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Advertisements & Notices

... T'HE DA ILY IN EW S.1 -'The PROPRIETORS of the DAILY N~EWS p having had under their consideration various plans for isupply- ag regular Subscribers with a FIRST-CLASS NEWS- PAYER att a considerable Reduction of Price, have deter- b, pined to introduce the practice exten~sively adopted on the 0l Cootiment and in the United States, and to supply the paper r, terms specially advantageous in ...


... _ A Dental Hospital is amongst recent London foundatiom. Gratuitous relief is given to the poor suffering from diseases of the teeth. * The arrangements for the Gloucester Festival are progressing nnd it will probably take place on the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th of September. The number of Dutch cheeses brought into France from Rotterdam by sea alone was in 1858, 1,026,144, and the weight ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTISEMENT.] We have the pleasure to inform our readers that Mr. James Lowley, 71, Briggate, Leeds, has received the Queen's warrant appointing him boot maker in ordinary to Her Majesty and H.R.H. the Prince Consort. C 2220 2 FIRE IN UPPERHEAD-ROW.-Last night, between six and seven o'clock, the cellar beneath the shop occupied by Mr. Hall, chemist and druggist, Upperhead-row, was g ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jsittliC 1Otitc% -CONT1IUcED, COPY OF RETURN'PUilSUAANT TO 8 & 9 VIC., C . . NAME O1 FiRM. THE CLYDESDALE BANKING COMPANY. Personw oJ tle c'oJ 8i:it or.Partucerip CC ist_ Abercroliby, Alexander, Ginsgow, miercliant Adams, A udxnzier, North Frederick Street, Glasgow Agnew, ,lJln, Glasgow, surgeon Aakiumn. William, teller, Clydesdale Bank, Glasgow Aitken, Janies, (i:lsgow, eingilleer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTIO.-The WHITEZ TAR CLIDPB - comprising the largest, finest, and fasteac clippers ijl the world, will be despatohed punctually at noon of thie lot and 20th of every Month. WHITE STAR LINE OF BRITISH AN]) AUSTRALIAN EX-ROYAL MAIL PACKETS, Sailing from Liverpool to Melbourne on the lst and 20h of every month, ani from Melbourne to Liver. Pool on the lot of every month. e Pa~seengers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AYF'5 WORSDE1L's PILLS.-VIOTIMS TQI iW6 1GfIRASTION, Nervousneso, Phbpiosl Dehilivy, ous and tliver Comptsdut, Diseaes of the Chest, Lungs ad Throat, aind all who desire to restore and establsh thcle! health1with speed aertaintysnd ?? tia those wondertul Pills. They strike at the root of dis-ase, purify thb blood, and strengthen and invigorate toe entire ~aresl solely ?? lHayc, REq., of Dalton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENGLISH OPERA, Covent-SapdewM, Under the 9ole UMeageMeni Of Misst L10111a PYne and Mr. W. Harreesm, & ST teer weeks of the Royal English. Oprm Beasen, and of SATAU5LLy. L The RQE OF CASTILLE, eed'th e ucceesful Psetemlsne Total aboitlon of eI beo-keeperefeese, end booking chareer. 'Mon~day, W~deya, end Seturdey, The ROSE OF CASTILI E. Mr, Wales, Mr. Goorge hon'ey, Mr. St. Albyn, Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .FITDAL'SBOOK. T HY R *TXF/vE YEAR OF; .A ,,RAMAT.. THXRTY AUTOR'SLIFE To be had a THE FARIILY-'DOCTOR. . ?? prilt2d. eath ;fllylitustrsted with all' the Medicinal Plsmts,;'Mdea Of' Banddalg, Alleviating pain, t. 'TMHFAMILY DOCTOIR A complete EnecaldP~dlx6fDomWM I Medeinead PdHouseNhold SurgteI. COmpr'ing afullace9t of the Nature and Treatmentof allDiseases; of the !)rogb and PreparStions used ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1) ?? iA'1S T~~l~IiEN WITHotJ't P11Oise OR D I s' ,I WILl(OAIn.NShips, Barns, Stbls idely reloss Falseds, Houses, dcc, Core. ie-we.Any person can by this method clear Ge) use o c y list, however uumerous they onl Io silen~igt. Printed directions how to cresiti oi1or i sl~i lot alive, sent free by return of coute i ?? ILIMGOODNVlx High Hildstow, reinci i'II ?? MEN OF U E1NGLAND, WHO FII -iOM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iErvAN'NTS, of ?? cLASS, in search of ~S ShualiOfl can have five lines [about forty words] jeseried in the Flybll!_ Post for Is. tid. A N cllerl~ Widow Lady desires Board and . J~odgifginla9quiet family at Topsham, Exeter, or yivineatb. Iler income being limited she can only offer £20 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OqSATURDAY EVENING CONmCJERTS o hO~l!R TU~lWloD ON.8TRl'BEyP HE BMEA THE * FjA ITER tAMAN. FS E EEI H SEAiONo IHLq EOBA. IUE;B HEPIC OSN CATURDAY EVENrING NieXT. of 265n Lns, MUVSICAL ENTERTAINMENT BY TAA: Cfli.RDlliASD NATIONAL SWEDIS}I SINGER1S. Adniletisalt~ lody. al., Side Gaflorive, Cid.: lesoarved ?? le.; 1iaYntfv, 2H. To COhIlneuCO ait Eight o'clock. HIDging Chatis, nsidrw the diseetiaa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? I. pAPER-HANGINGS AND GOLD MOULDINGS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, PLAnV and ORNAME217TAL PAINTING, WHTrEwASni:NG, and CoLOURING, neatly executed by T. 1M. DAVIES, 36, LIME-STREET. fo28 N EAT WAST P E s , with Glass and Baokboards, complete, 14 inehes by ll Inches, for Ic. Gd.;ether slue in ortion. old lorames nd Cornices regilt acd altered at tho low poeslble prices. BRADMN, PSS, & co., 38, ...