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Advertisements & Notices

... £600 mve1 bi) wwantedj oni Mortgnae of sV0 Fr eehold Property.-Apply to Air, P. Hurcomb, accountant and house agent, 4, Worcester- terrace, Oxford. LONDON & NORT11AW'ESTERN RAILWAY. WHITSUN H1OLIDAYS. EXTENSION OF RETURN TICKETS. IETURN TICKETS issued on Saturday the _ l 1Ith of June, and intermediate days, will be available for return up to and including Saturday, June 18. WV. CAVK WELL, ...


... RAILWAY TIME TABLE S. FOR THE MONTH JUNE. London and. South-Western Railway. Portsmouth Waterloo . . 6.25 | 7.HH I 9.10 11.0 [ 11.*) I :i.»* | J.lOt 1.15 | .• 1 7.0t 12.15 ARRIVING IX LONDON AT .mac f.45 | 10.12 11.0 | 5.0 | J 0.00 | 7 I 10 > SUNDAYS ••• I 5.10 12.15 ARRIVING LONDON AT lo..» 12.50 9.0 I 4.30 WATERLOO BRIDGE TO WBW*OI:IB. 60 17 8.0 0.55 | 10.15 | 11.0 llJOf | 1.0 | 3.0 3. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1) WALLINGFORD UNION. HIE Board of Guardians loill meet at the Union T .J Workhouse, Wallingford, on Wednesday the 15th day of Junc inst., at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of receiving Tenders for supplying the under-men- f tioned articles, for thirteen weeks, from the 29th day of June instant, viz.:- PROVISIONS,GRCOCERV, &C., FOR THrE Wot RICHousE-Good household broad, in 4 ...


... THE KOMISH TEACHING THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. CorBT of Queen's Bench, June 6. THE QUEEN T. TIIE BET. MB. W. This case was heard the sittings in Banco, before Lord Campbell, Justices Wightman, and Crompton. Mr. Bovill (with whom was Dr. Swaby and Mr. B. Clarke) appeared on behalf of the Rev. Charles Portales, for a mandamus against the Bishop of Chichester, for having refused committee of inquiry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r OR SALE,-A nearly new PIANOFORTE, in .IIalnut Wnood. Compass,, ti octaves. Price, 33 gus. -Addrex- Z., Pest Office, Kingham, Oxon. T 0 LET, in Witney,-Tee INN and PREMISES JLknown ans THE STAPLE HALLa, which hasbbeen thoroughly restored and re-arranoged, and ist a part of the old-estatblished and well 1-kiniown I n c iiet comprises asintikirig room, 21 feet by lii feet, bar, and parlour, ...


... FOR THE MONTH JUNE. London and South-Western Bsilway. PORTSMOUTH TO WATERLOO VKIDGt. 7.k>t | 8.10 11.0 11.10 1 | | 3.10f 1 4.15 6.30 7 .Of 12.15 AUItIVING LONDON AT 0.46| 10.12 11.0 2.30 | 2.20 [ 5.50 | 5.35 7.23 | 10.5 9.25 SUNDAYS 7.15t | 5.10 | 12.15 ARRIVING IN LONDON-AT 10.5 I 12.50 I 9.0 I 4.30 WATKRLOO BRIDGE FOBTSMOUTH. U.O 7.15t 8.0 I j 10.15 | 11.0 | 11.30t | 12.30 | 1.0 | 3.0 3.10+ ...


... Rear Admiral John Elphinstone Erskine arrived at Sheerness noon on Wednesday, and mnied bv Flair Lieutenant liobert (>. Douglas, procejMeil the new screw steam-ship Edgar, and hoisted his Hair (blue) at the mizen, second in commandof the C hannel squadron. The gallant Admiral afterward procmled short leave of alienee during the fitting of the Sll Tlie Melpomene, 51, screw frigate, this port, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TADIES and Getitlemen visithig London should DINEti at the CAE DiE L'EURWPE HOTEL and TAVERN, adjoinaing the HI niamrket Theatre.-Cttf6 Dlinner in the Graud Saloon, 3s.'6d., ready from 5 till S. WILLIAMI JOHN WILDE, Proplictor. IR. DICKENs, NEW WORK. Onl MIay 3Ist awill be published, No. I., PRICE ONE SUIILLING Uniform witl the Original Editions of Pielwvick, David Copperlield, &c. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1arged X ONE Y. estol NY Sunm, from £1.00 to £2,'500, ready for im- ad A niedtiate advancement on approved mortgage security, 'd Iyatamoderatertate of ?? t r ucslctr n1 ?? Deddington. T9-EPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BN.FV beigU. PER. CENT. oi slunts for fixed periods, or at seven' I-tihe- days' notice, or Three per Cent, at CALL. d 5,G. H1. LAW, Managger. z anti fl'cs 0 'aCiniii-met-fct es, B.C. My O ...


... The Prints of Wales. —The Osborne, steam yacht, Master Commanding Bower, hove in sight at eight o'clock this morning from Lisbon, having on board his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. At nine o'clock the yacht arrived at ftpithead, when the royal standard was saluted by the Agamemnon, 91, at that anchorage. At half-past nine o'clock the Oiborne came into harbour, under salntes from the ...

Hampshire Telegraph

... PORTSMOUTH, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1859. Lissojts.—Whit Sunday. I»eut. ltf to v. 18, Acts 10 v. 34. Evening— I*iiah 11, Act* 19 to v. 21. real Night, but constant Twilight. DEFEAT OF THE GOVERNMENT. accordance with the decision of the meeting of liberals, resolution of want of confidence in the Government was moved in the House of Commons on Tuesday night the Marquis of Hartington, and seconded Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRACXLEY WOOL FAIR W ILL be hel(d on MONDAY the FOURTH of ?? litly, 1859. ?? A SILi 1.1 CUP, of thlo Value of £10 lOs., will be presented to t[e pcilhelizser of the greatest wreight of sVool. The A nnual Dinner in the Town 3I Ill, ait Thiee ocelok. DRESSING CASES, DR~ESSING BAGS, AND tt1GtlLYc*FsNlSitED ?? TN('II:S i1-o0 I'lESENTAI'I'ON, IN GiRiAT VARIETY. IMECHI and BAZIN, 4, ],1Al)EN11ALL ...