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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, D R BLIN. i E ?? of *TMADL. PICCOLOMIINI a T . TommenCC u on SATURDAY, October Istst, 1859 1 81i,2 S IUEN'S RUEOYAL TTHEATRE. q T? R~~es ?? N ight cix ?? the great Comedian, tl Te following dfstingulished Artistes will appear :-Miss 1iGuHES, ?? WALTER GORDON, GASTON MUJRRAY, _ GEORGE COOKE, and CHARLES CONWAY. Free List em- C ?? rtlende-T ed se T I (MoLondav), September 5th. e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN T Engagenent ef MADLI.E. PICCOL011INI For Five Nights only. M:. HARRIS ?? the honour to announce a series of ITA- LIAN Ol1ERA.S commencing on SATURDAY, October Ist, 1,359 with the following disting ished Artistes:- ladile. PICCOLOMNINi, Signor M1ERCURIAL!, sladlle. DELL'ANESE, Signor RiOSSI, Signor BELART, Signor CASTELLI, Signor CORlS, Signor DADI Signor ALDIGIIERI, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED. t U J Mt)e.r tO be p a. P- ~~a b lT eetable young Man, to ?? cltlro ad 8upoi-Intend a Public house; lie will teitir t bewel rcommninfded for honesty, sobriety, &sc., and ind ecurty. ddress F M, Office of this Paper. n3o,4 00 AD HitOU SRVANT,-' Wvanted, astrong country Girl aS uboaO in sa business 'house. .Apply for threo.days, to 21, . Gre ntiBrltaO-stCO from One to Three o'Clock. _ S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rIRE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRF. 1 Last tbree Nights of the renowlnetl Low Comedian. Dir J L TOOLE, of the New Adolphi Theatre, Lontion. In consequence of Mr. TOOLES o her Engaoeemtis, n will be impo~sible for bim to extend Lis stiay. 'Tbh Free List entirely saoVedk3, the Press ?? On THIS EVENING (Tunsday), August 28., 1859 Obn Psrfofm4ntcs will commence with (first time) Pi'inche', List New and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WTEANTED. 0b6mIposTORS ateaf th oth a Compositor, who can take a tulc tum reporttinrga; none but onewhee ?? ua will as competence canbe guaranteed awaeed apply. Address, stating salary expected, Comp sitor, It the Office of this Paper. COACH SMITHS.- Wanteda, afirst-rate Coach T Smith, I at light work, to whom constant employ | mont will be given, at one pound feur abiilings p er f week ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTI\N S. Teri To Dairymen, Bay Cobtractors, &O.-Sale of Thirty- plea five T* of Hey. root UT0 BE SOLD BYt-NICTION, on SATURDAY Tab J. NEXT, 27th Instant, on the Lands of GAY. ceiv FIELD, near Upper Leeoea-street, on the Donnybrook Road, upwards of TwentyiToua Prime FEEDING BAY, i Largp Plad Cocks, and about Fifteen Tone of Supeoior I OLD HAY, In Riok. The No Hay will be Sold in Convensent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED. (All LoUcrA to oe pi'd piid.) THE MULLINGAP GASGSci I b51T7ED).-TO GaS MANAOXERS-~W`no1 o(14 a Competent Manager for the Millinrar GGe lork Salary £70 por annum, with stona, Ganrdeal. ?? Fto, G Teeimonia1 asB to cotropetsncy p na tcrae-er to ec, ( company, aoplication, addiraj~af to III) Ghs-4I&O, ~up t tlra 2nd Ssptembtr, 1869 T-;:o Sautrnt c3 quired c4I2 in £50 ?? Oreer, 42:xoN ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. R'vel C Crirc Auction Aouctis ANKRUPTIS SALE of Drnpery GoodFI, ccOist-- liig of CobSirgi, Print Dreqspa, Shawls, Checks, Gray and White Calkoero fooierys, Tweedse, Vestinge, lauLate, FlhInuOls, Masn' Silk and Bseaver Uawe, Clotb Cops, 9SubT flandkerclefs, tiber erdiEeehm&. &erya lso Lynx, RBcon, and Soi'l Skin Overcoate cndd Car Aprapr n tte Stock of A. Rgers, removrd from Dundalk. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -%T E W T A I I O R I aD E P A R T M E 2f T. X% GENlTLZEMEN' YOUTH8NAXD BOY8S'CLOTEING, READY MSADE AND TO ORDER. HIBERNIAN HOUSE. ASTON'S QUAY, CARLISLE BRIDGE. K6BIRNIEY. COLLIS, A141 CO., will Open the above NEW DEPAUTMENT9 O. MOSDAY, 18tb, with alargeandtI lkelcoted8TOCI. of Gentlaieme', Toutba' and Boya' ClothiWS of the Neweat Cut and Style, and Mde of the beot ad most dutable materials. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H[ HE SECRET GUIDE TO HEALTH AND HAPPIXEil -A popular medi ca! worl; on nervoOsnes, lssaofiragp and general decay of the facultie, beaetifully illustratedrl 100 engr oving, sent direct from 19, B1r3ersntroet.aLa, on receipt of two pennly stamps, to pay postage. The Patentee bls conifided the preparation of tlhew Id dcitos to a rbiysician of the Royal University of Erlangac.RI monmbor of thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S- B. W. S. WOODIN TO2 NIGad T in his re Al nowned Loejocomotlve Lyra o and ?? Train long oifl wich he Introduces T ?? Ctouarte In - Oiftcon 5Mrinutes Ill Tneada, 2sh P)UBLICATIONS. ' ltcdY, January b boc, Price 5at P IsU QUARTERLY REVIEW, 2 . XXXIII JANUARY,. 1851J. .inoily Intorcsts-Letter to the Editor. slVt. I. -Eatig and ciyeding.Living ald EsiTting. - tW F OIt BE', h o ?? u lp tu re . I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. _ LIT E RA RY S A LEROM, L81, ANOLESEA.STREET'. Miscellaneous BbOligg A erao a xelntc~etO t .1standard LltsratlrO A Also ain 5 solar MIcroscope in OaiO; ToieoP4sS, D04,kesse, Gans and Pistols , A Bel Gold watch;IW Articles ina Jewellety and Plated Ware Writing Desk, Dressing Case gfiAgtvlogs, viz. 5- The Queen's Departure (a Sub- ?? Impression1); PGARlt0 .Lord CIM5?25d Gll ?? Blind ...