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Advertisements & Notices

... TOURISTS AND TRAVELLERS. VTISITORS TO THE SEA SIDE AND OTHERS V Exposed to the seorching rays of the sun, and bented particles of dust, will fild Sli ROWLANDS' EALYDOR every a mostrefreshing preparation for the Complexion, dispelling the cloud of liolgour and ielaxcation, alla3'ill all beat and Irrita- 32, C bility, and immediately affordling the pleasing sensation attend- Sole iag resterod ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY DANIELS & CLOUGETON. POSTPONEMIENT OF SALE., T E SALE BY A.tCTION of Materials in Water- O house-lane, Pews in Christ Church, Land in Church-street, and Houses in Worship-street and Bath. place, advertised -for Two ?? on THiURSDAY, the 26th April, at Messrs. DANIELS and CLOUGsHToN'S Sale. rooms is 'POSTPONED until THURSDAY, the 19th May next, at the same hour and place. JNO. JOS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM TO ST. PETEBURG. =HlHE magnificent Screw Steam-ship T GERTRUDE, 700 Tons, Cslptain R. H MARTIN, wil leave Hull for St. Ji ke Petersburg on SATURDAY, the 27th August. The above Steamer bas splendid accommodation for passengers. Goods taken at through rates to St. Peters- t burg Town. a To be succeeded weekly by other first-class Steamers. a FOR STETTIN, - Seamer ?? to a Z. C. PEARSON, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... luBE WEEKLY MAGAZIN~E, price la. Waid - k T10HIDDEN HAND, with the above. Priso id. Loadon: ohn Hnssli Smith 36. Sohsqpare. 0381 R In toPres, andmay e exp~ed n Apil, the first Volume of TfHEIF1~of JBEZBU~iT1NG Di., with 0 5i~l~e o o teporryperon an eent, y hs on, Thomas II WEGHCRICAL INFLUENCE IN EALTH AND DliEASS. Just published. Price 1s.. free by peat for thirteen stamlis. .QECOND LIFE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a II THE CLOSE of TRE HOLIDAYS. Ileturning to school the young friends we have mut, n Having made their adieus and departed, n Thee soon to dispelled the traoe of regret, & And the sechool boy again is light-hearted. He longs with delight for its plensures and fun, And to show what Uncle Tom'a taught him; r But more to display, from famed Number One, The dro-s that his parents have bought hin. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LEEDS MERCURY IS PUBLISMIED THREE DAYS A: WEEK, NAME, LY, ON TUESDAY. THURSDAY, AVND SATURDAY PR.ICES. P I E TO IPED. STA M[PED. ON TUESDAY AND THUMlDAVY ?? J8 2d. 3d. ;N SATURuDAY . .3d. 4d. TO SUBSCRIBE1S. PRB QUART-VI (CREDIT) . 8s. Od. lis. 6d. Do. (1N ADVA;CE) . 7s. 8d. lIl. Od. TO CORRESPOl; ]REv. H. P.-Wecannotg e insvitioll t publication of the .lcreCt;y. NDLNTS. 0 u(,ws held baelz ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATJCTIONDRS' ROOMS, TRINITY-STREET, LEEDS. Palo nd Drow Frnch llravsdy, Ilollands, Irach Whisky, Orange TO Pistters, Sp, riding Champiagne, acil excellent Cigars. o Nss.HARIAVOICKS and BNST bog to aunonuce thot they Ihov I teeeivs iuistructsonu to Bell by Auction, on Monday, the TivenitI' hirddi say of Mooitest., ?? in 'r'niity-strnee. Lends.e TRA. A VA1LUABLOFE S1OOK of genuine SPIRLTS Air ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ed . THUS WE GA E. an N D T la U S W Ei Gl A Z E . ae d w az 'or The world has ever oome surprise, or ?? on the world wfe gaze, r of And every day discoveries Will all us with amaze, cO he For instance: look at Nuluber One, A eight no one deojie- _ ed Awaits us there to ponder on, And fill us with surprire. V And thues we gaze, for years and days, ME Oa all that can be found there,- an Mf- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'p 5WN HALL CONCBk.T SOCIETY.) 11tI ?? Jftl'ciac,-Vitiliit 7,1cc. SUNDiER- LAN I x~ I. arnd a c~arcfnlle-cselcteitc VAN!) of Fe ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... q-j ?? I UINIFRA~I. ~,SiRkliN f-~r the lato S1 t J Ci F li~i-tA i inilght. widl be urei,(hwl in Groit Urorgte'. tliii t Clteipl ?? Hun'lei hIor)iaog, ocltlier Thi,- ielh, atel ?? lOici,1,,vI'the, Rey. hr BRIEWI'Rl. (I 14511 ol (ON 13.)N AI S81 tI 0N A ItY S ?? I il,'fY.- it ~4 -LEEDS DISTRLIC AUXILIARtY. - ANIYIERISA.RY ?? tt,, OC'ebci' *TVCelhiff etI', Tlel Rtev. W. FAIR- ~RV1Ofit alecro ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E'ST RIDING T RAD E PROTEOTION WW .OI TY -The ELEVENTHI ANNiVERSARY DINNER of ?? ihicicty will 6s held'at Ifleiqchmsanni'a Soarhert)' Iltel Lieeds. on Friday sexc. thr Fourth of .No'eeeoier, ait four o'olootk, Sir PETER FAIIW A I ItN, Kotl., will prestide. tinner and Dessert, 5o. Tickets may be had at the office. By order ol the Votmomittee. AIATEREW JOHNSON. Secretary. .Ccutral-cllice, 5, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EEDS TOWN-DALL CONCERT SOCIETY JJ r.Zi~S~lT-First Performance this Aeason of Mandell'ohn' Lrn pire OI~R. ?? UN DERLA D, Mr SOOTET SOCIETY. Canductor. SIArDSPAR . Freel 13, ~. 5 seas. t~r. ; bck wras and romeirse, 3d Tr~etcrt~ie Sas~nI~ehts. e~e.5 pacesfor ohie wil be re JOLIN PIER J. Uon. Seew, D 615 1,il given in the VICTORIA HALL, on FIitdity, Februaur 1intl ), MSADAMIE VIARIDOT GARCIA, ...