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... Fire Insurance. —The stamp duty 011 fire insurance in the year ended March last amounted to 110 less than 1,356,009/. The Duty Railways.—lt appears from a return just issued that the year ended 31st March the duty on railways was 318.011/. Secret Service. —From a return latclv issued it appears that the year ended the 31st of March last the sum of 41,739/. was spent as secret service money— ...


... ®clcgr:i}ih. PORTSMOUTH, SATURDAY, JULY IG, ISSO. Sunday Lessors. —Fourth Sunday after Morning—l Sam. 12, John 5.—l Sain. 13, 1 Tim. 1. real Nijrlit. Tlie suspension of hostilities between the belligerent armies on the banks of the Jlincio is an event not less mysterious than it was unexpected. Hncl any man ventured to presage that event ten days ago he would have been pitied as a ...


... Osborne Hottse, Jclt 29.—Her Majesty in Council, wpon representation of the Right Hon. the Lords of the Committee of Council Education, is pleased to appoint the Itev ; . Joseph WooUey, and LL.D., late Fellow ot St_John's College, Cambridge, to one of her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools, and to order that his appointment bear'date the Ist day of July, 1858. I House, 29. —This day had audience ...


... FOREIGN AND COLONIAL. PARIS, Monday, Oct. 17. The Treaty of Peace between France and Austria baa been signed to-day at Zurich. ZURICH, Thuksday. The following is an analysis of thetreaty of peace concluded between France and Austria as signed the plenipotentiaries, but which has not yet received the ratification of the two governments. The treaty commences with the usual preamble. Desirous of ...

Taking Max at his Word. —The landlord of an hotel at Brighton entered an angry mood the sleeping apartments of

... a boarder, and said, Now, sir, I want yon to pay your bill, and yon must. I've malted you for it often enough ; and 1 tell you now that you don't leave my house till yon pay it. Good! said the lodger; just put that in writing ; make a regular agreement of it; I'll stay with you as l«»ng as 1 live. Sewage at the Sea Side.—Paterfamilias surprised that his children have come back from ...


... TURIN, DEC. 3. The affair of the delegation of the Regency of Central Italy to M. Buoncompagni has been arranged to the satisfaction of all parties. M. Buoncompagni will proceed immediately to Florence, with the rank of Governor-General of the provinces Central Italy. The functions of the Governor General will extend to the command of the military forces of the line and to the relations of ...


... 13. The Queen has bmi pleased to direct letters patent to passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Karon the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland the Hon. H. and to the , J 1 ** hotly lawfully begotten, by the name, le, and title Baron Taunton, of Taunton, in the county of Somerset. Q u has also been pleased to direct letters S n J ...


... INDIA. TRIESTE, Oct. 27. The Austrian Llmd's steamer brings advices from Calcutta to the 22nd September. The Governor has despatched 1,500 men from Bombay against the rebellious Waghers. The Rohillas in the Deccan continue to commit acts of brigandage. It is intended send an expeditionary corps against the bands of robbers in Central India, and against the remaining insurgents in the Terai. ...


... Ageut—Mr. C. Rampton. Lecttbe. —On Tuesday the members of the institution were much ratified a lccture delivered by B. Waterhouse Hawkins, Esq., F.G.8., f.1.5., restorer ...


... THE KOMISH TEACHING THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. CorBT of Queen's Bench, June 6. THE QUEEN T. TIIE BET. MB. W. This case was heard the sittings in Banco, before Lord Campbell, Justices Wightman, and Crompton. Mr. Bovill (with whom was Dr. Swaby and Mr. B. Clarke) appeared on behalf of the Rev. Charles Portales, for a mandamus against the Bishop of Chichester, for having refused committee of inquiry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Contracts for Littlemore Asylum. THE Visitors invite Persons to tender for the T ?? pplv of LNEN, BL.ANyIETS, CLOTH, CALICO, STOCK- x?1s, IFLAx?enSL, &c., all of a stout, good quality. Ltts of the articlcs to be supplied may be obtahied, and stamped patterns or them (indicating the requisite quality, &e.) ex- amined, at the House-Stewatd's Office, in the Asylum. Also for the supply of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORD COUNTY & CITY VOLUNTEER RIFLE CORPS. 1OOSTER and CO. beg respectfully to inform 1 Gentlemen about to join the above, that the Uniform is now decided on, and that they are in a position to execute orders for it on the shortest possible notice. They have the Uniforim and Accoutrerueuts complete and readyv for inpsetiol here and at their O ffi e, 82, Higli-street, Banbury. The price fixed ...