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... 49-Beeook, Pb'lots, Mi~osir,-t', fior rev/enw, are requested to be left at Air. C. Molthellt'o, ied! Lion Court, Fleet-street, London, aolreeseot I, o Ithe Editor of Ike Extnsea FLYINGO POST. These wit! be ditay fortes 'ted, and receive an early notice. LONDON UN IVE RSI TY MAGAZINE for December. Lotndon :Arthur Iloall, Virtue, and to.,Paternioster-row. 'fits is emt haicattolly o t ...


... * - iITERATURE. WINTER EVENINGS. £aeuemin2ss By LIcss HRITCHJEC. In 2 Dt1tP London : Hurst and Blackett. 3rRitclie has already, by his stories of The 1lns e The Maagcian, and in many 1;Irary n poci s; f obtained the reputation Atl able and agreeable writer, and the and contributions which have appeared t o t im e from his pe n in. Chambers witliwhichche has been for some years ;?rr ctd ...


... EXHIBITION OX 1]861. The following letter has been addressed by the Society of Arts to its town and country membors:- Society of Arts, Manufactureb, and Coimmerce, Adelphi, London ?? Dec. 30, 1858. Sir-The Counscil of the Society of Arts, in censider- ing the best means of setting on foot another Exhibition in she year 1861, must reqne it the co-operation of the whole of the gentlemen who, ...


... HIDDEN CHOE}IS. The present hoor repeats upou its strings E'ohoos of someO vague dreanm we have forgot; Dillm voices whisper half-remelnber'd tliugs, And wsheii we patiso to listen, ulisner not. Forebodilngs conic: we know 'lot how, or whence, Shadowing a nolmifeless fear upon the soul, And stir within our hearts a sulbtler selise, Thlau light lily read or wisioin olly control. Aud who cn tell ...


... LITERA TURE. I The Town: Its Mfemnorable Characters and Events. By LEIGH HUNT. London: Smith, Elder, and Co. Here is a new edition of Mr. Leigh Hunt's series of papers on the Town, which we are old enough to remember reading in the freshness of London .ourssal print, and young enough to read again right through, I without pausing for breath. 'The volume is the fourth ( of Messrs. Smith, Elder, ...


... PRONOUCIXG PFReNCH RHADEn. By C. A, F. BAYVAL. Glasgow: George IVWtson, 58, Ingram Street. Tius little book, which is one of an educational series issued by the same publisher-, gives a series of pro- gressive lessons in French reading and pronunciation. After a few pages of what we may term a skeleton grammar, the parablo of the Prodigal Son is given in French, with an interlinear translation ...