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Advertisements & Notices

... MR K. PTE Respectfully announces that he has received instrue- tiono, (under a commission from the Court of Admi- ra~)to SELL BY AUCTION, At the Albion Hotel, Norfolk-street, North Shields, on Friday, March 4,1859, at three for four o'clock in the afternoon, A LL that Schooner iMERCURIUS, Capt. 11 Wirander,186-ton..register; built at Arederickaham, in Finland, 1855; elaseed 6. 6;ha at ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKBURN ADVERTISEMENTS. HTrE P.RESTON CHRONVICLE can be had every ± Saturday morning in Blackburn of EDGAR RILEY, Astley Gate ; t HENRY BAKER, Astley Gate,; J. PEMBERTON, Darwen street; and C C. TrILADY, Church-street, Who supply to subscribers, fpytitz, the Supplement b. lis-ed on WVednesday morning. Supe ntub PHOTOGRAPHY pLpAI and VIGNETTED untoucohed CALOTYPE h PORRAITS, equal to any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LETTERS TO PUBLIC MEN. I y VIGIL. Nog III. LE TTEI IO THIE IKING OF SARDINIA. Vido MORtilNti CHIIRONICLE of THIIS DA.Y, Feb. 5, 1859. TrHE 'MORNING CHRONICLE has recently passed into the hands of a New Proprietary, nnd wil be Conducted under an entirely new manugencnnt. luring nearly a Century TILE MIORtNING CHIRONICLE has been the steadfast advocate of Liberal pritiiples and enlightened views ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr. RYM AN 1JAS much pleasure in announcing the Exhi- JLI bition, in his Gallery, of the following highly-interest- ing PICTURES:- The full-length Portrait of the EARL of DERBY, K. G., Premier of England, and Chancellor of the University of Oxford, painted by Francis Grant, Esq., R. A. The Portrait of the Rev. G. G. B3RAILEY, M. A., Ihead. Master of Marlborough College- Also, Dubufe's two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOG LOST. REWARD OF .d1 TO ANY PRSON' WHO WILL RESTORE - -THE SAME TO-OOWNER. QTRAYED, from 99 Sauchiehall Street, on the L Evenig -of 21At inst., a Young; Cream-Coloured SKYE TERRIER TOG.; answerrs to the name of Prince. REWARD OF £6. TOST, on Wednesday, 23d instant, between Wood- Mslde Crescent cud Smuchiehall Street, through West End park, a Ialuable RING, with one large Diamond in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ad. is able to glie all * [f vt~lS AUTAIJSA.LA: ?? .TUIJOR VRED JACCKET. ,IETAR B LINE OI F BRIT18E &':A'UBTRALIIO EX.BOYAL; MAYL ?ACK A~KT ?? 5AON FROM ?? L tIVERPOOL TO 3 X-ELBOURNiO * on the 16t and 20th o e~v'ery r lMouth, :,1 @ SPCaptain. 'feg.' Bas oSall. CUI5EF.ThI-BCHN10..8-§|-ia8500.Mar 1 ?? WIIEDAND.D862. .4800. .Mar. 2 TUDOR *'-' ' . O ..2480on ..2060..60(.April. BFDAC'RIN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1En?%u?ane ?ompaflIt%. DAILY Inepranee data ow ?? otis PERSON in every FIFTEEN is more or less injured by. Accident yearly. ?AnAlinuall'ayo5ent ot£3 secures aFIXED ALLbW'ANCE 0f£?pP0r'We?k'to the event of Issju8y.?or £lsoOdis.oass of Deata, from ACCIDENTS OFEVEISY IYRSCIl1PTION, by 8 Policy in the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE CO?!PANY. which has already paid In Compensation for Accidents £37 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A R D~ , . 'CGOL I A R D' S z g COTTAG}E PEANO.FOETE.. . roved and Newly-Patented Chek Action. yreleltsB ay be seen at gS-POOMIaP, PJABK.STBEE ?? BRIXSTOLf t821 -E THfOMPSO)N A¢ND O.¢!, eJ B ROKERS PORTER 'PURvFASE: N v*J-- B AND SALE i : S F SEi7PS ANDSfTERA l0ERS, sW7 . 6IP SURVEYORS, STO THE COURT OF ADMIRALTYw, VALR AN]) AUCTIONEERS' AST SUNNISIDE, SUNDERLcAND.,* 5 £gay e ad h New and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -PRECINI LECTURES-QIUEEN STREET HALL. oM F U R BY, B.A., LL.1, Advocate, will s;l,. LECTURE en SATUizoAx, FEU. 2651T1H, at One ocdlock, on FRANCE ET SON ADMINISTRATION. Tickets to he had at Seton and Mackenzie's, and Maclaclilan. - Stewart's. S E R MA 0 N. T HE ANNUAL SERMON in behalf of the : ETILNBURGH t11BLE SOCIETY will be Pnsched :by the IleV. WVILLIAIM SMITH of Trinity College Churcb, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCA WRITING MANUAL, on the Method of tulbaouer. Witb Forty Plates, 2s. 6d. WRITING MODELS (Elementary Set), 2s. 6d. WRITING MODELS (Second, Third, and Fourth Sets. 16. eqoh. WRITING BOOKS. 2s: per Dozen. OUTLINES of HISTORY of ENGLAND. Is. OUTLINES of HISTORY of FRANCE. By 0. COCKAYNE, M.A, Is. ai. OUTLINES of HISTORY of IRELAND. By 0. COCKAYNE, M.A. In. OUTLINES of ROMAN HISTORY. lld. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PIARIS TWICE DAILY by the I PACKETS via Dover and Calaie-the Shortest Sea Pasae- The newest and fastest STEAM PACKETS in the Channel carry tae mails in correspondence with the South-Eastern Rail nrin from London-bridge, and to andfrom Brussels, Cologneandall partelof Europe Leave London, 9-30 and 11-30 a.m. 1-30, 6-30, and 830 pm,. Leave Dover for Calais,416 p.m. (except Sunday), 11-16p.m, ...

Published: Sunday 06 February 1859
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2950 | Page: Page 15 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... CORN EXCHANGE. -^pt fT.ALENTAINE Vt)USDEN, HIAVING SUFFI- 1}l ?? N'rTLY recov ered ft-em his indjisposition, fecls warrantedl ino announcinlg that ho vwill positively eplulw r onl MOlNDA Y Evoning n ext. telflsi, *lth Febulary. 444 VICTORIA HALL. BELFAST. F' CONTINUED SUCCESS! TILLT STiORTLY CLOSE, HAMILTON'S MAG- NIFICI:'INT Moving PANORAiMA OF INDIA. E,-ery one shalel see this spleadid ...