Advertisements & Notices

... 'T his PyS-ffordsre. Draining 1100m puftIT ?? Cfsttaga Flgn. Fortl e, in ?? reevr'tI f5a 61 ToctavesNA, WiONdo ?? ?? wrilI ;S LL by A C N .L I TihisDay (F~rida)teltiisat ?? 'lc ecletandl modern 110USEHOLD IIPENITUIIE,; coni- ?? Room A ectof six cainh,- coucth andl caicevoinal .isir, Ilsee mottb1'd2~ ss'sliistwd. msassive centre table. ~ csiitd caine, wih pae glass In back, an It p inetsfa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARRIAG1S TROUSSEAUX and INDIAN h.l OUTFlTF.-..ORCIBST!AN and RAThIBONE reopec lully noleictan inepewetiln of their Extensive anad technrcbd STOCK, comn bilntg Parlolan taste wilth tbat excelleneo and durability of maternal Tfr sshlh t heir borne has bcen nloted for ?? oi S6isty Y/ents,-li, Wig-s inore.OttOrt, W. CNHIERTON'S SHIRTS, Six for 42s.; fit, work, an ratrina guaranteed. VEDDING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flEIWVIAN ~FOUR-AND-KALF CENTJI 3. EXERA BEETo prcedn ?? e n rAID b~y teie fi~na~nciatl nanyft', Messr. n te flyr Giobvsp and Sos 0t rvh ?? r that Or 05W foboowing day, betwee n thebotoflepan Two.r ofafvenhrtd onapplitsti~f after the 20h instant, and the Litt may to had on ?? Coupons mni t hbe left thcte ?? days for examination. . . 15, Bishopyga1e-streY&w'ithbfh London, June IS, 1859. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CLUB T M1EETS in the ROYAL HOTEL, on TUESDAY, M the 21st June next. Business at Half-past Five-Dinner exactly at Six o'clock. I NEWELL BURNE1T, Secretary. Abevileen, 25tifitMU 18$9. COUNTY OF ABERDEEN. H ER MAJESTY'S LIEUTENANT and the I CONVENER of ABERDEENSHIRE request a SPECIAL it GENERAL MEETING of the DEPUTY-LIEUTENANTS, 0i LANDHOLDERS, COMMISSIONERS of SUPPLY, and lh JUSTICES of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REDUCTION IN FARES. BELFAST TO LONDON,' VIA LIVERPOOL. I, ronneaxioh with the Great' Westem B'ailway. T1WE 'SEMlAPHORE SAILS 1' forLIVERPOOL, ThisEven- iug' (FRIDAY), 17th instant, at' FARES: Belfast to Liverpool-Cabin, ?? Iteturn' Tickets, available for 14 (lays, 15s.; Deck, 3sv Belfast to;Lon- ?? and FirstClassRailway, 43s, Gd.; Second lass, 3;s. Return Tickets, available for 14 days, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rVHE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS TALL (ERt E\'IOL ANID and at lih- RAILWAY STATIONS. ge -rc. se'. II. '%II11I ahol SON r00 SELL the DAiI LY NE ~V at 3jtiio i IAIL ox TAP hO %S10 t 'ItItElt PrINCfE per SINGLE CODY ad will S5UPPLI all (:OUNTIIS ?? KEtS and NEWS fifiENTS ao 'ech LOrir a' ?? a~id 'heii lo .-to sell the DA ILY O TI CE tot MARItINERItS. N WRECK IN THlE RIVER TujztIIES. NO(TICE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE'TO CORRESPONDENTS. AU Communications, ai-d articles of intolligence, intended for publication, require to be authenticated by the name and address of the writer, Unless this Is attended to, Corros- pendents may rest assured that no attention will be paid to their communicatione. ** W. M. R., Loochol-Cushnie, in our next. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETINl THIS DAY. U NION P R A Y Ei, M IE E T I N E G A MEETING for UNITED PRAYER, to be con- ducted by inisters-reprcse54iflg ?? Churches; will be held (Godliilling), in t, e *MUSIC HALL, onl THURSDAY nest,:the 16thinstant, it One O'clock. The MIAYOR (WM. .EWAnT jun., Esq.) avill preside. Meeting to conclude at 'Two o'cloek. JAMES MORGAN, D.D. 2119 C-l,'IAS. SEAVER. S E R MU O' N ?? rl1 IE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OPENED NEW PREMISES. .A4L A R E N I V E R, e, C O. LVIM hve ja6t OPENED an A DDITIONAL NEW SALOON -Cie better eccomrialation of their greatly increasing sfde, in MANTLES, SHAWLS, MILLINERY, ANI B' .NNET8, .t r 2ticu-1wY ?? to a large 1nerc7ee thly aue t^moe ot Rzddfg EThelamcil FRENT1'i PATTEIP AMA1LES, -whichl tlci; are offering ve)y mljch mudt tkir r-ed r oale. Ahyo, a Junvfheturer's Flntire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1V [OURNING.-The Public are respectfully and nfsnue'to tbat OUjRNING of evcry description, in the greatest variety, surited to all requiremetit, upon the most advani- LB. tageous tenrms to purchasers, will be found ready for immediate tise, wiith an extensive variety of choice Mllinery, at PIGH'S FAMIILY MiOCJRNI~fG WAREHiOUSE, the frst esatoblished on r. the United K~ingdom, 163, Regent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f WNEYEYIVIORAM and PONS' (of ~ l-,eLondon) LINE of PACK r SHIS to i. ,, lia:Dlucrrio, in PASSAGE-MONEY. -For p10crc jihullilp, direct, to sail from Gravesend on S~ X I ,1,100 tons, .1. IFoTURUtLi, Commander; j.1,t Indict Docks. This wtll-knowrn and ravourite '1:Ii ., fitted expressly for the Australian trade; her ,su W Ulenia~es of passengers aro unsurpassed, ar~d Mced lpot n o (with -~Yi LIA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP SILKS. COLSON AND SPARK A RE SELLING some very large LOTS of A SILKKS, MUCH BELOW THEIR REAL VALUE. Exeter, June 15, 1859. GREEN AND BENNETT O 0 L I C I T attention to their extensive K STOCK of ELEGANT PRINTED MUSLINS, B A R E G E S. S I L 1K 9, MANTLES, SHAWLS, AND SCARFS, PARASOLS, RIBBONS, &o., &O., including the latest Novelties in each department. W. BROCK AND CO. LACE MANTLES, S ...