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Daily News (London)


... LITERA T URE. I Kllfdred Norman, the Nazarene. By a Working I Man. Longmans. The dedication of this book to the Earl of Shaftes- bury, a nobleman who devotes so much of his valu- able time to the interests 'of his poorer fellow- countrymen, gives on the title-page ar. intelligible indication of the class of literature to which it be- longs. It professes to be, in fact, a glimpse of the inner ...


... POPULAR CONCERTS, ST. JAMES'S HALL. The concert of last evening was of the same character as that of last week-hardly so good-and re- sembled it also in the disappointment caused by the absence of Mr. Sims Reeves, whose name had been announced as the principalattraction. This time, however, every pains had been taken to prepare the audience for this disappointment. Mr. Reeves's ...


... LITERA TUBE. 1 Lectures and Addresses on Literary and Social Topics. By the late Rev. FREDERICK W. RO- BERTSON, M.A. London: Smith, Elder, and Co. I To the many who knew the author of these ad- I dresses, their publication will be welcomed with joy. l The Rev. Mr. Robertson, of Brighton, was no corm- mon man. He was a clergyman who had steadfastly resolved to learn Christianity from Christ, ...


... FINE, AS 7S. yX2EIBITION CF THE PHIOTOGRAPHI1C SOCIETY. 'Year by neat come improvement. is madec in Plan- 19: trgrsaphS2 sante edntince achieved in-as Professor Owen in s Di, ilddcers to the B ritish Association termied it-ii this most P r sbtle application and e,'tibtn 'tion in photialty, electricity, chemlistry, and inognetirta. Shortly before the last exhibi-re jie af the Photographir ...


... I TUB ANNUAL POULTRY AND PIGEON SHOW AT THI CAFSTALTALAC . The exhibition of pigeons and poultry at the Crystal Palace this year shows a marked improvement on itsl predecessors, both in the number of birds and the quality of the speoimensexhibited, Amongst tbemultifarious capabilities of the Palace there is not one more conspionous than the m fitness of its long transparent airy corridors for ...


... ?? THE CRYSTAL PALACE ART-UNION. A number of noblemen and gentlemen, more or less eminent as patrons and promoters of the fine arts, having formed themselves into a council, under the prebi- denoy of Lord Carlisle, have, in osjunction withsome of the directors of the Crystal Palace, established a Crystal Palace Art-Union upon the most comprehensive plan. Gradually as one art-union after ...


... LITERA TURE. I The Town: Its Mfemnorable Characters and Events. By LEIGH HUNT. London: Smith, Elder, and Co. Here is a new edition of Mr. Leigh Hunt's series of papers on the Town, which we are old enough to remember reading in the freshness of London .ourssal print, and young enough to read again right through, I without pausing for breath. 'The volume is the fourth ( of Messrs. Smith, Elder, ...


... ?? BOOKS FOR THE The Boy's Book of J1odern, 7Tavel and Adventulre. its By MEREDITH JONES. London: W. Kent and Co. Bu The Kangaroo libnters; or, Adventures in the Bush. 1fl0 By ANN~E BOWMAN. London: G. Itoutledge 4nd jillt Co. NAature's School; or, Lessons in the Garden and the me Field. By F. E. BUNNETT. Loudon: Seeley, for- Jackson, and Halliday. lik A Child's W~arfare. By MADELINE E ...


... LITERA 7 URB. I Curiosities of Food. By PETER LUND SIMMONDS, ?? F.S.S. London: Richard Bentley. With these curiosities for a theme, the poorest book-maker could hardly have failed to make a tolerably entertaining book. Much discussion has lately been directed to questions of the table. We are l told that Englishmen dine heavily, bnt not satisfac- torily; and that the present system of service, ...