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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... TABLE I)'HOTE DURING the MAY 34EET- T INGq.-lt is,- Then ostee-estedthttwsdegrsawo. raodati4n, R. welt1ao afbort an eppot~tusuit icr Chrnstlan union. to PTO- Tide a., fomlrtb:o Biouse tor Geutleineu and Lalhas Intere-tod in and nattending tlse lteligloau M,.etings. Arrnngernents h:%ve been made o r a TA B L DMtOTE at ST'. MA ~1'1TJN'8 1HALL, ou lt'.INidpDAY and FRI DAY no t, M.3s 4 and 0, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITEAM cOMMU\NICATION between LIVER- PfOOL Ond NE`V YORK.-The LIVERPOOL. NEW YORK, PEULADEL1UB1A 4TEAM-SHIP COMPANY intend despatch. their falf-pewered iron rwelm-hpfrom LIVERPOOL to lWyORK. a follows cTOFALI ?? Wednesday. NMayll. CITY' OF WAo11INGTON ?? Wednee lay, fitay As YlANGA AROO.Wednesday, June S. k, r I each, al~tern-ae' Wdes day.) fais asag, 6,7 and il1 guineas, according to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D UTCH, French, American, ard other Foreign COUPOiS, nlow becoming due, ace being PAID onpreseta- Uoa aa~t the Bsrkig %ad Bullion Ohfioes. 79, Loemubard-street. ADAte iM SPIELhIANN and Co. C IRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. T Travellers prmcedidlg to tho Contienut, Cotonlew, Amerina, ke., ean have CIRCULAR DOT 0r 5S of £.5 end t10 ach., rtayable at al S rnchli towns; also foreign mnonies. at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ : ?? NDIA OUTFITS.-THRESHER and GLENNY Po 1.i anrufacture the following Articlesexpressly tor India, which are St sold only at their Ustablisihnnt, 1S1. STRAN D. Thresher's Er MUMr Flernol Shirts. tI Thresher'a Military Shirts. e Thresher's India Gauze Waistcoats, Thresher's Icdia Tweed Suits. Thresher's Overland Trunks. ( Thresher's Cabin Bag for Steamera. * m N.B. Lists of prices, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VEILAND ROUTE.-COMMUNICATION by T ?? to INDLA. AUSTRALIA, Re.. via Egypt.-Tbe P'ENI I ~LR oru ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY hot iA~ yER and receive cargo eind parcels for Gibraltar. -tiv E SOPt. Auto. Ceylon. Sdodaoms, Calcutta, the Straite, China, and bv~ Ethir qteamero leaving Southampton on the 4th mud 20th of I Girta.Malts, Ez pt, Aden, end Bombay. by ~ l~ ?? oeb month: and for lrltr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D UTCH, French, American, and otber Foreign D 001 PONS, now becorn;iP due, are being PAID on presentin ion at the Banking and Bullion Otees. 79. Lombard street. ADAM SPIELSIANN and Co. CIRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY, %. Travelli- proceedin to the Contineut, Colonies, Aintrica, tc.. entiave CIRCULAEWR ;'OT'IS Of £5 and £10 mab, payable at all p al towns: ?? foreign monies, at trh Bankihg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FV IjfT and MOORE'S AUSTRALIAN LINE J f PACKET SHIP.-FurO,'1tAE1,T TOWN Direct (a regular -under engegemeset with the Lords Commissioners of the Ad- arleate wlth immediate deopateh). the splendid now lpe SE ?? The8 ?? of th3 years, 2 byn Mr. Jams L f udr es a ?? iStYrNEY Direct(ill datlo hormebi ~aad. r hel~kdis-'teen gdes for menterosieod as includingh ~~~loe aseners adfro hrYOUNGtructon, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IL of HORSE CHESTNUTS applied externally gives Immediate relief, and quickly cures gout, rheumatism neuralgia, lumbago tic douloureux, toothache, bunions, &. Messrso BMW and Co. are daiy receiving fresh proofs of the success of thio in' valuable remedy from the most eminent and distnguished in the land. and from many of the leading medical men. See testineniale with each bottle, to be obtained ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D UTCH, French, American, and other Foreign D COUPONS, now becoming due re being PAID onpresenta- Uon at the Banking end Bullion Offices 9. Lombard-etreet. ADAM SPIELMANZN and Co. C IRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. -% Travellers proceeding sto the Continent. Co'onies, America. tc. can have C(IRCU AP. NOT hS of £it and X£I each, payable at ait 5rdadpal tow ;s: also foreign monies. at thei inc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7 IUSSIAN THREE PER CENT. LOAN. J TRANSLATION of NOTICE ISSUED at ST. PETEllS- BUP G. From regard to existing political clccumstancesg the Imperial Rus- sian G.vernment relieves all Subscribers to the Three per Cent. Loan from their engagements, anil authoriscs Thomson, Boner, and Co., of St. Petersburg. and F. Mart btagnus, of Berlin, to return to the sald Subscribers the monies that they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rVERLAND ROUTE.-CO21MMUNICATION b Sta oINDIA. AUSTRALIA. &c.. via ERYPt.-The Pit - nSLRAdORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMlPANY PabiPt2ASSE~dN0GERS and receive cargo and parcelsfror GibrAll Lpt Aden. CSylon. Madras. alcuttn, _b Straits, China, anA ffidlnth ir Gibraltar. Mshi E~yt Aden.byf ow the l2th nud 27th of each essathu; Aenfon Gibrala M0halta 1,es0Isl.nd if or Adeaimde), ilheibar. n end ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY.-The present I r irmc of 11cr-so at the -Library exceeds one hundred thosnd volumes per nsuum, conosisting chiefly of work ofprsn Et osr arid same. Singlic Psuh~urpls.te use Pointe rso permcanen t ientecl. I se tay a i LS EDsWARD ZIUDIE, ANew Oxford-iiss, HAT' 1S YOUR CREIST -No Charge for VT EngravIng or ?? H~fNRY DOLBY 21S. you1 Will! receivegpr return one roenu of best ...