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Daily News (London)


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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... HE NEET FASHIONS in LACE and T VtltlR for rinoer, Ball, or Eyenlng. Dress. I , AIAYWA~d'.AChiMON totbaICOYAL 1A54[LY LADLE arerespetfuly INVTED O l.NPECTthe attractive BALI.atolEVE~lN~i t~dCO fo youn lasleevery pretty HII~LIN ntI ACE RESSES1. in beautiful and entirely novel and WHITE LACE PLOUNCINGS, from 4fethe set. The NNW PARISIAN CAPE and ERTHE, with dres sleeves, now Co faehionable. t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 9UTCH, Portuuese, Spanish, American, Fretchl n nd other ?? NS Ow duo and lavabiq alrorad, r n~v being PAI D at the ?? .tratea, on preseal,%tion at thc Btdllc r and Banking Odic 79, Lombcd, treet. ADAM SPIELXANIN and Co. CIRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONpy, Travellere proceeding to the Continent. COeonles, Ane i C canhavec CIRCULAR 50TKS of £6 and Ze19 each, pyable rt bj ?? towns; also foreign ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T11 E D AI LY NEZWS. The PROPRIETORS of the DAILY NEWS iaving had under their consideration various plans for supply- Ing regular Subscribers with a FIRST-CLASS NEWS- ]PAPER at a considerable Reduction of Price, have deter- mined to introduce the practice extensively adopted on the Continent end in the United States, and to eupply the paper on terms epecially ae.vantageotis ink return for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n H 13 D A I I Y N 1$ W ?? The PROPRIETOBS of the DAILY NEWS having had under their consideration various plans for supply-! ing regular Subscribers with a FIRST-CLASS NEWS- PAPER ataconsiderable Reduction of Price, have deter-: mined to introduce the practice extensively adopted on the1 Continent and in the United Statoes, and to supply the paper on terms specially aivautageoue in return ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M 0 U R N I N G.-The Public are respectfullX informed that MOURNING of every description, In the greatest variety, suited to all resiutreeneols. upon the Inset asivantageesu terms to purobjoers, w.ill be found ready for un~oedlate vsee, with an ex- teetolve vae'letv eS choice millinerv. St 1P UGH' S FAi4 1liY MlO URN 2MG WAl~ittO USE, the first established in the United Kingdom, 163 Itegene ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JU3SIAN, GREEK, and AMERICAN COUPONS DUE March 1, 1869, are now being PAID athe best rates on presentatlon at our Bullion and BOSIling o sfic 21. Corri bul. SAMfUt;I anti MO TAGU. WjUTCH, Portuguese, Spanish, American, French ani1 other COUP021S, now due and payable abroad, are now banmg PAID at the very highest rates, on pr ILotatloa at thei Bullion snd Banking Office 79, Lousbard-street. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T The PRPITR fte1D M E S having ha dunder their cnideration various plans for supply- fag regular Subscribers with a FIRST-CLASS NEWS- PAPER at a considerable Reduction of Price, have deter- smined to i~riodstoe the practice extensively adopteod on the Continent and in the United States, and to supply the paper on terms spec ialy ae'vantageona in retur for Annual or Half-S yearly Subscriptions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WUNBRAL EXTORTION AVOID)ED.y Executors and bereaved Relatives of deceased noblom 4aeznn tradesmen and others sendiog In tbe Soot nseaicoh lr IB ERH' ESTAh14SHMEINT, CITY-ROAD ?? a or No 12 North-street, Quadrant, Brightoeu Gntead of eonofbin B their1nphoisterer, or the nearest I ndortaer 'ho not poeoorn the d needfel requirements, coort to the fmeral turndshers to bdre tbem E and consequently ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1DUTCH, Portuguese, Spanish, American, French J aid other aOUSPOwS, now due and payable abroad, are now being PAID at the very highest rates, on preocmtation at the Bullion and Bankfing Olice, 79, Lombard-street. ADAM SPIELMANX Pnd (lo. I RCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. Travellers proceeding to the Continent. Colonies, Asme ic, talahave CItCULAR NOTE;S of £S and £0 eaeh, ?? at principal towns* ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 U R N I N 0.-The Public are respectfnau M Informed that MOURNING of every receipt - THB ENGLISH MOIREQUE, nrivalled In rillanY. ualeyar~d ef~c. F ur uICsE the robe (extra Soeaeet variety* Nulled rvequingrene BaUt~s, upon b1) tlf Skits, or Two er~mo2S to thr vibser, wicluslv v aS found re e r ls s tesiE vrety~ ofd Choice milarYuatehuG F5h'street WLACK BOSE S from LYONS.-During the last n- six ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G REEK, Portuguese, Spanish, American, French G ead other COUPOtNSl, now duo and payable abrcad, are now USlng PAID at the very higheg ratte, on preeealatlen at the Bullion and B3anking OMee, 79, Loanbardotreet. ADAM SPIELMANK and Co. fCIRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. TraveTlers proceeding to the Continent. ColDnies, Amorica, le.. ean have CIRCUILAR NOT ,S of £2 and XIO eachc. a-as at all q ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T M E DAILY NEWS4] The PROPRIETORS of the DAILY NEWS! bharing had under their considerrtion various plans for supply- S9 Ing regular Subscribers with a FIRST-CLASS NEWS- L. PAPER at a considerable Reduction of Price, have deter-! T mined to introduce tho practice extensively adopted on thel Continent and in the United States, and to supply the paper | C on terms specially aevantageous in ...