Advertisements & Notices

... AN ACT OF CHARITY. AGsntlonaanhlavin~gbeen cured of NervousDebility 1 ?? longstanading,theresult of early errors, and after much mental ad bodily suffering, thinkajt but charitable to render such aianfortnatlonto others similarly situated, as may restore thema to health, without exposure. Full Particulars sent to any address, by enclosing One Postage stamps to prepay Po tage.-Address, THOMAS; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -V-ULVBEIACHER'1% GALVANIC' ]ATH SALTS,1 X'for Skin Diseases, Erysipelae, Blotchies, Scrosfula, Ulcers, and all Eruptions arising from Impure, blood, &C., with E fail directions for 1130-Paekets is. and 2a, 6d.-73, Oxford- re street.. London. ea (Established A.D. 1742.) CEREVISIA ANiGLICANA, OP. ENGLISH HERB DIET DRINK, This very old-established and genuine Herbal Medicoine w'as ea discovered ...

Advertisements & Notices

... he BiryMha Dogy Post is published every Mo&day, yuesday, 7ednew y, Thimdazy, and F riay, mid is on sal n all the JnIcpal towns of W Oi4*sire, Woroeste-hr Staffordshire, Derbyio Sl1'lp,. by eigb4b], ins the miorning. TDe Sabt ?? g Post, a .wyeekly journal for thle wor1ing lasses, price three halfpence, con- taining a well-arranged summary of the local and general news of the week, is published ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHOpeu PERtEiRal~l Frfl'U:t OFFICE1 rand ano PlXTURMi58,TIMEPIxECES An Msthef wtrset- B-lY M1SB8.~ WALKR s AoCtERJY, % the Xi 6 (Frda, She 27th isauL at Eeoven o'oloec pro sces O th No S7, Mdathew strect, corner of 1ie : excellent HOUJSEHIOLD FU tNI TIJRE, OFFCEtand abe elP FIXTURS andoth, laeffectd, thooers, dahgany bo13o s writhg glaz of do If rabranes oi Uninhogany In mlotr. a b of ditto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !AUA~n-k O.TH-AMEX=IAX ROYAl~ :'AIL STAAM-SHIPS. Thie PgAi3AX, Moyrs bi these qtawlpo 2s S OIw :td NNWs 7,)Pk is now . . ; ?? IXPuO;RtM' o .8Xfa -by tai teine to a-.a Bt a4 New Yt dirot per tnM, iud 6 Oar o Pahale titd am n tone ta . tarvele orD owde ofi made shi to Inl *oile P w~rue i onetro~ ca or dlsvl ineda, for o a~rroeer o eoranyotheoenli ot ght, 5-DA em is Sonin Arnezicg by the Owunmb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XV ATES&UEESS, ) ENolAvrFs, PRlNflris U33. Lorm ,grnsU, > At LITO(1 IIAUPHE;RS L V E It P. (I L . J TO lH.B.H.PJIINqCAL33l3RT. t D b U P P l L = Y A T E S 11E BS , WEDDIN~l SITATIONERY A ES&HES SVIJP'LLLt)BY L I, L IV Lro-70'V . ATE~- & HESS, E-IK S, y 31 Lonn:T~iZF.IrT, EDI E- SI NK :11S I LIYE RPO0L. , HB1;IALD;RYJ3OKES,')ATES&IHESS, Keptfor foepection and o .AL 33, ?? E'.rr SEALENGRAVYING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .. 4{felilancoiux.' NARDIFF.-To b .LET, a first-claggHOTEL. For particalars apply, to T. B. WATKINS, Eq., Tow-n haXl, Cardiff. , *[241 H E ;Advertiser will be glad to hear of T . P$E.1SES kn a healthy town, sutable for the OSGeraSI DRAPERYo an ESTABLISHEDTHADE to be DISP'OSED OF.-Addreese@.Bristol Mrcury-Offie. _ 2 NOTICE.-All Persons havinlg H~ny Clitil On .thelgqtate of Mr. 'WILIAM RtUOD0CK, ...


... TO THE ELECTORS SOUTH DERBYSHIRE. We have seen with much regret, the Local Newspapers and handbills, certain statements put forth with the evident intention of prejudicing Mr. Mundy in his Election for South Derbyshire, on the alleged ground of his religious intolerance. We therefore feel our dutv, Tenants of Mr. Mundy, to deny the inference which doubtless intended be conveyed by those ...


... THE CHANNEL TLEET. Before month shall have passed, a Channel fleet be >vr. ;.t Spithead worthy the name England. There w ill be, at the least, fifteen sail of screw line-ofbatt'.e ship?, supported by a eorresponding number of steam frigates, corvettes, and screw gunboats. Their cruising and exercising ground will extend from the Lands-end the North Sea believed that the command will be given ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M1EETING THIS EVENING. BELFAST Y OUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. 1 The ANNUAL MEETING wvill ?? be beld in the WELLINGTON HALL, on TUESDAY Evening first, the 24th inst, at Eigbt o'clocl, wheni a Report of the past year will bn read, and Ministerts of various Evangelical denominations will address the lecting. Admission free. 18S8 SEW ERAG E PI PES. ajl1E SUBSCRI- ?? ]3BEItSbeg to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNITED KINGDlOM ALLIANCE. JOHN SARGRANT, Esq., at Manchester, Agent. of this AsoiaSl'itionl, wvilt celiver two Lectures inl ilto CORQN EXCHIANGEN. Ilelfart, dulilliig its pr'inlciples and ol~jccts. Tule first. Lecture to be given oen MONDAY Even- ing, next, at, Hala-plAst even o'clock, thle Rev. Dr. EDGAR it) ill(, ttClhalir. Tile sec~ondi Lveture, enl TUE8.DAY Eveninigi next, in the samite ...