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Freeman's Journal


... * . . I .. . . .. . . Right 1i(on. Col ei Herbeit,, V ari- i the 3ises~ealrberi leftj~uckross on Monday, c'oufole to Hew-' opn Don, Kelsoe, .l3,.on avisitt to Mra. Herbeis soother, Laly '';leanor Bdifoeuiwlere tieyw ill remaln until aifter the Cludit- h ,1 fll* t n Iae ain'onf the 'lateat arriVa1& S G,. sb 'Hotel ' Kean, thej'. Mii ?? [ Chpnin,£nsaulit6 fr'o'm Itondtrn tfio ?? andi the' llon ...


... MAIDAMrE LIND GOLDSCIIMIDT'S CONCERTS. If ever a concert deserved the naine of tgrand, it was that given yesterday by Madaine Lind Gold- schmidt, and the talented performers associated with her oil this occasion. It was ,girand as regarded the rich and reckaercihe charlacter of tho music, as in the brilliant anid effective style of its executibu, and sel- domn, indeed, have we ...


... I l 59. Chris [he a will I uglcsi~ d4i- leyle) 4 yl- 1111strej fst (; lernfll ; 7 t hea di1, 50 ?? Ic 21b dos) W~ills ?11 thu en se I 10( fillies hJ) ,et 411 It, 8s 3st 411 ?? ODes- Oil -, anl Ir all se. .. 3 deli i uhly) 2cond laps- Five AI uucuI1runAL EsYsrs, No. I-SOILs. By Tnomrms BAa.)wIN, Lecturer on Agriculture,' Albeit Mofdel Farm, Glasnevin. (Ducbliui * Ritlis 1toberitson, 23, is m- ...


... Lord Bellew and the lIon. Miss B~ellew, and MiaJor Bellew and Mrs. Bollew, have left the St. Gcorge's Jlotcl. Lord West, accompanied by Sir Richaid Leiigno. M.P., has gone oil a tour through the Northern Italian States. Mr. Justice B3lackburne and Miss Blackburne have left the St. Gcorge's Hotel. Mrs. Lane Fox has left the St. George's Hlotel for Downbani, Norfoll, on a visit to Lord and Lady ...


... AiT uNION OF IRELAND. We have been ?? to draw attention to the arrangements of this new aesso6iatlon, by Which the dits- tributipn of prizes must tske ploce previous to the open- ing of the annual exhibition. This arraugement ndtd- rally grows out of the system of money prizes and se- lection by prizeholders, and necessitates the closing of the subscription lists at in earlier period tban the ...


... I FASHIONABLE.. INTELLIGEgNCE,. X | . BtU MAJETY'S STATE BALL-Her Ma- jesty the Queen gave on Wednesday evening, at Buckingham Palace, a state ball to a party of 2,000. The yeoman of the guard were on duty In t e grand bail, under the, ommand of Captain Macdonald, the axon In waiting. Major General Sir Travail Phillips, the lieutenant of the corpe, attended. At ten o'clock the Queen and Prince ...


... BrLLUcAN.-On Wedneeday this fair took place, and was on the whole rather encouraging than otherwise. Of prime beasts, in the beef market, the supply was not large. First clues brought about Od to 61 I per lb ; mid. ding and inrerfor, 46, to o2s per cwt. Springers ranged from 8 10s to 16i 1os for auperlor ones. Strippert5aBd dry cows mee in pretty fair demand, and brought freely from 65 16 1 to ...


... F[ 7 - I . - -- ?? - - V~ARAf Anril AD. 18959.1 Tem ,C1TVW, VOL. ?? itNO. %VV, 4Lr)K lVV ,lf I (Coadors.)-Th Critia is a weekly journal devoted to at'bjcte of literature, art, secieco, and the drama, but whicb, Ilk& ?? literary journals, exhibits I no w and then anu unmistakeable ?? tendency. We ntion it now in consequence of tbi last number contninlag two curious pieces of literary ...


... JJ'AIRS DuNLveis-At this fair on Monday the Ehow of tcet Ws, very Considerable, and sold a shade under the pricea obtained at Droghede on the 12th, beet beef realizung b~t Gd per lb, or 566 per owt under sink. Middling may le quotrd at 4 Io i.e1 per lb. Spritagers ranged from lcz to Ise for the best ones-frow 121 :to 14 being the generut run. There was sagooddeal of. store cattle on show; tu ...


... I T|he Marquis of Bath is pasitipe, the seninon at Longleate, where his-lordship will receive his Royal High. ness the 1Dulme of Cambridge and a select circle during the present week. The Marquis de Varnbagen has arrived at the Brunswick Hotel, Jerinyn-street, from Madrid. The Countess of Licbfield wag confined of a son on the 29th tilt., at the Marquis of Abercorn's seat, Baron-s.court, ...


... . Tiaeir Rlyai lligheuses tbe Daieheset of CU n-| bridge and the Princees Mary, attended by Baron Knesbecr, ' aarrived at St.'s Palace on 'I'uesday evening frnw Canm. bridge Cottage, Kew, for thoe eason. Tile Duake and Duebess of Richmond and Lady Cecilia Gordon Lennox were expected to arrive In Port. on Wednesday from (oodwood Park, Snssex. Hlis grace was Invited to the Earl ...


... I- t ])LIN SOCIETY'S WINTER 8110W. | Stitspringy slio~sof the Royal IDublintScit in * A,4 tilhe cattle -were exposed for a series of 1v wet and inclement, even for the month ?? i ourvariable and never to be depended on ':Jiatl l ain fell in torrents, and the result passages leading to where the arnimals ~1-l'gtedwelre rendered quite impassable to visitors et' r of water and heaps of mud that ...