evokes-I mean A love for those whose hearts are laden With misery; who meet no Eden- No spot of green, Their grief to ...


... A STORY OF IMSERY. Who At the Middlesei qscssonsd; on Tuesdiay, before Mr. the Bodk~l, assistanit ?? 40, was indicted for The~ ?? 15;yards frB bnvae .6d 6 yards of ribbon, rew value . ?? yin, 61 r he-,o esr.SeeherodC. f et Be ha Cour * e leade ?? vr eg~whelmed i*ith' grief. M Seig si eapardfor the ~'o'pilsoner~ ?? all inoeiya taaaemore dis- rder ?? its siroumstances ha ee oeudrhsnotice. the' ...


... I TE!IPERANCE FES !V L a |T'EUPERtANCE FFS'RIVAt L.- ?? -- 4 ?? TOX PET1t-PARK .r TIM. The final returns for hlbnday stow' that about 7000 persons pair for adaliision into the field in the Dingle; and, strange to say, notwithstanding the drenchin- ruin in the afternoon, a large propeortini of the whole number, who partially seeltered thei. selves in the field or returned to it after the sito. ...


... | LITERARY EXTR ACTS.h w - ?? . ?? th I . THE AMERic PURflAN5.--O rigs weru -ar- and rules of these Puritans, that We cannot refrain from | nioticing some of them; indeed,. there remains some of' l the old Puritan spirit to this day in Boaton, for, although rarely enforced, it is against the lawnda al punishabl offence, te smoke in the street. On ecnday, al persons were forbidden to run, or ...