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Advertisements & Notices

... THE MORNING POST to be DISPOSED was T OF at half-price, the day of ?? to tors, Mr. Parsons, bookseller, Abingdon. oved FARM TO LET. r91HE QUARRY HILL FARM, in the parish 'abl L g of ingiam Oson, fron the 25th of March next; led consisting of 136tA. 1R. OP. of chiefly Arable Land, mostly hrile a turnip and barley soil, with a suitable House and Home- stall i the centre, now in the hands of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINE1 NO LONGER AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY. Tj WELLEDR & HUGHES'S . SOUTH AFRICAN WINES, Classified as PORT, SHERIY, MADERIA, &c., 2As. per Doz. Pint a ?? ec of eitser for 12 Stamps. SOUTH AF RICAN TE.NT , 23s. perDozen. SOUTH AFRICAN AIOTELXT , 284. per Dozen. di COLONIAL BRANDY, Pale or Brown, 16s. per Gallon. dr We lave tasted the Wlines imported by Messrs. Weller aiid Hughes, and usshcsitqtingly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ver7y desirable PROPER[TI, either for (1 Sicss, a Private Residencc, or ,for a Nelditcl Practitiolwr'. ,l 0 be LET, Nvith early ?? I I PREMISES forming the angle of Broad-strect and |, Turl-street, now in the occupation of William Doak, Esq., w Burgeon, formerly occupied as twvo houses; containing thrie ft sittiug rooms, surgery, four bed rooms, two kitcheins, large arrched cellair, an d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATIONAL NOTICE. LINDEN HOIUSE, HEADINGTON. I~HE ficharelmas Quarter wvil comlmtence at the Labove School onl the doit itist. Mr. IV. R. H UlST will be happy to forwvard prospectuses, &c., ol ttapplicationt. A Lady, who has been long engaged in Tuition, havillg unexpectedly a few. vacanlies, detsires to re- ceive two or th ?? ItC ?? into ber houIse. The most satisfaetory references cat, be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7[sHE best House in London for Cordials, Spirit I 1 Colourimig, Caplhire, and Spice, is 258, HIGH HOL- 1 BORN, the old-establislied Dantzic Stores. ADAMl HILL is CO the original maker of Ale Spice and Fettle Syrup of Lime In (or Curncentrated Lecmonadc); Syrup of Pine Apple (for sa Rium) ; Syrup of Grape (for Brandy) ; tlme Honey Cream (for tl Gin) and many other useful articles were first ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £600 mve1 bi) wwantedj oni Mortgnae of sV0 Fr eehold Property.-Apply to Air, P. Hurcomb, accountant and house agent, 4, Worcester- terrace, Oxford. LONDON & NORT11AW'ESTERN RAILWAY. WHITSUN H1OLIDAYS. EXTENSION OF RETURN TICKETS. IETURN TICKETS issued on Saturday the _ l 1Ith of June, and intermediate days, will be available for return up to and including Saturday, June 18. WV. CAVK WELL, ...


... Agents—The Misses Ttbtle. AEBlTiis. —Mr. and Mrs. Wiliams, Madrid House ; Rev. Lewis, House ; Mr. and Mrs. Horneman, and Mrs. Hamilton, Crescent House; Mr. and Mrs. Sandle, Cheltenham House; Mr. and Mrs. Wright, the Misses Hardy, the Misses de Lisle, Dundas House; the Misses Lettis, Byam House; General and Misses Hewettson, Mrs. Freake and family, Longton House; Dr. and Mrs. Macartney and ...


... WAR WITH CHINA. -\ telegram was received Monday morning the Foreign-office, through Alexandria and Constantinople, from Mr. Umnbold, Secretary to her Majesty's Mission China, dated Aden, August 29:— Admiral Hope arrived off the Peiho River on the 17th June, and found that the fortifications liad been rebuilt, but guns or men were visible. The entrance into the river was barred with booms and ...


... ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. Sixth ik Lnrr. Homing Service.—'V'cnitc (Chant Double). Bennett In Te Dcnm and Jubilate, Jackson in F. Evening Service.—Gloria Patri (Chant Single), in B flat. Cantate Deo, Jackson in F. Anthem, I know their sorrow*, Sturgesn. NEWPORT. Agents—Messrs. J. and W. Grßßixs. Tlie grand steeple-chase on Thursday, near Sheat Farm, is likely to attract large concourse of spectators ...


... RAILWAY TIME TABLE S. FOR THE MONTH JUNE. London and. South-Western Railway. Portsmouth Waterloo . . 6.25 | 7.HH I 9.10 11.0 [ 11.*) I :i.»* | J.lOt 1.15 | .• 1 7.0t 12.15 ARRIVING IX LONDON AT .mac f.45 | 10.12 11.0 | 5.0 | J 0.00 | 7 I 10 > SUNDAYS ••• I 5.10 12.15 ARRIVING LONDON AT lo..» 12.50 9.0 I 4.30 WATERLOO BRIDGE TO WBW*OI:IB. 60 17 8.0 0.55 | 10.15 | 11.0 llJOf | 1.0 | 3.0 3. ...


... The garrisons of Verona, Mantua, and Milan have been reinforced, and orders have been given to victual the fortresses completely. The Austrian army in Italy will be increased to 110,U00 men. ...