... THE HOME CIRCUIT. — Baron Martin and JOST^ QFOWDCR NORFOLK.—Sir Frederick Pollock and Justice Wig^ THE MIDLAND CIRCUIT. — Justice Erie and Just^ Williams. OXFORD.—Justice Willes and Justice Byles. THE WESTERN CIRCUIT.—Justice Crompton and Bramwell. THE NORTHERN CIRCUIT.—Baron Watson and Joav^ Hugh Hill. NORTH WALES.-Sir Alexander Cockbutfi. SOUTH WALES.—Baron Channel. Lord CampbeU will remain ...

Published: Wednesday 15 June 1859
Newspaper: Potter's Electric News
County: Pembrokeshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 60 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

N A K'B £ sfl-ii7

... N A K'B £ sfl-ii7 PETTY SESSIONS. These Sessions were held on the 9th inst., before the Rev R. Buckby, J. James, G. R. G. Rees, Esqa., and the Rev J. W James. — An order of affiiliation was adjourned unt-1 Thursday next. John Jones, agent for Mrs Emma Rees, v. John Thomas, of Jeffreston, for h, lding over a cottage. Defendant agreed to quit, and Mr Jones said that his employer did not wish to ...

Published: Wednesday 15 June 1859
Newspaper: Potter's Electric News
County: Pembrokeshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 137 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... NEVER was anv flay so anxiously pxpected, or seemed so slow in its arrival, as the 23rd of June, 181—, was to the inhabitants of school, near London. Notwithstanding iheir general friendliness, and the exceeding indulgence of their kind instructress, breaknig-up day was ardently looked for by fit, and by Lucy Lee, our heroine, in particular. It were hard to tell how the tLty, the hours, even ...

Published: Wednesday 15 June 1859
Newspaper: Potter's Electric News
County: Pembrokeshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 4349 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... LORD DJERBY ON THE MINISTERIAL DEFEAT. not HAe MAJESTY'S MINISTERS attended a banquet given at the Au Merchant Tailors' Hall, on Saturday evening. Sir J. has Palcington responded to the toast of the Navy, and the prr Earl of Derby to that of Her Majesty's Ministers. 'His soc Lordship, after a few introductory remarks, said:- If at DiE any time in a man's political life these manifestations of ...

Published: Wednesday 15 June 1859
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1375 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... NIE IS-LETTER OFFICE, . 'edneslqy J Morning. [BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH.] THE WAR IN ITALY. RETREAT OF TIME AUSTRIANS. Turin, Tuesday. Thle Austrians nre in rall retrelat Il the direction of the river Oglio. The bridges over tli Adda and. other rivcrs have been d(estroyedl by means of mines, They have also evacuated Pizzighictone, after having burned the bridge and thrown their guns, war matc- ...

Published: Wednesday 15 June 1859
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1194 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... OVA'N PAiROCITAL BOARD. ?? 1 - . . r .1 I .. . . onl Thc anuatl meeti)ng for the lection of tweii --ei-hi. lee.n- heCS to represent the ?? it the Pgrochial Pmtr1 o£ Govan wuas held Y'estcrday. d- The folloxvinug gentlsuen wvere elected for tho laladwiardi 'S part of thle parish, within tle Parish Churchl of Giovau, at teu o'clock forenooll, ?? rn- Georg~e M~anaoa, Ooa'a.l. ! Andlrew Hu~sh, ...

Published: Wednesday 15 June 1859
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 745 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... 3 TO THE EDITO'R OF THE DAILY NEWS. SiR,-I inclose a short extract from the corre- l spondence of my friend, an Engli'h gentleman resident in a Turin.-I am, &c., AN ENGLISHWOMAN. Paris, Juno 12. *, 9 Turin, June 10. . I went the day before yesterday to the hospital at Ver- e celli to visit my friend the volunteer artist-soldier, of whom , I have formerly written to you. Poor fellow I A ball ...

Published: Wednesday 15 June 1859
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1076 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... T H E W.&A %: r TeiRIN, Monday, Sune 6.-Thb6 munilcipliy'of Milan delivered,. in the presence of the Empe~ror at the head~qnsrters to day, tho th following address to the Kin~g P,- 1The omunisipality of Milan is proud. of bein able to makeeute of. its most precious privilege in being the' -interpreter of their !l 'fellow-citizen'sat this grave crisis. They are willing to renew the to pact of ...

Published: Wednesday 15 June 1859
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2621 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... CINTL'LL KATKS- Sir J Trefwany obfai-ed leave, without discussion, to bring in a bid for the of church rates. THE V TK OR ('!■ >RSTKK. The ipjo'irnert deb-te on the a nendmen! to the Address was resinned by Sr;:I'ilnC 1), \\[¡, ee:¡¡,'I; Ill eO/lr!II('t :Iud policy vr;i t.u, .specially a> regarded their Irish administration Colonel l)iek:.M! e-.ii-im-.vd th -.t the movement was ...

Published: Wednesday 15 June 1859
Newspaper: Potter's Electric News
County: Pembrokeshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2594 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... EXTRACTS FROM THE OFFICIAL COR- RESPOXNDENCE ON TH- AFRPAIRS OF ITALY. (No. p06.) EARL COWLry 1'0 TE xEARL OF MALMESErVE. Vienna, March 9, 1S59. My Lord-Being on the eve of leaving Vienna on my return to England, I am about to give your lordship in this despatch a general summary of the results of the oonfiden- tial mission with which 1 have been charged, under the in- sfructions contained in ...

Published: Wednesday 15 June 1859
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5837 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News