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Advertisements & Notices

... MI. ALBERT SMITH'S CHINA is open every Night (including Saturday) at Eight; Tnesday, 'rmoroday, naid Saturday Attercoons, at Three o elock. Stalls, numbered olnd reserved, which can be taken in advanes from the Plan at the i tbien it *1, ecery day, from Eleven to Five, without any extra charesg, 3s.; Arca, 23.; Gallery, Is. iTjti>. atnld MRS. HOWARD PAUL evory I L EveehiN (Sattirday exceltted) ...

Published: Sunday 27 February 1859
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4895 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... p H E D A I L Y N R W S. The PROPRIETORS of the DAILY NEWS having had under their consideration various plans for supply- ing regular Subscribers with a 7'IRST-CLASS NEWS- PAPER at a coneiderable Reduction of Price, have deter- mined to introduce the practice extensively adopted on the Continent and in the United States, and to supply the paper on terms speciolly advantageous in return for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 21xasn Chrlorteaw- >-orequre ?? Care of Scorbutle and oil Brptions, MUM JKlns Sal F ?? Raldnesi, M-er, ft Presideat-Rv. C=Ioant Ioale 3ML Treaserer-ga, ,uel Sugeon.~Tbemoa Hfunt, Esq, F ~IAC Altfred-pt Bffs i Attendancedailyfromatolos The appUlet§Osf5 ft UdAIj4 Ib year 1 were 9,817, amounted in 1858 to JNAM° 9 patieni mlustlr peure aticket of admlslon SP7Zvem ?? f Pa' at least la per waek. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. ROtA! ENGLISH OPERA, COV`ENT GARDEN. Uman Miss L. PYNZ AND MR. W. HARRISON'S MANAGorMNT. Last week but two of the season. Total abolition of al I box-keepers' fees and booking charges. O.MORROW. Wedneedav and Saturday, TPE ROSE OF T CASTILLE. sessialcas G. Honey t. Albyn Corti and Aanrison; Misses Susan I n Morell, Una Louisa ?? day, Thuad and Friday, a Av ANEELLA; or, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES.- KWhat diseases are more fatal in their consequence- obar. neglected Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats, or Lungular AfletlioL! The first and best remedy is KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES.- Prepared and sold in boxes, la. lid., and tins, 2s. 9d., 4s. lid., anl 10s. 6d. each, by Thomas Roating, chemist, &c., 79, St. Peel's Churchyard, London. Retail by abl druggsdts and patent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TETTERS TO PUBLIC MEN. L ?? VIGIL. No. IV. LETTER TO FL;RRDINAND, KING OF NAPLES. Tide MORNING CHRONICLE of TO-MORROW, Feb. 10, 1859. XN H1. T HE MORNING CHRONICLE has recently .4 JLupassed into the hands Of a Now Proprietary, and will be O ?? under ain entirely new management. iI. During neatly a Century 'THE MORNING CHRONICLE bijls HU been the steadfast advocate of Liberal principles and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LETTERS TO PUBLIC MEN. I y VIGIL. Nog III. LE TTEI IO THIE IKING OF SARDINIA. Vido MORtilNti CHIIRONICLE of THIIS DA.Y, Feb. 5, 1859. TrHE 'MORNING CHRONICLE has recently passed into the hands of a New Proprietary, nnd wil be Conducted under an entirely new manugencnnt. luring nearly a Century TILE MIORtNING CHIRONICLE has been the steadfast advocate of Liberal pritiiples and enlightened views ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCA WRITING MANUAL, on the Method of tulbaouer. Witb Forty Plates, 2s. 6d. WRITING MODELS (Elementary Set), 2s. 6d. WRITING MODELS (Second, Third, and Fourth Sets. 16. eqoh. WRITING BOOKS. 2s: per Dozen. OUTLINES of HISTORY of ENGLAND. Is. OUTLINES of HISTORY of FRANCE. By 0. COCKAYNE, M.A, Is. ai. OUTLINES of HISTORY of IRELAND. By 0. COCKAYNE, M.A. In. OUTLINES of ROMAN HISTORY. lld. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PIARIS TWICE DAILY by the I PACKETS via Dover and Calaie-the Shortest Sea Pasae- The newest and fastest STEAM PACKETS in the Channel carry tae mails in correspondence with the South-Eastern Rail nrin from London-bridge, and to andfrom Brussels, Cologneandall partelof Europe Leave London, 9-30 and 11-30 a.m. 1-30, 6-30, and 830 pm,. Leave Dover for Calais,416 p.m. (except Sunday), 11-16p.m, ...

Published: Sunday 06 February 1859
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2950 | Page: Page 15 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... T E DAI L Y NE WS. The PROPRIETORS of the DAILY N'EWS having bad under their consideration various plan8 for supply- ing regular SubEcribers with a FIRST-CLASS NEWS- PAPER at a considerable Reduction of Price, have deter- wuined to introduce the practice extensively adopted on the Continent and in the United States, and to supply the paper cn terms specially advantageous in return for Annual ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE DAILY NEWS~i: J TePROPRIETORS of the DAILY NEWS I baying had under their consideration various plans for Supply-, lug regular Subecribers with a FIRST-CLASS NEWS-, PAPER at a considerable Reduction of Price, have deter- msined to introduce the practice extensively adopted on the Continent and in the United States, and to supply the paper on terms specially advatitageous in return for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , VALL LiNE of PAUsETs t AU$ Tj*ft,,LlA._Tbo follotg spleudid Ships, belonging to B~~~hO~~ty l &taet IndiaDcks, JVs c of Blackwall, n load in the EetIdaDc geo tdrcptched punctually fromr GraVesend att the lundermens and be daett a ind ?? at rlymouth. Each ship will carry an Samde- Tons Commandor. Destination. To sail. -~Z~ T.t 1''00J. Adams .2Melbourne direct Mar. I pover Cas c. 1220 A. ...