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Advertisements & Notices

... F O RkBLES MACKENZIE ACT. LOPWD MBELGIUNV8,3OTlOXf. A PUBLIC MEEF.TrNG of the INHABITANTS of EDINBURGH, favourabletothelaintenanceof the FomDEs 3MAxENZItp ACT, will be held i;,QUEEN STREET HALL. THIS EVihNING, to Pctition Parliament, that, in order to have a fu*2 ind kemclent investigation Into the working of the Act, tbiu Inquiry should be comducted by a Rtoyal Com- Mnisslon in Scottud, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T E DAI L Y NE WS. The PROPRIETORS of the DAILY N'EWS having bad under their consideration various plan8 for supply- ing regular SubEcribers with a FIRST-CLASS NEWS- PAPER at a considerable Reduction of Price, have deter- wuined to introduce the practice extensively adopted on the Continent and in the United States, and to supply the paper cn terms specially advantageous in return for Annual ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE DAILY NEWS~i: J TePROPRIETORS of the DAILY NEWS I baying had under their consideration various plans for Supply-, lug regular Subecribers with a FIRST-CLASS NEWS-, PAPER at a considerable Reduction of Price, have deter- msined to introduce the practice extensively adopted on the Continent and in the United States, and to supply the paper on terms specially advatitageous in return for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AGE2.--iDrAXWYFA NAP'IER AlI GYP., 1WN G RBRYL A LIVERPOOL. VR AGERLONG HAIARN NEWYDD, y GREF, A CHYFLYM, Y 'L I ON. Cadben JOHN LEwis (yr hwn sydd wedi bod cr y llinell bon am yr un mlynedd ar bymtbeg diweddaf). Stemard, EVAN JONES, o'r agerlong Ganadaidd, Indian. Y mae y Lion yn awr wedi dechren morio yu rheolaidd, Cvchwyna am fis Ionawr (os bydd y tywydd yn caniatau) fel y caulyn:- 0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , VALL LiNE of PAUsETs t AU$ Tj*ft,,LlA._Tbo follotg spleudid Ships, belonging to B~~~hO~~ty l &taet IndiaDcks, JVs c of Blackwall, n load in the EetIdaDc geo tdrcptched punctually fromr GraVesend att the lundermens and be daett a ind ?? at rlymouth. Each ship will carry an Samde- Tons Commandor. Destination. To sail. -~Z~ T.t 1''00J. Adams .2Melbourne direct Mar. I pover Cas c. 1220 A. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -.C 1(WALL LINE of PACKETS.- in PASSAGE MON Y.-FormxLBOUI lE I LIMAlbl) ?? sail March 1, and wil call at jitgT Il ,s, prs en'q splendid Clipper ship P i'otli l CASTLE, A 1, 1,002 tons register, JouI[N ADAms, Commander; Ejot India Docks. This fine ship, having a full poop 1yirv IathW~n docks, offers very superior accommodation for atd l, second, intermuediate, and steerago passengers, at re- il ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AA- -M - The B r bqjhan Daily Post publishe -every Mondayv TuesdaA Wedues a ursand day',Zay~I§ le inttercil bs ire, Staffordshire, arnd Salop, by eighlt 0'ck in the morning. The Satildayj Evenhig Po, a weekly journal for the working classes, price three halfpence, cpn- tnining n well-arranged summary of local and general news of the week, is published at TfnEE ?? on the afternoon of Saturday. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SADDLERS, IRONM1O1(GEPS, & OTIHERS._ VT1 0 BE D IS POS ED O F, a well-established A' SADDLER'S IRONMONGERY BUSINESS, together with Stock, Fixtures, &c., situate in one of the leading Towns of Yorkshire. The valuation will amount to about F600. Tbe whole of the Stoockis in good sale. able conidition, and in daily demand. For fortber particulars apply to Mr. WM. EASTWOOD, 1I Aecountant, Post ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISER. The Pulbliec are respectfully informed that the CHARGE for INSERTION in the DAILY MERCURY of small PRE- PAID) ADVERTISEEMENTS roferring to Situations, Houses, and Persons Wanted, Property to be Sold or Let, Apartments, aud all the Miscellaneous Wants of the Community, is SIXPENCE; that the charge fir THREE INSERTIONS i, ONE SHILLING-for SIX IN- SERTIONS (or an entire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1X0 U R N I N G.-Tle Public are respectfully1 MLJ Informesd that MOUXNING 1 of qvicry ?? th.II Qfcateotvarloty. sudted to alil reqtuiremsents, uponuthe mostdyaivaitagoeUR tersoe to purchasers, will be fud e Iorscaedlato Usee. -'dth an Ox' teosblve varlete of chieml~el, 'It M l'sd L 0Q N 14G WAREHOUSE, thelr' salse i h ?? 8 ronntry ?? ~HE ENGISH MORE ANTQUE, ?? in billanc, qalit, ad efec, Gur ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C HURCH OF SCOTLAND. ENDOWMENT SCHEME. In accordance with the appointment of last GENERAL Assm LtsY, the ANNUAL COLLECTION in support of the E=nOWSENT SCEIE-ME will be made in all the Churches and COapebs in connection with the CEHURCHi OF SCOTLAND, on Sabbatih first, the 13th currsnt. A short explanatory statement, with reference to the progress and prospects of bhe Scheme, has been issued by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY.-Fresh copies AOL of every recent work of acknowledged merit andgeonerel interest fiction, Con'Unue to be added to this library finely a s ubscribers may require these, The present rateof Increase eareeds 100,1.00 ritnuree per annumn. Sisigle subscrIptIon, one guinea per annum. First-clas country bubscription, two gulneas end upwards. according to the Osenber of volumres ...