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Advertisements & Notices

... MODERATOR, BELMONTINE, AND OTHER MLAMPS. JAPAN TRAYS, and TABLE CUTLERY of all kinds. BRITANNIA METAL TEA and COFFEE POTS, DISH COVERS, &c.( A first-rate Stock of the above to select from, at GEORGE JAMIESON'S, 107, Union Street, Aberdeen. a A Ml Dutch Flower Roots, M. ORRISON BROTHERS beg to inform their M friends and the public that they have just received thcir first importation of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... zm& A Boyal Northernl Agricultural Society. Sel hoiie lEEXHIBITION70f LIVE STOCK, IMPLE- Fainr MET, en AIYPRODUCE takes places on Tnuirs- perle DAT the 28th (ily ofrJnly unxtt kAnXterAtce The Certifil-At tar the Retry of StockndehrAtcs - joust ho loil~ tllwt the SI,.CF.TARy, or with Messrs LiOwRT- WOOD, tire 'ir,.irr.4, Correction WVyud, on or before Friday Thor Mil 15th drI of jlii. of Th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE ELECTORS OF ABERDEENSHIRE. - ENTLEMEN,-Perifit me again to tender my w wArmest acknowledgments for tho honlou1r you have this day conferrled upon me iii returning me for thl third titse as your llpreoseltzltiVo in Porliamuent, and to. assure you of lily carnest iledo in every way to justify the renewed confidence with wlich you havo been pleased to favour los. I havo the honouur to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WU CALDER would respectfully invite attention *to hisNNWINTrER STOCK, which ho has niow get to hand, eonsistiigi of CLOTHS, BEAVERS, MlLTONS, weITrYS F up n te Pemiesinthebes Stleatmodorate prices; and orders mos ly attended to on the shortest notice. Ft Evey dcrptin f GNTEME'SUNDER-.CLOTHING, -thANI CLOAKS, ready-reads or to order, WATER- Pr~oF V~lC°A45,. &UNION STREET. 8th November, 18511. j ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CLUB M EETS in the ROYAL HOTEL, on TUESDAY M tho 4th of October next. Business at Half-past Five-Dinner xeaetly at Six o'clock. NEWELL BURNETT, Secretary. Aberdeen, Sept. 7, lS59,. COUNTY OF ABERDEEN. MICHAELMAS MEETING. GENERAL MEETING of COMMISSIONERS A of SUPPLY, and also the ANNUAL STATED GENERAL C MEETING of TURNPIKE and COMMUTATION ROAD TRUSTEES, for the County of Aberdeen, will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Reld's Highly Commended Mangles. 5S, JOHN STREET, ABERDEEN.0 Free Grants of40 Acres of Land and Upwards. AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND. A White Stat Es-Royal Mail Clippers, Sailinigfrom Liver-pool to Melbourne on the lot and( 20th of every month, and to New Zealand on the TI _:,1Gth. Ship. or Reg. Bur. To Sail, the PHGINIX . { ou }06 2750 Oct. 10.of WHITE STAR ..Melbourne 2360.5000 .. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEITH WOOL SALES. ^ DAM & M'GREGOR respectfally request that A WOOLS and SFEEP SKINS intended for August Sale Lo0 bedlvrdnot litter than 28th inst. bIeDXO LLnsSLYON, Selling Brokers. Leith, lltS July, 1859. C L.AC STAR LINE OF PACKETS. sh B LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK. - AC A Tons Tons Captain. Rem-ister. WEBSTER . J. J. Laurence . ,1727 . 3000 ALLEN AUSTIN W. H. G arriek . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEIT1H WOOL SALES. A DAM & A1'GREGOR respectfully request that I X.t._ WOOLS and ShIEEP SKINS intended for August Sdlo .be delivered not lat'sr than 28th inst.d 0DOWELLS & LYON, Selling Brokers. Leith, Ilth July, 18il9. A WOOL. bt To bo Sold, by Auction, ait BRtOWNE, HUNTER, & CO.'s SALE ii Room, 2, Dalb Street, Liverpool, on FReDAYs, 20th finst., and foliowitug days, b ~OO ALES EAST INDIA. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE COLLEGES. I UNTO the Honourable the COMMISSION appointed undern the Act of Parliament Twonty-first and Twenty-second 0 Qucon. Victoria, chap. 73, entitled 1Ail Act to make a provision for the better Government and Disciplinec of 1, the Universities of Scotland, and Improving and lie- :gulating the Course of Study therein; and for thle c1 Union of the Two Universities and Collcges of Abcr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .r GRASS PAREKS. On SATURDAY, 30th April current, r 71 HE *Grass Parks on the South Side of Midstocket . 1 Rc: rl. commonly called GLENCAIRN or GLENNIE'S P PARKS, hongiing to the Town of Aberdeen, will be Lot for tho SeaonSO, Public Roup, on the Ground. ,I (ge Roup will commence at Three o'clock, P.M. p Council Chamber, Aberdeen, 19th April, 1859. Auchry Grass Parks. tl T HE Grass Parks of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Scottish Provincial Assurance Company. rVIE ANNITUAL GENERAL MEFETING of the I? PROPIZI ETORS vill bo held within tho ROYAL HO'TrEM., Abardlcen, on FetIDAY the 18th day of March next, ait Twelve ocloek noon, for thle purposc of Electing Directors, ind for tibo aiual generac l bluiutcN Votinfg Lists nriy ho obtained ait the H(ad Office, ans Proxies wiset;l be lodged 1 ew( folrtJ-eiight howScr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. All Cornmmiications, anid articles of intelligeneo, interdod for publication, require to be authenticated by the name and address of the writer. Unless this is attended to, Comres- poadlelnts may rest assured that no attention will be paid to their communications. ...