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Freeman's Journal


... FASflIONABLE, INTELLIGENCE. His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant enter- tttled at dinner on SatSarday eveningernsot ?? Earlof Cardigan, Lady Carolina LLscelle8, and the Misses Las- celles Col., 11oon J, and Lady Sarah Lilldsay ' Colonel and Mts colonel and SMre WerCn nrol, the Knight of Kerry, Mrs Wiilisams,Mien Wlliancl, Colonel Douglass, Colonel Unntt, onolnel Durnn, Colonel S trding, Colonel ...


... * BALLINASLOE JANUARY FABR. Fe (vRon ?? COURsRSPOaDENT.) 3 BALLONABLOB,.SATURDAY.-This wag the third anal- it versary of our'new fair, and, though a fatlure to a certain a eitent, was and ?? this yearby the inlsub'tants of fhe h town and the l farmers. I cm happy to state those It towpn atond h ot becn realized. Some of the great a lelolster buyeri, o take so prominent a part In our greati Qe ...


... -1 DUBLIN UNIVERaSITY IMAGAZIrEC. (A. To71m a 4d 10 )) -The Prize Esesay is concluded, and, though the first part has been ratber sharply attacked by sonme English critics as too theoretical for application, we see nothing in the objaction, for the samna would lie against any other remedy of a like nature, which had not, because it could not, be tested by experience. 1hough we differ in some ...


... I FASHIONABLE, INTELLIGENCEa - The Duk1) pl' Hamilton hbs arrived in London from Paris, In consequence of tile demite of the Dowager Do1011's oft Hamilton. . Tue Marchioness of Ormonde, family and suite, are sojourning at Castle Townsend, near Skibbereen for the bathing season. The ]Eorl of' Beatborough has arrived in London from Beasborotigh House. Tile Coittaes of Clonmel and. the Ladies ...


... EASTER AM7TSEMENTS. I-. Ig EASTER RAILWAY EXCURSIONS. a2 Arrangements have been made by the directors of the e Great Sonthern and Western, the Midland Great Western, Id the Dublin and Drogheda, and the Dublin and Wicklow - Railway Companies to give Incoreased faollittie to excar, sloniats during the Easter holidays. These regulations, while they will coutroibute much to the enjogyment and ed ...


... ART UNIONOF IRELAND. I The Managing Committee met on Tuesday last, the 12th inetant, at the office, No. 73, Grafton-atreLl.- . There were present -The Right Hon. M1 ziere Brady, n V.P., in the chair. John Barton, Esq., Walter Sweet- . man, Eq., J.P.; J. Calvert Stronge, Esq., J P. ; Dr. . Potrie, H.R.H.A. ; Wm. Jenhins, Esq., L.L.D. ; John D Leutaigne. Esq., J.P. ?? F. Mulvany, Esq., a ?? ...


... . Thc announcement of a viceregal comblind night (. 6amewhat rare occurrence of late) and the selebtiorn foi 'presentation of Sbalispeares noble comedy of Afuch' ado 'about Nothing, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean in the two leading characters, had the effect, As might have been expected, of bringing together ani overfowing and highly fashionable audience. 'The' houie was thronged in every ...


... TIlS ITALIAN OPERA. I r - ?? ?? ?? - z - ?? ?? .- . Donlzetti's opera La Favor*2 was prevented Yecterday evening to a comparatively thin bouoe. Its muai a enot familiar to the e3r of the general pbtblio, and aitbhoub, when produced EoMe seaeons o10 With Nert ereldil, and Madame Spezia as Fcrrando and Leonrga, its recepioen was most enthusiastiO, it doca not seem to have tgliel that deep hold ...


... I .- _ s .I BOYIE.-The show of Stook of everY aegciptronin Monday was unpreoedentedly large. Everything bought underwent a large reductoa in value as compared wiih the fair of the 26th of Maroh last. Mlich cows were bought In considerable numbers, though not at high prioes; the ?? Bptiagera offered bringing from 101 1Os to 141 10s6 d; less valuable once and good strippers from 71 ?? to 111 ?? ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLTGENCE, Ir AYT!TO 'WJi rTlJiPT' THE QUIGUN'S LEVEH. Her Majesty the Queen hold a levae on Wednesday after. noon in St. Jamemob 3alace, The Queen and Prince Consort arrived from leuphiagham Palace soon after two o'clock, escorted by a dedoobment of the Royal Horse Guardsand were received by tle great ooffier of state. Tbe Queen and Prince Consort entered thc throneroom ...


... FASIIIONABLE INTELLIGENCE, DEPARTIURE OF THE LOED LiPUTENANT,- i ldsn.Erc'ey the Lord Lientenont left tho Viceregal Lodge on S3ctuvxri nornisig. at lcatf.pnet eight o'cloek, in a covered enenij~ee and proceeded by 5peesia train, at a quarter to nince. turn the Westland-row termlinus to Klngstnwn, where bc eceh~lced cn board a ept'i~l slenner for Holiyhead. His tcc ccy goes to takec his seat ...


... IMUSIC AND AMAGIC. ?? . .. , ?? ylin Ithe 1iA; ?? of the Antecut C;: rtceterta urtiept iv-s p: ejcnted part sking of the d~i,,bi b0a; r c a':V-I an .l viniqte veo:a and instru. rn-il p- :.r: urc, a3-d of f-tie 5f - elehict of hard and o! p1rl-ur riwgio umiurpa3e-ed by any othtr t shi li i'~a wf t e ?? 1t~ ever wz eseeci in Dublin. Tie propric. aur m:s: ' r,'rrcvycr in thbn cuaionu and moit ...