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Derbyshire, England

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... WE ONES HA Y, Mat 11, 1859. The turmoil and strife of a General Election have during the last few weeks taken so great hold upon men's minds, that there has been room for little more than passing thought upon events which at any other time would have been regarded with thrilling interest. War is, however, we regret to aay, accomplished fact; and though there has been hitherto apparent ...

The Austrian Flotilla and the French Fleet. —The Austrian flotilla hat received orders take refuge at Trieste, ..

... navy will not attack it, that port belongs to the Federal territory; but that prudential measure had not been completely executed, it is said, when Admiral Jurien de Graviere entered the Adriatic, »o that his division may intercept the Austrian division, which would then take shelter under the guns of Venice, and be open to attack. At all events, the blockade the Adriatic will be strictly ...


... The remarks we made last week with reference to incidents connected with the recent South Derbyshire election, have stirred up the ire of the Derby Reporter ; and the readers of that paper have been regaled with a series of articles worthy of the choicest specimens of Yankee journalism. The Reporter has found it impossible to refute the statements have made, and which we were fully justified ...


... (From the Mining JournaL) During the past week metals have not undergone any material alteration; our market has been steady, but quiet, quotations have slightly improved. Copper.—We have experienced a very inanimate market for some time past, and the general tendency of prices is downward*; orders for shipment are very scarce* and M-ems doubtful whether fixed rates can possibly be maintained ...


... We shall publish in a SECOND EDITION of the MERCURY, THIS DAY (WEDNESDAY), a FULL REPORT of the DINNER, CELEBRATING the RETURN of W. MUNDY, Esq., M P., at the Rotal Hotel, last night. ...

On Wednesday the public were startled the announcement in the National Gazelle Berlin that a treaty offensive ..

... Russia and France was concluded Friday week, according which Russia is to make her Br.t mobilisation of four corpt darmee. two of which are to be advanced towards the Austrian and two towards the Prussian frontier. On the same day the French Chambers met and Count read exposition of the negotiations which bad taken place. The Count then went on to say The Chambers would observe that if the ...


... In the present aspect of Continental affairs, it behoves England to be fully prepared, at any rate, to act on the defensive; and are rejoiced to find that the plan of organizing local volunteer corps, finds general favour. The meeting at the Guildhall, on Thursday, under the presidency the Mayor, initiated the proper steps for the formation of such a corps in Derby; and the memorial to the ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY, FIIIDAT. GRESI.KY V. MOUSLEY. Their Lordships this morning gave judgment in this appeal from a decision of Vice-Chancellor Stuart, who set sale to the late Mr. Wm. Mou-ley, solicitor, of Derby, certain real estate made the late Sir Roger Gresley, whose solicitor Mr. Mousley was. Their Lordships considered the decree the Court below was ri«ht between the plaintiff and ...


... Mildness or the Season.—To the astonishment of all his friends, Frederick Peel made a joke the other day. Flunkeiana—Lady: 44 Resign your situation I Why, what s wrong now, Thomas ? Have they been wanting you to eat salt butter again :**— Genteel Footman : •' Oh no. thank you, ma'am—but the fact is ma'am—that I have heard that master were seen last week on the top of a homnibus, and I couldn't ...


... ■rt . FRANCE. 1 following important decree has been published in the Moniteur relative to legislation in corn Napoleon, by the grace of God and the national will of the of the French, &c.. upon the report of our Secretary of State for agriculture, commerce, and public work,-considering that the decree of the 30th September, be fallowed, during the se««inn of the Legisla tive Body, by Ihe ...

Death the Inventor of Lucifer Matches.— Our obituary of to-day contains the name of Mr. John Walker, chemist ..

... who died the Ist inst, aged seventy-eight years, and whose name deserves more than a passing notice, from the fact of his being the origiaal inventor lucifer matches. The discovery was made by him whilst experimenting with various chemical substances, and for a considerable time he realised a handsome income from the sale of his matches .in boxes at Is. 6d. each. This did not last long. ...


... RACING FIXTURES FOR 1859. MAT. Harpenden 27 Epsom Summer .. ..31 Jen. Bridgend G Manchester Summer.. .. |.V Chelmsford .. * .. 7 Hampton 22. Beverley, Hull, and East Newton 22 Riding 8 Newcastle 28 H tinge 9 Odiham Hawick 10 Bibury Club .. .. ..29 Ascot 14 Stockbridge 30 JULY. Winchester 1 I Liverpool July 13 Carlisle AI Lyndhurst 14 Newmarket July .. .. | Nottingham 19 Worcester Summer .. .. ...