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... GRAID MASONIC BALL I The teth manual hall of the masonic brethren belon In to this province and neighbourhood took place on Toesday, in the magnificentsuito of rooms of the Town Hall. The company began to arrive shortly after nine o'clock, and wore received at the foot Of the grand staircase by several of the com- mnittee and a large number of W. Masters and P. XfasrB in fit 3br ' . .-nc er ...


... -LIT E AT UR E. Tnie LoGIc OP AMTISETSIr. Three Lectures1 bV the Rev. Henry Batchelor, Sheffeldl. Londlon: Judd & Glass. Glasgow: George Gallie aud James MacLehose. Turs volume hias a peculiar interest at present, as being the production of the pastor-elect of the Elgin Place (formerly West George Street) Congregational Church, recently vacated by the I'ev. Alexander Raleigh, renmoved to ...


... VICEREGAL CoU!r1.-Hiq Excellency the Loid Lieutenna.t and the Countess of Eglinton entertained at dinner on Wednrvday evening at the Viceregal Lodge, the following ?? and Lady Crofton end Miss Crofton, Lord Naas, Lady E Montgomery, Miss Hremyer, Mies Noakes, the lion Mr and Mrs North, Colonel Bagot, the Hon Mtr ant Mrs Handcocit, Air and Mrs Stewart, Colonel and Mrs Mande, Mr and Mrs Stronge, ...


... Last night a concert was given at the Beethoven Rooms by Mdlle. Anna Kull, a young perforrneron the violoncello, assisted by some vocal and instrumental artihts-lIdile. Ma- thilde Rudersdorff, Miss Emily Gresham, Herr Mengis, Herr Kleine, and Herr Wilhelm Ganz. The following is the programme:- PAUT L. Trio in F. piano, violon et violoncelle ?? A. Festa. Herr Wilhelm Ganz, Herr Pollitzer, and ...


... LITERA TUBE. 1 Lectures and Addresses on Literary and Social Topics. By the late Rev. FREDERICK W. RO- BERTSON, M.A. London: Smith, Elder, and Co. I To the many who knew the author of these ad- I dresses, their publication will be welcomed with joy. l The Rev. Mr. Robertson, of Brighton, was no corm- mon man. He was a clergyman who had steadfastly resolved to learn Christianity from Christ, ...


... Ad r q ri LERATUE. 1: -L.I ?? iiTr. LITERATURE,. THE PHILOSOPHY OF VOICE AND SPEECH., A Manual of the Philosophy of Voice and Speech; especialij in relation to the EglqgiAh Zangiwae and the Alt of Public ISpcaking. - By JAMEs HuNT, Ph.D., F.S&HL, ?? London: Lorigmans. It Is certainly a remarkable circumstance that so little attentionsis directed to the care and manage- ment of the human voice ...


... BOOKS FOB CHILDREN. We have before us a batch of books for children, and Messrs. Dean and Son, of Ludgate-hill, per- form the sponsorial office as their publishers. The contents of these little gift books for the season are as varied as the covers in which they are encased Harlequin's dress is not a bad epitome of the bril- liant colours in which these brochures make their debut. Huddle them ...


... ?? THE CRYSTAL PALACE ART-UNION. A number of noblemen and gentlemen, more or less eminent as patrons and promoters of the fine arts, having formed themselves into a council, under the prebi- denoy of Lord Carlisle, have, in osjunction withsome of the directors of the Crystal Palace, established a Crystal Palace Art-Union upon the most comprehensive plan. Gradually as one art-union after ...


... THE COURT, WINnDson, T UESDAY.-Her Majesty held a Privy Council at one o'clock this day. Present-The Prince Consort, the Earl of Dorby, the Right Hon. B. Disraeli, Mr. Secretary Walpole. Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Major-General Peel, Sir. J. Pakiugton, Lord John .Manners, the Marquis of Exeter, and the Earl -De La War. At the Council Parliament was ordered to be further prorogued from Thursday, ...


... Sir John Ranisay, Bart., died a few days ago, at Banffl House, N B.. The Prince of Walea left Windsor, on Monday, for the continent. It is believed that the Empress Dowager of Russia,. wbq is recovering from her serious illuess, will aceom- pany the Emperor Alexander on his proposed visit to London and Paris this year.-C'OurfrIornal. Lady Montagn expired at an early hour on Saturday, at Ditton ...