[No title]

... WEDN ESDA-Y.- (Before J. C. Fowler, and Evans, Esqs. SHEEP SiEAHNG.—Benjamin Jones and Wm. John were charged, on the evidence of John Wilkins, (an accomplice), with being concerned m stealing the ram sheep alluded to in our Aber- pa^e police-report, and after several additional witnesses, had been examihe,d, they were commit- ted for trial at the ensuing Quarter Cessions. JUVENILE OFFENDERS ...


... Traffic for Week ending Dec. 18,1859 £4f¡71 1 7 Corresponding Week last Year fil89 6 8 RHYMNEY RAILWAY. Traffic for week ending Dec. 17, 1859. £ 670 5 8 ...


... STATIONS OF THE WESLEYAN MINISTERS. ENGLISH PREACHING. SWANSEA.—W. Liadley, W. P. Slater (Neath). BRIDGEND.—Thomas Osborne, who shall change on one Suuday in every six weeks with the ministers of the Cardiff circuit. CARDIFF.—Everard Vigis, Ed ward Jennings (Ponty- pridd), .John Holmes; Robert Bees, supernumerary. MERTHYR-TYDVIL.—Edward Russell, George Cart- wright. Barber, Thompson Hesk. ...


... WESTERN VALLEYS. I UP TRAINS. Week Days. Sttday^. From a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. P-UV Newport 7 0 12 0 5 30 9 0 5 Rhymney Junction 7 12,12 13 5 43 9 15 5 Tydee 7 17 12 18 5 48 9 20 5 Risca 7 26 12 27 5 57 9 30 5 » Cross Keys 7 32 12 34 6 4 9 39 5 i9 Chapel Bridge 12 39 6 9 9 44 •••. 1239 6 9 944 Aberearn 7 42 12 45 6 15 9 50 5 0' Newbridge 7 48| 2 52 6 22 9 57 6 Crumlin 7 53' 12 57 6 27 10 2 6 V ...

[No title]

... BANKRUPTS. (From the London Gazette of Fridav.) Andrew Wigdahl, Lower Thames-street, ship broker. Eugene Duval, New Bond-street, milliner. Thomas Pratt, Dean-street, Solio, some time passing under the name of Thomas Mowbray, Gloucester-mews East, Portman-square, farrier William Henry Elliott, Cheapside, clothier. James Louson Anderson, Cannon-street West, linen factor. William Holmes Wakelin, ...

[No title]

... Mr. Scrope .1 Swansea Mr. L. L. Dillwyn 1 Tamwortli Sir R Peel.1 Lord Raynham .1 Taunton Mr. Labouchere .1 Mr. A. Mills 1 Totnes Earl Gifford Mr. T. Mills 1 Truro Mr. M Smith Mr A. Smith Tavistock Sir John S. Trelawney 1 Mr. A. G. Russell Tewkesbury Hon. F. Lygon — 1 Air. J. Alartin Thetford Lord Euston 1 Mr. A. Baring —. 1 Thirsk. SIr W. G. Gallwey.. 1 Tiverton Lord Palmerston. 1 Hon. G. ...


... COMMERCIAL HONESTY.-Among those who succumbed to the pressure of the times last year, was the firm of Walter Miligan and Son, of Harden, who then paid their creditors 13s. 4d. in the pound. During last week the creditors un- expectedly received cheques for the balance of their debts, with 5 per cent. interest.-Bradjord Observer. To act with common sense is the best wisdom; and the best ...


... PACKET SAILINGS—OCTOBER. By the TALIESIN. Cardiff to Burnham. Bitrnham to Cardiff. 29, Saturday 8. 0 p.m. 29, Saturday 5.30 p.m. 31, Monday 6. 0 a.m. 31, Monday 9.15 a.m. NOVEMBEK. NOVEMBER. 1, Tuesday 10.15 a.m. 2, Wednesday 9.30 a.m. 3, Thursday. 11.30 a.m. 4, Friday 12.15 p.m. 3, Thursday. 11.30 a.m. 4, Friday p.m. By the T3LY and JENNY JONES. Cardiff to Bristol. Bristol to Cardiff. 29, ...


... RAILWAY TIME TABLES. VALE OF NEATH. FROM WEEK DAYS. STTSTDAYS. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. (P.M. Neath departure 8 30 2 15 7 45 9 201 9 20 Aberdylais 8 35 2 20 7 50 9 2h\ 9 25 Resolren 8 47 2 30 8 0 9 35.9 35 Glyn-Neath 8 57 2 38 8 8 9 43! 0 43 Hirwain arrival 9 17 2 58 8 28 10 alio 3 Hirwain dep. for Aberdare 9 23 3 5 6 30 8 3510 10^10 10 Aberdare arrival 9 35 3 15 6 45 8 45 10 2O!io 20 Hirwain ...

II,' .'sailings.,;I

... FOREIGN VESSELS. ARRIVALS—October 28. Georges, Pestcb, Dunkerque, ballast, 248 October 29. Anna, Eklund, Cadiz, ballast, 592 Colombo, Thomasirli, Venice, ballast, 600 Blonmeutha, Plogheft, Bremen, ballast, 150 Care Frederick, Jahnke, Dantzic, timber, 419 October- 31. Dauson, Richardson, L'Orient, ballast, 217 Victoria, Taylor, Cherbourg, ballast, 149 Wilhelmine Marie, Appen, Bahia, ballast, ...


... An old tar came down to the cabin of Nelson's ship one cold, drizzly day, with some message, whilst Lady Hamilton was present. Seeing the cold condition of the sailor, she asked which he would prefer, a glass of wine or a glass of brandy. It don't matter which, replied Jack, but if your ladyship pleases, I can he drinking the wine while you are pouring out the brandy. FIRST AND SECOND. We ...