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... THE PROPOSED REGENCY CENTRAL ITALY. TURIN, Nov, 14. The Piedmonlese Gazette of to-day publishes the following:— Prince de Cnrignan gave an audience yesterday evening, at nine o'clock, to the Chevalier Mingnotti and the Chevalier Peruzzi, who had come here to request the Prince to accept the regency conferred upon him by the National Assemblies of Parma, Modena, the Romagna, and Tnscany. The ...


... TURIN, DEC. 3. The affair of the delegation of the Regency of Central Italy to M. Buoncompagni has been arranged to the satisfaction of all parties. M. Buoncompagni will proceed immediately to Florence, with the rank of Governor-General of the provinces Central Italy. The functions of the Governor General will extend to the command of the military forces of the line and to the relations of ...


... What charming insight into the inner life of the Outwards Board is exhibited the proceedings at the Borough Police Court yesterday! What virtuous men these Outwards Commissioners are! How courteous to each other ; how creditable to the constituencies which they are supposed to represent. What an unanswerable argument they offer in favour of the constitution popular assemblies ; and what ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THOMAS NALDER, (From Jlessrs. Chlytoln, Shittlelweorth, and Co., Lincoln,) AGRICULTURAL ENGINEER, FOUNDER, &c., CHALLOW WORKS, near WVANiTAGE, Berks. v Agent ftfoi the pin1ci2,alt gricnltit0r6l IMleAment 1Jak;crS at their c2rica. Steam Engines and Implements of every description eare- fully repaired. New Fire Boxes put into Portable Engine Boilers. ?? -lLTISTATED CATALOGI'ES. ROYAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THORLEY'S FOOD FOR CATTLE. IMPORTANT TO EVERY MAN WHO KEEPS a HORSE, COW, SUEEP, or PIU. THORLEY'S FOOD FOR CATTLE, as used in her Majesty's Stables; his Royal 1ligh ness the Prince Consort's .arm, Windsor; throughout the Royal Military Stables of Prussia, by order of his Excellency Lieutenant-General Willissen, Head Maeter of the Horse; patronised by Son Excellence Le Ministre ?? et de ...

CORN EXCHANGE, Monday, January 17

... Most of the country markets held on Saturday were bnt moderately supplied with wheat, nevertheless all kinds moved off slowly, and previous rates were barely supported. Barley, oats, and beans were in steady request, at full prices. In other produce veiv little was doing. Throughout the Continent, wheat ana other articles have been held at full quotations, but the business doing for export has ...


... Tlie Mersey, 40, screw, Captain Henry Caldwell, C.8., went out harbour on Monday morning, and made run out to St. Helen's try her engines. She anchored at Spithead in the afternoon, to take in her powder and shell and swing compasses. She saluted the flag of Admiral \V. Bowles, c.8., her going out, with 17 guns. Tlie Jle,-sey sailed from Spithead on Thursday, for a four days' cruise the ...


... VIENNA, Nov. 30. In consequence the conclusion of peace Zurich, the diplomatic relations lietween Austria and Piedmont, which have been interrupted for the last three years, will be immediately re-established by the mutual nomination of official representatives having the rank of minister plenipotentiary. Count Edmund von Hartic, the present Austrian Minister at Munich, is designated as the ...


... Private letters from the head-quarters of Prince Napoleon state that another great battle on the banks the Adige is expected, and that the Austrians were believed to have about men in line. A captain of a regiment of infantry engaged at Solferino has written to his family m Paris, that such was the ardour of the rrench troops that in the afternoon, when the order was given to charge one of the ...


... MEMORANnrji.—The next examination of candidates fcr direct appointments to the army will be held at the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, on Monday, the 21st ot November next, and following days. Admibaltt, Oct. 7. —Corps of Royal Marines.—First Lieutenant Theophilns Vaughton, to be Captain, vice Dowell, appointed Inspector of Musketry; Second Lientenant Robert Patrick, to be First Lieutenant, vice ...


... FRANCE. PARIS, Monday, Sept. 19. The Jfouifeur of this morning contains a circnlar of the Minister of the Interior, addressed to the Prefects, and dated September, concerning the rtyime of the press:— The Minister holds necessary to remind the Prefects of the principle upon which the late decree concerning the effect of the warnings given to newspapers was founded. says the decree of the ...


... SAD EXPLOSION OX BOARD AND SEVERAL LIVES LOST. (From the Obterrer.J THE START FROM THE SOKE TO THE ROADS. Friday morning, which at (lawn seemed threatening, at a somewhat later period gave half promise to tine, and the visitors and crew awoke with a pleasant anticipation of their voyage to Weymouth. Among the former were the Marquis of Stafford, Ixird Alfred Paget, Lord Mountcharles, and ...