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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? REV. P.OB. ANDERSON, S . iasgof (at itr~etet eng~aged ~eeceacdully in Reviva| Week), will 're~aeh in1 BRIGHlTON STURET Csxnr~aa, To- giroov Forenoce, Aftern~oonC ?? Evening. pARISH- OF' NORTY' t-E I T H. Mn- mdxm diN67VE - That tlhe HALrL-YEILY SrA'rFUOXY MIErING efi the PAROCHIAL BOARD thc p~iasi of ?? LEITE will be Iteld, within the Vales55 Cnenc tl~scere, on TITsnAY, the 2d day of August ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - DRESS, _- . .NEW CARPETS. . C -*i - f esss~eeea'their &hof vEIV CARPETS, sehicls they are Fesabled to ojser stlll, as sofa Ibe see Lss perusl e.ofthtseotong ist, uf fhe -same Loss, Prkes os fow U ii- ' BRUSSELS'-CABPETS, 3s 6d, 3s lid, 4E, to 49 6d per yard. TAPESTRY CARPETS, 2s lId, B 3d per yard. RIDDERMINSTER AND SCOTCH CARPETS, Yard-wide, all Wool, 2S; 2d 28 4d, 2s 6d, 29 lOd, as per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL1 NOTICES. FORTH AND CLYDE NYVIGATI.ON. - OTrCE IS HEREIAY GIVEN, That ai1 N ORDINARI GENERAiL .3EETIxG of th COlPANY of FIROPRIIETORts of .he Ft RTI aid CLYDE NAVIGA-TIt)N will -be held in the QuF:N's b IloTEL, Georze Square. (hlasgew, on WEDNESDAY, che 26th day of October 'ins ant. at One o'clock in the Afternoon precisely, pursuant to Act of Pa liameut. By Order of ?? anid Council. : ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GEMqiRAL XOTICOES. AN ADDRESS Will be delivered THIlS DAY, at 12 o'clock Noon, by THE REV. DRB EGG, ON THEI-.NDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT OF WOMEN, ; On oecasion of the OPENING of the ! SEdOND DAY of the' 2NEWHAVE2N FREE CfURCH MANSE BAZAB IN TilE. UJSIC HALL:, GkORGE STREET. Doors open from ?? Eleven till Five ?? and from Half-past- Six till Nine o'clock Evening. By kind permiso1n the , BAND OF THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -HOTELS, &c. * - XALL HIALL 0W 1AIR2' ' Mr Aliddlema _dekits lo iatiigne that, Special and most Extee A''ngements NOTrE. Y,are being wnadefor the Aceomesxdation of ' Strangers and oihsfiesidng the I Nll- 'B B0lduring AIt 11alloew lasr 7YeeL. TO STRANGERS VISITING EDINIBURGH. Parties visiting th's 4celebrated Dininy .Estna1ie- sneet will meet with civility and prompt attendasce. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U EVIVAL SERVICES jN BRIGHTON Pt, STREET CHAPEL. TO-MORROW and DURING THE WERE. Rev. J. EKIR, Forenoon-Rccbject: All 'Things but L1ss for Christ. Rev. Professor FlSNEY. Afteriwon-Sulgecit Excuses for Sin condemns God. Evgning--God's Com- nandmcnts not Grievous. Prednseday--God is Love. 2'hursdlay-God's Love Commended to us. Firiday- Not Far from the Hingdom of God. JFeek .i'ght lcl Meliccs at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -PRECINI LECTURES-QIUEEN STREET HALL. oM F U R BY, B.A., LL.1, Advocate, will s;l,. LECTURE en SATUizoAx, FEU. 2651T1H, at One ocdlock, on FRANCE ET SON ADMINISTRATION. Tickets to he had at Seton and Mackenzie's, and Maclaclilan. - Stewart's. S E R MA 0 N. T HE ANNUAL SERMON in behalf of the : ETILNBURGH t11BLE SOCIETY will be Pnsched :by the IleV. WVILLIAIM SMITH of Trinity College Churcb, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - - ?? - -- GEnRAL XeTOTICES.; E V I V 0 M .OVE ME N T.- Pt The Rev. JI KIRK still continues ?? of IIEYV ?Iv.~ LECT iJRES: in BTII9er rox- SETss CRl'APEL. -ebj; ets doring the Week::' . 'edfiestlay ?? Saved: ss by Fire. ,2ersndaY,-I' The. Double Triumph,. Frigadi- The Perseverarice of the Saints. MIELT- LIGS for PRAYER 015 MIONDY- and- SATURDAY ;EVENINGS. WE,-NIGHT METINGS at 8 o'clok. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C OIJ-NTY OF EADDINGTON.| !4An AlcOUNEI) SESSION of the -PEACE for the COD TiADDINGTON will be h~ln -in the Coning B meeTos7, upesa Thursday the 13th January l859. at Twelve ?? Noon. - ,HENRY 3. DAVIDSON, Clerk ofSthePeace. ?? n, 1st January 1859; A ' ERTINTG of the COMMISSIONERS of A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F O RkBLES MACKENZIE ACT. LOPWD MBELGIUNV8,3OTlOXf. A PUBLIC MEEF.TrNG of the INHABITANTS of EDINBURGH, favourabletothelaintenanceof the FomDEs 3MAxENZItp ACT, will be held i;,QUEEN STREET HALL. THIS EVihNING, to Pctition Parliament, that, in order to have a fu*2 ind kemclent investigation Into the working of the Act, tbiu Inquiry should be comducted by a Rtoyal Com- Mnisslon in Scottud, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G E N EI A 1 A S S E M B L Y OF THE CH1U52CCH OF SCOTLAND, 1869. ?? is IIEREHY GIVEN, That HER MIAJESTY'S HIGH C3;IM'i's -ION lt to tlie GENERAL ASSI-0MBLY ofthel CiiUI2CU of SCO ALAND ?? hold a LEVEE at Her Mljje'Tys's Palace of HOLYROOD, on TIHURSDAY the 19th of 'SAv, at ?? * o'clock, being first day of Mleeting of the General Assentlly. On'l UESi)AY, tire Y4th of MNAY, being Her Majesty's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -= , SPRING PARTS MANTLES. N & C;1_ 1- segt', ills 22 1 tii -V Y :.~IAV *lIB'Al1iS MANILES, cornprisinrr ?? nqveltybof ZRon and Garnitlure in Silk, Cloth, and Fancy- erda4, ua.- Be - M: IANTLE SHOW-RO03f. fill W. ENTONL & CO., 12, 13, 14 PrINCES STREET. re, o r F A FASHIONS. Li ?? FT5C EJLL & HERIOT beg respectfnlly to 't5 nouflee the return of i1r. MriTCHsELL from London, with a large and ...