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Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE'TO CORRESPONDENTS. AU Communications, ai-d articles of intolligence, intended for publication, require to be authenticated by the name and address of the writer, Unless this Is attended to, Corros- pendents may rest assured that no attention will be paid to their communicatione. ** W. M. R., Loochol-Cushnie, in our next. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. All omouicaifl, and articles of intelligence, intended-for publication, require to be authenticated by the namo and address of the) writer. Unless this is attended to, CorrC- 0 pandents may( rest assured that no attentiou' will he'paid e to their communications. t . C. D., we think, has a claim on the Company, and-he should r make his complaint there. a Several copies ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHEN YOU ASK FOR GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH, SEE ThII' YOU GET IT, AS INFERIOR KINDS ARE OFTEN SUBSTITUTED. f Mersey Line of Australian Packets, SAILING FROA LIVERPOOL TO MELBOURNE o0l TIIE 25Tr op EvEReY MON:T. Passengers conveyed by Steanier at Through Itates to all parts of Australia, &c. Tons Tons Ship Commander. Rog. Bur. To Sail. ZOBOAt t . Morrison, 1l:-3 3000 25th Mlay. ..A . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEITH: WOOL SALES. A DAM & M'REGO resectfully request that WOOLS and SHEEP SKINS itnded for their Salo of 2d November, be delivered not later than 27th inst. DOWELLS & LYON, Selling Brokers. Leith, 13th Oct., 1859. LENFIELD PATENT STARCH) G USED IN THE ROYAL L5XUNDRY, U AND PRSONOUNCEDnya HER MAJESTY'S LAUNDRESS to be THE FINEST STARCH SHE EVER USED. ts Sold by all Chaudlers, Grocers, See ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SON SALE, LUPERPHOSPHATE, or Dissolved Bones, in a 0 dry and powdery state, like Guano, rich in both Soluble phosphate and Ammonia; SUPEIRPHOSPHATE, made from the Coprolite now so largely used in England, containing a largo rosrtion of Soluble Phosphate but no Ammonia; SMUAL'U- Je ACID, SULPHATE of SODA, and several MIXTURES, seseally prepared as a substitute for Farm-yard Manuro upon C5osn, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tartans, Winseys, French Merinos. pRATT & KEITH respectfully intimate that their present Stock of the above Goods is large and varied- embracing TARTANS in Saxony Wool, Spun Silks, and Irish POPlins-in all the leading Clans; also, SCARFS and TIES, RIgBB'ON'Slad BANDS to match. Their Stock of PlaiR n d Fancy WINSEYS, all of their own Manufacture, is by far the largest in this qarmter. h An ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IADIES' OUTFITTING, BABY LINEN. BOOT AND SHOE AND SUIRT DEPALVMANPT. TJAMES LITTLEJOHN rospeetfully intimates that e bo hats REMOVED these Dopartrnents to 150, UNION STREET, Corner of Diatmod Street, under the charge of Mis- RIEID. A Large Assortmnent always lhept of the usual thingZrsconnectcd vwith cach Branch. and orders from the country carefelly attend ed to. Ladies who prefer nmaking up ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW ZEALAND. TfIE PASSENGERS' LINE OF PACKETS. 0 VOVERNMENT FREE GRANTS of r .G LAND. in tho Province of Auckland, ar ,iyt' \\nowv given to Passonsers proe.uding to the Colony N byv this Lino. Threo Sbips sail evelry moutil for tho a *-viioOs settleieonts, viz.:- a AUCKLD. WELLIANGTON, tl CANTEIiCEY, OTAGO. NELSON I Nrw. PLT)MOUTI. a The modal Vessels of tbis the Favourite Line' from 1,510D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CLUB MEETS in the ROYAL HOTEL, on TUESDAY thc 4th of October next. Dusiecss ait Half past Five-Dinner exactly at Six o'clock. NEWELL BURNETT, Secretary. Aberdeen, Sept. 7.1IS59i. Industrial Schools' Examination. T MHE MANAGERS of the I N D U S T R I A L 1HSCHOOLS have resolved to Examino a Class consisting of Fivc Chilhdre talken from each School, in order to shew the nature and amount of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELL ON. WINTER FASIIONS. TOHN & GEORGE MOIR beg to intimate that 0 they have just got to hand their purchases for the Season, and they respectfully invite inspection of the samr. A Splendid Stock of FRENCH MERINOES, DRESS WINCEYS, ALPA- CAS. COBURGS, PRINTS, &c. MANTLES, all the Newest Shapes, TARTANS, SHAWLS, PLAIDS, and HANDKERCHIEFS. As usual, their Stok of BONNETS, Straw and Felt HATS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS All Conmuflcatiofs, and articles of intelligence, intended for publication, require to ho authenticate~d by thetname and address of the writer. Unless this is attended t, CorreB- pendents may rest assured that no attention will be paid to their communications. We have received a varioty of replies frorm wertes wishing to enter the lists with t 1a True Blue Presbytriafl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T EE CLUB ilrEETS in the ROYAL HOTEL, on TtUESDAY .LJ the 4th of October next. Basiness at H1alf-past Five-Dinner exactly at Six o'clock. NEWELL BURNETT, Secretary. Aberdeen, Sept. 7, 1859. Aberdeen Town and County Bank. A HALF-YEARLY DIVIDEND, at the rate of A1 Nine per Cent. per Annum, free frrnm Innmno-Tim will be paid to tbe Partners, at the H eAD OPPICS and at the BRAN- cuES of the BANK, ...