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Advertisements & Notices

... WINE1 NO LONGER AN EXPENSIVE LUXURY. Tj WELLEDR & HUGHES'S . SOUTH AFRICAN WINES, Classified as PORT, SHERIY, MADERIA, &c., 2As. per Doz. Pint a ?? ec of eitser for 12 Stamps. SOUTH AF RICAN TE.NT , 23s. perDozen. SOUTH AFRICAN AIOTELXT , 284. per Dozen. di COLONIAL BRANDY, Pale or Brown, 16s. per Gallon. dr We lave tasted the Wlines imported by Messrs. Weller aiid Hughes, and usshcsitqtingly ...


... ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. Sixth ik Lnrr. Homing Service.—'V'cnitc (Chant Double). Bennett In Te Dcnm and Jubilate, Jackson in F. Evening Service.—Gloria Patri (Chant Single), in B flat. Cantate Deo, Jackson in F. Anthem, I know their sorrow*, Sturgesn. NEWPORT. Agents—Messrs. J. and W. Grßßixs. Tlie grand steeple-chase on Thursday, near Sheat Farm, is likely to attract large concourse of spectators ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Road Contractors and others. l. DERSONS desirous of contracting for the Repair om- of Headington Parish Roads (about sever. miles) and 1o0 thle Footpaths, for one or more years, from Lady Day, 1859, as Vestry may determine (the amount to be payable quar. terly), are requested to forward scaled Tenders to the Sur- veyors. The specifications of work required to be done may be seen upon ...


... Agent—Mr. Hampton. On Wednesday the Rev. T. Bacon, of Kingsworthy, gave second lecture The Degrees of Intelligence, from instinct reas>n, when the lecturer certainly succeeded the illustrations adduced to prove that, to some extent, intelligence and the use of the reasoning faculties belong to the inferior animals. A Vestry Meeting was held on Friday, the 25th ult., at the Church, when \V. T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Stokenchurch andl Tetsorhe; inea the month ofJneesoe, At B AA It',l- l; rilllbe hecld in the mon01th, * Juzne, ltt IfAIGIS S'S UTT2'AO the proceeds to be detotedi tolvards the Intirhase of dlt OIGANjfor the C£hnrrh. POTATOES. STXTY SACKS OF FINE YORK REGENTS, (Divided int, convenient Lots,) O BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ..ll By I. and W. FISHER, On Monday next, April 4, at Three o'clock, on premises ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FARMlYS TO LET. MR. WYATT, Land Agent and Surveyor, invites M Agriculturists to consult his LIST OF FARMS TO LET, which will be forwarded on receipt of six postage stamps, and the size and kind of Farm required. -Offices, 6, laddox-street, Regent-street, London, IV. GOOSEY, BERKS. 0 be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,- 1 1S2Ao 2R. 10P. of rich M'IEADOW and ARABLE LAND, 2 FARM HOMESTEADS, 10 COTTAGES, ...


... Tlie Mersey, 40, screw, Captain Henry Caldwell, C.8., went out harbour on Monday morning, and made run out to St. Helen's try her engines. She anchored at Spithead in the afternoon, to take in her powder and shell and swing compasses. She saluted the flag of Admiral \V. Bowles, c.8., her going out, with 17 guns. Tlie Jle,-sey sailed from Spithead on Thursday, for a four days' cruise the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1859. CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK. As'. 16 S. Oxford Lent Term ends. 17 SU. SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE EASTER (Palm Sunday). Morning Lessons-Exodui 9; Mattlhew 26. Evening Lessons-Exodus 10; Hebrews 5 (to verse 11).-Full Moon, 9.6 a.m. 18 M. Length of Day, 13 hrs. 57 in. 19 Tu. Alphege, Arcbbishop of Canterbury. - 20 W. Sun rises at 4.57; sets at 7.2. -21 Tu. Maunday Thursday. - 22 1. Goon FRIDAY. Morning ...


... Hampshire PORTSMOUTH, SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1859. Sunday Lent. Arts 7. Ecf'i>.*g—Kxtxlus 5, 12. Day Break3h l«)m. 'We are the eve of important political struggle, au'l the present aspect of affairs portends that will one of no ordinary character. Her Majesty's ministers have determined to regard the vote of the House of Commons Thursday week, neither in the light of a reproof net a ...


... The Countess Harrowby expired on Tuesday, at the family mansion in Grosvenor-square. The Rev. l)r. Camming, of the Scotch Church, London, to preach at the Oratoire, Paris, to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon. Sir Maurice Berkeley writes to his friends at Gloucester that, as he claims an existing peerage, his legal advisers inform him he ought not to allow himself be elected a member of the House of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the Electors of the Borough of Newport. G ENTLEM EN T Have the greatest pleasure in accepting the in- 9I vitation convoyed to me by the numirously signed re- quisition which I have received. asking that I w oildl become a Candidate to represent your Boroug.h in Parliamlent, at I the forthcoming Election. I The recent death of my beloved and honored father, wvell remembered by many among you ...


... SUMMER LONGINGS. An ! heart is weary waiting, Waiting for the May— Waiting for the pleasant rambles, Where the fragrant hawthorn brambles, With the woodbine alternating, Scent the dewy way. Ah! my heart is weary waiting, Waiting for the May. All! heart is sick with longing, Longing for the May— Longing to escape from study To the young face fair and ruddy, And the thousand charms belonging To ...