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Advertisements & Notices

... ,yEA4if FR'OM HULL TO COPENHAGEN AND ST. PETERSBURG. (Carrying Post-office Letter Bags.) f11HE favourite Paddle-wheel Steam- iT sbip EMPEROR, 1,320 Tons, J.H. I Buiowli, Commander, is intended to sail fron- Hull on TUESDAY evening, the 31st May. Excellent accommodation for passengers, borses, and cattle. Shippers will please request the Carriers to deliver iheir Goods to the Emperor, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P-MAIRAS ?? NASULIPATAM, - mB- h ,vctl-knowni lritisls-blsilt sipti hiERSLY, 125 tons register, r . west India Doscki. Hans superior accoenmodatiotn ( sod L' Cat,,lit en]vrke, 3, %Vhite Lion-court, Comaiill; h-sceanlFiklngl, 132, Leavlenhall-street, E.O. ?? the- CAPEI of GOOD HOPE.- ~IOR ~ e Bitis-built clipl~r barque j ~ MRANflA 1, 370 ton,; regiotbr, hes.Ktaieflcks. lhas excellent accommoda- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TIHM PROPRIETORS OF EAST n IW A tth T Intend to submit the following -mgtcon at the A. neit (General Court, June 81859, at the- ?? of That the publio rinuncien ?? Paris of May, 1814, confjsed at enna, ne, 85,ma n-. firsneda t Paris, November, 1815 enE i s th at th is Company, as wel in its own gnterret h the nglish o in India, sheuld ureo h ?? theeking from the Emperor of the F ih a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r)RIOHUI)D'S DANDBUON PILLS FOR INDI. E e!ESTION. -Tbose persons who have not testei weffcacy of Prichard's Dandelion, Camomile, Rhubarb and GinWer Pills, have neglected an essential incentive ta hliclth. n addition to their peculiar restorative Infuenei TaQon the deranged functions of digestion, they greatli stimulate the liver and regulate tbe bowels; and for a complaints arising from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r - _ II A T S st OF w VEL1Y SRE'! Il;5R QUA'LITY. .R I E V E & O L I V E R I have receired a very Extensive Assortment of the h Newest Shapes from sevraql of the most Celebrated London * Makers, including -; ft ANDRE, Band Street; t] LINCOLN & VEtNkgTT, Sarkville Street; P MAYHEW & CO., Bond Street; JOHNSON &COe., ltegent Street; GkAIMEIUS, SANDERS, &: NICOLL, Strand, &c. a These tints are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRTI~iS. AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYA bAIL STEAM-SMIII . NOTICE.-REDUOTIONIN PASSAGE MONEY. 2he Pk.ArAE Moriqny by these Stee pps from LazEa ooL to NEW YoRK is now - A.11ilEF CABIN .T ?? W SVETIX POINt S. ti~eVlfD CABIN . EIGHTEEN POUNDS. Irght by the Mail Steamers to Halifax and Boston, and to Scw TYrniikiret, £3 per toin, and 5 per cent. primag.e 1csdd Oil Parcels 5a. such and upwazde. acoording ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ItTEL>, a PAI'4TgRl and PAPER HAWGER-Apply fATVD. AI 'I A~BOY.-Aplply 'at l11' Bold. T , sharp) LAD) for an Offieo.-Address, in own W WX7haudwritiog, T 4s, Mereury-ollnc. U o PRXNIl1S.,-WANTED, a competent IIIAOIEINE - A &E, a xperlenceD ?? to E. W DAarling oil, 101. Great George street. TV ?? LED, an exueribuied CLICKE'R vithgooa refergieoc.'A W -A'~lrtc s T ~3, lterury-ullice. Iuiyjel 7.0TLO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1D ECPtrTION AT HOLYROOD| FR~tUAY (THIS EVENING), MAY 2P, 1869. POZACE DIRECTIViVS FOR CARRIAGES 1st, All Carriages settng down shall approach Holyrood in a si'gle line by Regeant Road, Abbey Mount and 11Il, and pass alang the Effat Eide of the NeW Road to the Palace Entrance; and ?? shall, after taking up, either pass aiong the West Sidc of the New Read to Abbey Hill, or go ut the Canongato. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Salo iJ 'AuctiOn-(CONTINUED.) CLEARING SAT.E TO-DAY OF FIRST-CLASS ELEFCTRO-PLATED GOOD.S, N .ON NICKEL SILVER, TFA AND COFFEE SERVICES, RETTLJE`S AND JUGS, - TUREENS, DISH COVERS. ,sND ENTRl9E DISHES, ELEGANT EPEIIGNES, TRAYS, SPOONS, FORKS, LADLES, &C.. To Of the very best quality and newest designs; J3ranfactured by thifirst Heoses *n bz17teld, ora first -class ?? and conttigned for ?? Sale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS3. The Publio are respectfaly infrrmed that the CHARGE for INERTION iu' the DAILY MERCURY of ifinad PRE- PAID ADiVERTISEME.NTS referring to Situations, liqtuss, and Persons Wanted, Property to ?? or Let, AparblAoents, antd all the MifiveU4ullneu ItWaxnta of tho ConamunitY, -is SIXPE OE that the charge for THREE INSiRi'IONS in ONE' SHILUiNG-for SIX IN- SEIH-TIONS (or an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VDBRNCM,, American, and all other Foreign : oOUPO~s. Inow ?? d ne ae being PAID on presanin Una at be, BankiDg and Bu'liDn Oafires. 1S. Lombard-street. ADAK SPIELMANN mud CO. ,fIIRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. Travelern to the Continent, Colonies, America, tc,. -an bave (O2 ULAIS NOTES of £6 and £10 each. payable at all nrindial towmns alsn FOREIGN MONIES and FUREIGN STOCKS, at th RbAkjng ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MODES for MOURNING.-BECKLEY'S.- Farilies who require articles for MOURNING, and r4 to have them elegant and uselol, without paying eaorhi::, pnicee, are recommended to make their selections at Mr. BEC LEE'S nnew warehouse in Ludgateatrwt. The spacioas 0hr room eontains the largest asaornment of Mourning Iloonne in Mentleein London. Skirts trimmed with erape are kept ?? for iammediate use, ...