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... THE ?? NE COI4LIEI Y.; ACMDENT. C00mMITTA.R FO ~ ~A.UGHTER. The adjourned inquest ou the body of Henry Dickenson, vho was killed by being drawn over.ithe: pulleyat the Buaneu'sIisie Colliery, on the 17th ult., was resumed yesterday at the Barley Mow Inn, Cons titm ion BHill, Dudley, before W. IRobinaon, Esq., Coroner.' The Jury hsembledati four o'elock, the GovernIneut inspector being in ...

Birmingham Police Court

... NinybgLymil Lblfv exial. YEST13RDAY. Rpfo'c 11essrs. ?? C. S. Kynsnersky, S. Btuckley, and Tr. Richardf. S'IErALur Cio.4ns.-The boy, Edward Adnams, aged thirteen, who was remanded for the attondeuce of his father, haliang been found guility of itealing fourteen cigars, from the shop of Charlotte Johns, of Caroliue Street, wits againl pieced at thc bar. Hibs father appeared whcu called, anid ...


... FURTHER PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE MAGISTRATES. Yesterday Bearon Marks and Edward Samuel Franklin surrendered to their bail, before T. C. S. Rynnersley and S. Thornton, Esqrs., on the twice remanded charge of having, within three months prior to their adjudication as bankrupts, obtained goods from Messrs. Brett Brothers and Co., woollen merchants, London, by means of false repre- Eentations. Mr. ...

Birmingham Police Court

... g7irmiuflam volict lind. YESTERDAY. llforn Messrs. Il. If. Winifidel and 17. Gosugh AN,~ meni LABsouRER, ,soD zsue Dnuneslit BouT.-A mIddle- aged woman, of loose character, named Cathrerinse Fyan, Lichfleld Street, was charged with stealing is. Ild, from tho person of Marlin It) Ivy, a labourer, Dale End, in a housg of ill-faine. Ryley's account of hi detr a ht, coming from Warwick on the ...

Birmingham Police Court

... .Airmiliflam Viclia 60V. YESTERDAY. Before Messrs. Ksynnersley, Lawrenec, Pheilliis, ?? Tinfielr. CHARGE or BEo.A5IY-A shoemaker, named John Simonrs, now residiog in Coleshill Street, Birmingham, was placed in the dock, having been apprehended by Detective Clarke on the above charge. The officer stated that a warrant, rjgaed by the Mayor of Bucking- ham, had been placed in his hands against ...

Birmingham Police Court

... Airlaigjgaill volite iart, SATURDAY. Before Messrs. P. c. S. Kyaenerslcy and F. I. Wlde.h A BLIND SIAN CaieKn£cD n ITrs kTVTENPTED BURGLIRAY. ?? Evans, living in Lower Dartmouth Street, was chargedl with entering the house of Joseph Bradley, licensed vicLualler, Now Canal Street. Tie prosecutor said that abont three o'clock on Saturday morning he was awoke by hearing a noise downstarsi. He ...


... BIRM INGHAM POLICE COURT. YESTERDAY. Rtfote Mcssrs. T. C. S. Kbijsjeriey, 2, 1i'hiiips, and IF. Gougbh. ASSAULTING TlrE PoLicE.-A young man, of respectable appearance, named Joseph Waltcrs, cf Bloomsbury, coal dealer, was charged as above. From the evidence of Police-censtable Dipple, it appeared that at two o'clock on the preceding morning, ibeing on duty In Newtown Rovw, he saw a cab driven ...


... TESTIMONIAL TO LEIGH TRAFFORD, ESQ. The new County Court, Waterloo Street, having been opened for the firot time for public business yesterday, the attorneys prac- tising in the Court selected the occasion as a fitting and opportune one to testify the respect and esteem in which they hold the learned Judge, Leigh Trafford, Esq; Accordingly, his Ionour was invited to attend a luncheon at the ...

Birmingham Police Court

... girmiltflaill volict court. YESTERDAY. Before T. C. S. IR(innersley'and S. Buckley, Esqrs. TInE EXTENSIVE SILVEt RomBERIEs.s-In yesterday's Post were given flil details of the charges against these notorious cha- racters. To-day John, Grs-hs, N whenl placed in the dock, was, on the application of Superintendent Glossop, remanded to Kidder- minster, In eon nection with some robberies of plate ...


... AI ON DAY, These Sessious commenced yesterday fer the transaction of the county business. The following Magistrates were on the Bench :- The Riglltlion. Lord WARD, Chairmen; T. G. Cartler, Eq., Vice- Chairman; the Right Hon. Lord Lyttelton, Lord-Lieutenant of the county; Sir E. A. H. Lechmere, Bart,, Eon. W. Coventry, the Rev. C. J. Sale, H. Hiomfray, Colonel Woodward, Rev. Mr. Anephlett, J. G ...


... STAFFORDSHIRE SUMMERI ASSIZES. The Commission of Assize-for this county wve opened yesterday. The learned Judges, btr. JustIce Willes sad Mr. Jostlce fyles, arrivai by train from Worcester at ten o'clec, and wiere met at the station by the High Sberiff, W. Davenport, Esq. when they PO- cdeded to tha; ShIre' all, preeeded~by the javelin men, where the ?? was opened. Their Lordebite 'swiU ...

Birmingham Police Court

... lirmildam volia. (Olutal , SATURDAY. Before Messrs. T. 0. S. KY1nerslelJ eund aWlints. STEALIcrO BOOTs.-John Holder, a butcher's lad, .living at Vaughton's Hole, -was charged with stealing a pair of boots, the property of Thomas Fletcher, boot maker, udley Street. The prisoner pleaded guilty to the charge, and he was remanded till Monday, io order that his parents might appear. ROBBING k ...