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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland

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... THE COURT. qwINDSOR, TiUURSDAY.-His Royal Hiighness the prince of Wales dined with her Mlajesty yesterday, nttended by the fIon. Colonel Bruce nnd Captain Grey. The party included tlhe followin visitors, who arrived in the ?? Hon. Frederick Bruce, Lieutenant-General Sir William and Lady Codrington, and Sir Charles Eastlake. The Hon. tirs. 1ilddulpi bad the honour to be invited. The Prince of ...


... AT ITS .OLD WOORK. THrRE is a notion abroad which, in some senses, is not by any means fallacious, that everyone has his mission, his destiny, or, to use more fiailiar languge, his hobby. One man imagines that his missioei is lion-hunting, anotherdevotes himself with tremendous earnestness to the turf, and not a few exert their small talents in various capacities, like Swift's philo- sopher, ...


... THlD COURT. JA IUARY S.-Thero was no addition to the Royal dinner party yesterday. The Qucen, Prince Consort, and tile Prince of Wales, tile ladies and gentlemen of .the Court, and the domestic household attended Divine. service to-day in the private chapel. E. P. Shirley, Esq;, M.P., has left Lough Fea Castle,- Carriekmuicross, for LowerEatington Park, Stratford- on-Avon. Baron G7ustave de ...


... LITFlPRATURE, ART, &c. is ~,1id thnt th G overnmen~t purpose to transfer, th irary and museum at the East India House to too Biti sl'Mseuil, though it is not stated what rooms are assignable for the reception of these trea- sures. The Bombay papers state that Mr. E. Macready, son of tile eminent tragedian, purposes giving a short series of poetical and dramatic readings at Bombay, where he ...


... THE COURT, WINnDson, T UESDAY.-Her Majesty held a Privy Council at one o'clock this day. Present-The Prince Consort, the Earl of Dorby, the Right Hon. B. Disraeli, Mr. Secretary Walpole. Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Major-General Peel, Sir. J. Pakiugton, Lord John .Manners, the Marquis of Exeter, and the Earl -De La War. At the Council Parliament was ordered to be further prorogued from Thursday, ...


... FASHION . T 11 E C 0 U R 1, WI'NDSOR, WEDNESDAY. _ I1or Majestv's dinner party yesterday comprisetl their Royal Hilihnessoj the Prince of' Wales and Princess Alice, the Duke and Dutchess of Wellington, tile Earl ofSandwilch, Viscount and Viscountess PalineLrstoni Viscois t andi Viscounitess Ilardinge, the Dean of Windsor and the HIon. Mrs. Wellesley, Colonel the lIon. R. Bruce, and Captain ...


... VICEREGAL COURT. Iis Excellency the Lord Lieutenant and the Countess of Ettlinton attended Divine service in the Chapel Royal on Sanday' The mnthemn was, 0 Lord, our Governor.-.Psalm viii., 1-8.-Sir J. Stevenson, AMus. Doe. The scrinon was preached by Dr. Butcher, - The Right lIon. the Lord Chief Justice has re- turned to Dublin from Carrickglass, County Long- ford. The Most Noble the ...


... F A I R S. AnxAani.-The fair held on1 Thursday was large nnd well attended by buyers; in many departlentlls the suiply was good, considl(rling the season of the yenr. Beeves were not so nunmeronus as formerly, and the expectations of sellers were so high as to check business-a iiw sales were malae at. £18 and £tM a- head-the average price being Gd. per lb. silnking offal; inferior animals met ...


... PRONOUCIXG PFReNCH RHADEn. By C. A, F. BAYVAL. Glasgow: George IVWtson, 58, Ingram Street. Tius little book, which is one of an educational series issued by the same publisher-, gives a series of pro- gressive lessons in French reading and pronunciation. After a few pages of what we may term a skeleton grammar, the parablo of the Prodigal Son is given in French, with an interlinear translation ...