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... itt rat Ut t. TEE PERIODICALS.: - nttention is. of course, first dIrectd, In the orderof !Ii' j imprtskth addition to itt comprehensive review of contemdPorar i fitrate in ofrlae ntt Iaag mentaies a sI gets wbut le full ri appagrentbly udecVr~iderdi not adversa °roegatrdsu f~theton of. iUGra3- the Blooh staegryoun olt~gaf thhe disadvant hagoiusrie i tf3 nreoroeolude Artices orsnTts ...


... Mqr and M rs Howard Paul al~liear~ in London on !Moii I day, inl their comic and musical1 Patchwork, which will be given for the first tine at St James's Hall, The cc entertainment is to be iembroidered with fiew patterns. di A boy prodigy on the flute will probably be a young.. ' lion of the London ?? Drew Dean, ten years cc .of age. He is apupilof Richardson andhlis performedl before the ...


... TnE SANDS f)F DRE.i-BY R;V. C. KiThSLEsY. OMARY, go and sail theosatle home, And call the oattle home, And call the eattle home Across the sands of Dee; The western wind was wild and dank wlth foam, -And all aloue w~ent obe, The western tide crept up along the sand, Aind o'er and o'er the sand, Aind roond and round the sand, As far as eye oould eee Ihe rolling mist came down and bid the ...


... I A LEGEND OF JESUS. Hot was the day and dusty was the road, When from Jerusalem with footsteps slow, Jesus, with two of his disciples, went Over the way that leads to Jericho. Then walk'd, as he was ever wont to do, The ardent Peter by the Teacher's side And as they trod the path to Olivet, A horseshoe, lying in the dust, they spied. The Teacher bade him take it from the ground, Where half ...

The Druids' Festival at Oxford

... gre The Annual Festival of the Oxford Lodge of Ancient yol Druids, No, 59, took place on Monday laist. in the Town of Hall, and was attended by about 400 persons. The ?? dinner, whicls was contributed by various members of the the Order, was of an excellent and abundant character, and ind was served up in that admirable manner for wshich the lioi host, Br. Wright, of the Wheatsheaf Inn, High ...


... FINE, AS 7S. yX2EIBITION CF THE PHIOTOGRAPHI1C SOCIETY. 'Year by neat come improvement. is madec in Plan- 19: trgrsaphS2 sante edntince achieved in-as Professor Owen in s Di, ilddcers to the B ritish Association termied it-ii this most P r sbtle application and e,'tibtn 'tion in photialty, electricity, chemlistry, and inognetirta. Shortly before the last exhibi-re jie af the Photographir ...


... (From Punch.) 'Twas on the closing of the year, About the time of Yule, Caine four-and-twenty loose M.P.'s Tale-telling out of school; There were some that raved, and some behaved Like old Lords of Misrule. They talked about with reckless minds; Reformers thick and thin AlR old-world caution laughed to scorn, Called moderation sin: Bade folks kick British notions out, And Yankee ones take in. ...

Hampshire Telegraph

... PORTSMOUTH, SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1859. Sunday Lissoxs.—lst Sunday after Epiphany. Horning —Isaiah Matt. 7, Eccning—lsaiah -W, Rom. 7. Day Break6h. om. ♦ SUMMARY OF TIIE WEEK. The conspiracy of the Phoenix Society seems to have been far more extensive than was at first imagined, and more arrests have been made, and the pseudo-patriots committed for trial. Immediately following the calamity ...


... THE LITERARY EXAMNER. Historia Regis Henrici Septimi, a Bernardo Andrea Tholosate Conscripta; flcnon alia quadam ad eunde, Regem spectantia. Edited by James Gairdner (Pub, lished by the authority of the Lords Commissioners of her Majesty's Treasury, under the Direction of: the Master of the Rolls). Longman and Co. Tite Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, visa count St Alban, and Lord ...


... TL, PITH OF TH1E PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. P Froml Punch.) TEIS r' LL (From Punch.) Tolwards alrlost all foreign nations Our eutleolis ain't no ways fust-rate; There's nist of our foreign relutions In s an unsli kfatory stte. Uitb the 11itiaiers, lthrough our high-mettied Di 11510acy, guess wo havc got Thle rigilt of selrrchl questioil well settled,- Tbe Ceutral Anmericsan, not. WVith Spain we're ...


... Ar i S.hia. MOUNTEBANK ORATORY IN TEE SEVENTEENTH CarTURY.-There is a little undated book, published about the year 1690, entitled ' The Harangues or Speeches of several Famous Mountebanks in Town and Country.' The least extravagant and most affectedly candid of the speakers is Tom Jones, a part of whose address I quote:-, Gen- tlemen and Ladies, you that have-a mind to preserve your own and ...


... THIEATIUB ROYAL, The pantomime at the Royal yesterday evenir e attracted an audience as numerous as any which ueasen n bled during the first week of its presentation, Now thi nt tlie complicated stage machinery, in connexion with tl so opening place and the succeeding harlequinade, wotl 11s with almost magilo celerity and smoothness, and that tt ,n views of fairy and comic scenery succeed ...