Advertisements & Notices

... -AT EIN DERBYNWYR. Pris V FAXn, wedi e;i damio gyda'r post, yo 4c. yr us; am chwarter, 48. 4C.: an hsaner blwyddvn, 88. Be.; otd 08 as lr ed bob bliouddym, 18s. Os td*ir yn men Ilaw, , prit am chcarr wed e4 stamr jy d 4s.; am hanner Uwyeddy, 81,; amft vvdyn, 16s. Lk ,w eflr ei chai drnis Dd aedwr, es eauna dau pedart, ech, weu unryk gyfnifer (equal number) e kvenau Vw derbyn, a. anfon V ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TItIR CiJURCHWAXDENS OF THE PARISH OF BANGOR, W3 Ethe undersigned. irhiabitrants of the City of Bano, T, bengdeeply impressed that a further extension of Churchl, i accomoideion, in this Parish, is much needed, herpby request J you to call a Public H eeing to take this imsportanit question into eonsideration. It. M. GRIFFITH. J. WILLIAM HUJGHES, TIED WORtTI LEE, ' ELLEN RtOBSERTS. WM. DEW, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BENTLEY'S QUATMIY 'REVIEW, on ptsd.eah.O Zs.t Fierlof T E Y I TV~1A1S IX.EIENCB ot TOTAL T -AD INN(IF FROM01 INTOXI1CATING LIQUORS. BY EDWARDs EAMiES. I~oaon W Twedle.327,Strad. L Eds . Baines and Sane. .s~ ruw ec., 4 pegr, piceis. 2d. cloth, extra ti~E HSTOY o MOLEYOLD CHAPEL, blade, Bond-street. Morle S. Stead. D 22508 Juet published. Deny 8v0. Price 3s. Od. ClOMETS: THEIR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO be LET, with Immediate Possession, the l old established FREE PUBLIC HOUSE, the 1 Fonutain Inn, situate on the Exeter Quay. Apply to Mr. I H. LAKE, Jeweller, 43, High-street. T RADFORD HOUSE, DAWLISH. m0 be LET, the above very desirable - 1 RESIDENCE, situated about one mile from the town of Dawlishs, containing six bedrooms, with all the r requisites for a small family. Apply to Mr. MANLEY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ad. is able to glie all * [f vt~lS AUTAIJSA.LA: ?? .TUIJOR VRED JACCKET. ,IETAR B LINE OI F BRIT18E &':A'UBTRALIIO EX.BOYAL; MAYL ?ACK A~KT ?? 5AON FROM ?? L tIVERPOOL TO 3 X-ELBOURNiO * on the 16t and 20th o e~v'ery r lMouth, :,1 @ SPCaptain. 'feg.' Bas oSall. CUI5EF.ThI-BCHN10..8-§|-ia8500.Mar 1 ?? WIIEDAND.D862. .4800. .Mar. 2 TUDOR *'-' ' . O ..2480on ..2060..60(.April. BFDAC'RIN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -.C 1(WALL LINE of PACKETS.- in PASSAGE MON Y.-FormxLBOUI lE I LIMAlbl) ?? sail March 1, and wil call at jitgT Il ,s, prs en'q splendid Clipper ship P i'otli l CASTLE, A 1, 1,002 tons register, JouI[N ADAms, Commander; Ejot India Docks. This fine ship, having a full poop 1yirv IathW~n docks, offers very superior accommodation for atd l, second, intermuediate, and steerago passengers, at re- il ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AA- -M - The B r bqjhan Daily Post publishe -every Mondayv TuesdaA Wedues a ursand day',Zay~I§ le inttercil bs ire, Staffordshire, arnd Salop, by eighlt 0'ck in the morning. The Satildayj Evenhig Po, a weekly journal for the working classes, price three halfpence, cpn- tnining n well-arranged summary of local and general news of the week, is published at TfnEE ?? on the afternoon of Saturday. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T'HE DA ILY IN EW S.1 -'The PROPRIETORS of the DAILY N~EWS p having had under their consideration various plans for isupply- ag regular Subscribers with a FIRST-CLASS NEWS- PAYER att a considerable Reduction of Price, have deter- b, pined to introduce the practice exten~sively adopted on the 0l Cootiment and in the United States, and to supply the paper r, terms specially advantageous in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jsittliC 1Otitc% -CONT1IUcED, COPY OF RETURN'PUilSUAANT TO 8 & 9 VIC., C . . NAME O1 FiRM. THE CLYDESDALE BANKING COMPANY. Personw oJ tle c'oJ 8i:it or.Partucerip CC ist_ Abercroliby, Alexander, Ginsgow, miercliant Adams, A udxnzier, North Frederick Street, Glasgow Agnew, ,lJln, Glasgow, surgeon Aakiumn. William, teller, Clydesdale Bank, Glasgow Aitken, Janies, (i:lsgow, eingilleer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENGLISH OPERA, Covent-SapdewM, Under the 9ole UMeageMeni Of Misst L10111a PYne and Mr. W. Harreesm, & ST teer weeks of the Royal English. Oprm Beasen, and of SATAU5LLy. L The RQE OF CASTILLE, eed'th e ucceesful Psetemlsne Total aboitlon of eI beo-keeperefeese, end booking chareer. 'Mon~day, W~deya, end Seturdey, The ROSE OF CASTILI E. Mr, Wales, Mr. Goorge hon'ey, Mr. St. Albyn, Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T Engaigement of MISS MARRIOTT, the cele- brated Tragic Actresa. THIS EVENING (Friday), February 18, will be perforrmed MACBETH. Macbetb ?? ?? Mr W Montgomery Lady Macbeth ?? ?? Miss Marriott. To conclude with THE GUARDIAN ANGEL. Saturday- As You Like It. Doors open at a quarter to Seven ; performance to conmenic at qnarter past Seven. Private Boxes, 115 9, 1 lO3, 21. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW DESIGNS FOR SPRING CARPETS, DAWASES, AND FURNISHINGS. Al M ' LA RE N. OLIVER, & CO. that, F are ntow showing their New Purchases for this Ann Season in Briti ?? 'CARPETS, DAMASKS, AND FURNISHINGS. desc; Their Stock embraces the Newest Designs and Fabrics, Ganu mal baving all been purchased in anticipation of the present Brto advancein pudces, they are enabled to offer them at former and ...