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Freeman's Journal


... I FASHTIONABLE IYNTrELLicT(FNCE. I The Right Rev.. Dr. Byrne, Bishop of Little itock, Akanmisas, U. S., has arrived at thle European Ilotel f'osn Watorfurd. Lord Aylnser, who has bioci staying ait the Adeiphi ibidl, Liverpool, for the hlast foss' diupe, less3 gone to join Isis family ait Richmond, Canada East, ha ving inailod oin Thursday morning, in liesa teamnes Anglo Saxon, for Quebec and ...


... CHRIS TAS. Although the word' C/IN ?? comes to us from England, it is suggestive of thoughts 1,olier and fim- measurably more important than thle feasting with t which it is there usually associated. It is one of a class ] of compounded terms, all and each of which, when f resolved into their constituent parts, tell us in a manner -iwhich can neither be doubted nor mistalren, that England Was ...


... :FASIIIONABLE INTELLIGENCE. | Toe preparations for the marriage of Prince Napfl con, Bays a Paris letter in the 1ndepefidance of Brussels, are going onl actively. The corbdtle of the young bride more particularly excites curiosity. A dress and sihawl of Alencon lace of groat ralue; three Indian shawls of extraordinary beauty; and the diamonds of the Prlncess Catherine of Wur. temberg, which ...


... I FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE, DEJEUNER AT TilE VICEREGAL lODGE. His Excellenoy the Lord Lieutenant entertained a large ard fatshionabl as3eonblage at an elegant dejeu;ner, at the Voaregel Lodge, yesterday. Amongst those proc sent were the following:- The Lord Chancellor and the Misses Brady (2), General I and Mrs Larcoc, Viscount and the Viscountes Avonmore mid the lion Miss Yetverton, Lord ...


... I The Earl and Countess of Stradbroke are at Ilonlime, entci'tainlflg a large circle of visitors, the flall heaving recientlyundal'goflO extenSh'O Imlsrovoinefits amount- Ste Ing to 10,000W. , It There is ?? ~~iOk f ithe 'rnagnificedpc6 of Al ?? r m rnpess'a apa~~rtoeleijn thei,'Taulertes, whiclh'lhave betin Mr' J sely furhishell and deiiorated durnin~tha i'ccas tatvery-great Tm ~oit Hi ...


... F ASHIONABLE INTELIAGENCE. I Mr. J. 0. Lever, M P., and a numerous party of tho directors of the Atlantic Royal Mail Navigation Compan.N. are staying at Kilroy'd Hotel, Galway. EUROPaAN HOTFL.-Arrivals-P. E. O'Reily, Iq, J.P. - and DliFs O'Relly, Mr antd Mrs I cnehan, Rev Mr O'Loaghlan, Rev J Dowling, Rev Mr Carberry; Messrs Gib. son, Dillon, Coleman, Wallace, Ennes, O'Sultlvan. Depar. ?? Rev ...


... TIHE ITALIANOPERAA. I Dec dedly attractive as the opera of Afe'ia has beotnme in Dublin, the announcement of Its performance yesterday o evening, for the third time, and for the benefit of Madama Vlardot Garola, was received with general gratifdestion by the pubilo, nud the reception on the occaslon, of that t gifted donna, In the. character of Nancy, ahowed how v fully they appreciate her ...


... I - FASHIONABLE INTELILGENCF. | T1E 1ViCBRF.GAL STAPF.-Captain the Hon L A Ellis, of the HliUienny Riflop, Lieutenant Cocheroll, of the North Gloucester, Cap:ain a Lascelle, of the Royal Ar- tillery, and Brevet Major I R Forstcr, of the 4th Dragoon | Guards, have been appointed Aides do Camp to tho Lord Jli utenaut of Iroland. Tte folohwiteg ut'oer aro extra Aides do Camp:-Ensign A F W Gore, ...


... I THE ITA'LIAN OPERA. Verdi's opera of Aacfaeta was presented yesterday even. ing for the third time before a numerous and highly ?? house, 80 far as the dre53 box oircle was con- ceined, which compileed not a few Of the most influem- tial patrons of mus10 resident in Dublin end its vicinity. Madame Garcia was forib'le yet natural, and consequently effective in the part of Lady Macbeth. Her ...


... . We witneased laet night with Intense gratifisation, and now record with equal pleasure, the pe-feoliy successful presentation (for ithe first time out of Ita;y) of Verdis grand opera sria of Macbeti onthe stage of the Theatre Royal. That thbis ha been an nudortaking of no emall difficulty, Involving a vast amount of laborious prepara. tlion, no person even slightly conversant with Musical ...


... I rASI-IION AND VARIETIES. l Colonel the Right I-Ion. W. F. and Lady Louisa Tighe have roturned to Woodstock, from Dcssborousgh. The Right Hon. the Lord Chief Justice has errived at the fa'mily mansion, Carrlcltglass, from Dublin, where his lordship expects to slpend the Christmas, surrounded by a large family circle, Ilis lordship is in the enjoyment of good health. The Lord Justice of Appeal ...


... Bini.-This fair, held on Saturday, was one of the largest, and the show of stock more numerous than wee ever witnesned. Fat cattle briskly changed hands, and well finished heifers sold at from 45s to 52s Gd per cwt; middling beef was almost a drug at from 35s to 45s. Two years old of a good description averaged from 91 to 10t lOs. Yearlings weore not in demand ; a fair class brought from 51' ...