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... MUSIC WAREHOUSE, MERTHYR. 1 ESTABLISHED 1850. -AJ.VPIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS C TAYLOR respectfully begs to state that he has on hand an Excellent Stock of PIANOFORTES, HAKMO- # NIUM9, SAX HORNS, CORNETS, DRUMS, &C. Pianofortes on Sale or Hire. Tuning and Repairing in all Its Branches.—Pianofortes kept in repair, in town or country, by the year.—Several Hundred Copies of the Song and Dance ...


... Mit. H. W. F:t A R R IS'IS ANNOUNCEMENTS H. W. HARRIS, Auctioneer, Appraiser, House, Estate, and General Agent, BEGS to inform the Public that all matters entrusted to bis care will be punctually and carefully attended to. Rents collected. Fire and Life.'Polieies effecte(l on advantageous terms. Offices-Mr. Rees Thomas's, High-street, Merthyr, opposite Clotb Hall. ') Merthyr, opposite Cloth ...


... \\1 HEN you go ro N E W I- KT, where do you W dine ? Go to the RAG .A N. An Ordinary on the Table at One o'clock daily. One Shiling. MR. W. S. RAMPLINCT, C.E., ARCHITECT, SURVEYOR,$BUILDING VALUER, t> ESPECTFULLY informs the Public gene- i illy that for the eonvenienceof Ins prac- tice, I' I has taken suitable Offices at Mr. REES Tho -I \s's, No. 143, High-street, Merthyr, wher>' be may be ...


... TT. W.-rTARTflg'g A TSTNOTTTsTCRMKTSrTR TT. W. HARRIS, Auctioneer, Appraiser, -House, Estate, and „ General A gent, BEGS to ftfform the Public that all matters entrusted to his care will he punctually arid carefully attended to. Rents collected. Fire and Life Policies effected on advantageous terms. Offices :-Mr. Rees Thomas's, Biffh-street, Merthyr, opposite Cloth Hall. 2*9 oty'' NOTICE. ALL ...


... X EUNICE, Chemist/ 23, DUKE-STREE, and 100 BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF, AGENT job HORNIMAN'S PURE TEA. The high repute in which it is held everywhere, has been acquired by its being uniform and excellent in quality: it has no artificial 'facing' powder, for consisting wholly of the thoice spring gathering, there are no brown flavourless leaves that need be disguised by the Chinese with a coat of ...


... WANTED. TO PRINTERS. WANTED, in a Newspaper Establishment, a respectable Youth as TURN-OVER APPRENTICE, who will also have ample opportunities of acquiring a thorough knowledge of Book-work and Jobbing in general. Also, a well-educated Youth as an APPRENTICE. Apply at the Office of this Paper. JLOCKEY & CO., DRAPERS, &c., 21, DUKE-STRBET, U. have a Vacancy for a Young Man as ASSISTANT, also, ...


... WANTED. WANTED, for Six Months, a HOUSE, FIT UN IS MED, with Sitting-room and three or four Bedrooms, within six miles of Carditf,- West side preferred. Apply to E. M., Post-office, Cardiff. WANTED, a respectable intelligent LAD for a COAL ,f OFFICE.—Apply to Mr. WILLIAM DAYIHS, Town Hall, Cardiff April 4th, 1859. ANTED, in the establishment of a P H AIIM ACEUTICAL CHEMIST, in Cardiff, a well ...


... PRESENTATION OF ONE HUNDRED GUINEAS to Dli. SMITH. Copy of a letter received from James M—-n, Esq., Yoik. Dear Sir,—With feelings of the deepest gratitude I to to inform you of the perfect cure of my NKKVOUS PHBILITV. Indigestion, and loss of Memory, solely by following the in- structions and advice given in your wok, THE WAISIKS VOICE OR, A euiDE FOR NEttvous -UFFERBRS, A'fler the most ...


... TOWN HALL, CAR D IFF. UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE OF THE MOST HONOURABLE THE MARCHIONESS OF BUTE. J ZRIGBCTOIIXr HAS the honour to announce, for the first time in Cariiff, a GRAND PERFORMANCE of HANDEL'S ORATORIO T HE With MOZABT'S additional Accompaniments, ON TUESDAY EVENING, OCT. 25, 1859. In undertaking the arduous responsibility in presenting this trul; sublime Oratorio, Mr. Righton ...


... CARDIFF STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S P»8t-Saiiing Steamers, E N N Y J 0 N E S, DAVID DAVIES, COMMANDER, AND DAVID GEORGE. COMMANDER, A intended to ply between CARDIFF and *v;7h j*R|STOL, and CARDIFF aud MORN HAM, liber| ASSENG ERS and MERCHANDISE, with follo; lu low, Auritig the Mouth of APRIL, 1859, as aV'w at and starting from Bathurst Basin, Bristol, calling where Passengers ^*ill L&nded ...


... PISTOL GENERAL STBAM ^VIGATION COMPANY, ^HBBP OFFICE, QU A Y, BRISTOL. I^HE following or other suitable STEAM VESSELS | Qnless preTonted by any unforeseen occurrence, are glided to Sail from CUMBBRLAND BASIN, BRISTOL the ••Taff for Newport, and •• Elj for i ^iff, which will start from Batharst Baain), and as f^rmentioned, with or without Pilots, and with b*'«y to Tow Vessel*, during NOVEMBER, ...