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Advertisements & Notices

... - ?? sTEAM CMMUWIATI ONxI 1rWEE TLlVZRPO(,L AND GGOW. GBAT RIDUCrIOW 1 RATOS OF FRE1OQt M JUNE 153' fC Xpe'nb any ufosweatcete -zS thU sldroted oz other lienika _ aS ase intended to sa (with or ?? U~~fil, ARA e41 weem =JERPOOL _ .D q~ ~~OW. With aaid Pge _a AR a dr:- SS , , , , ., , ,~*Capln Ar iber T~erms Si JV-t0arll lo an siorage CaptiYC. . amner only. I -d'1WROM CLARENCE BOOK, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1e of e- in ie til id 11 -It Al of fg l- le d, Se ly id MIDLAND RAILWAY. A CHEAP EXCURSION TRAIN will leave the Aundermentioned Stations of the Midland Railway, on TUESDAY. Juoe 28, 1859, for CHELTENHAM, GLOUCESTER. Ai BRISTOl,. affording facilities for visiting the South Wales District, also Worcester and Malvern. FARES THERE AND BACK:- To Cheltenham or Gloucester to Bristol and bach. and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. MOODY AND NEWBOLD. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messrs. MOODY and NEWBOLD, By order of the Assignees of Mr. GEORGE WOMEtSLEY, fi a Bankrupt, at the house of Mr. Marshall, the LAMr p INN, in St. Alkinund's Churchyard, in Derby, on I THURSDAY, June 23rd, 1859, at Seven o'clock in b the Evening, in the following Lots, and subject to con- tl ditions then to be read:- ' LOT 1. C ,LL that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 03 my ; 11 ' O°URBN IN G.-IThe Pablica erespee~ i Informezd tha~t MOUftN12T6' of everyr description, -B she r wr ts vteyr ile Dl bae fou~nind'enY roa or m~nediate eae wilehan aeu OU ?? s(cotrne of Nsew ulntonen'o Wdosa' ad a d0t Co n try eoirder seat off immediately unoon thekir r~ceiPt,. dtt i IIJARRIAGE TROUSSEAUX and INDIANI !rd e e' rd zthdr ws Gee ?? forAN vand RAf iIION r~enpec fell1 :r. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Saito bg - - ?? UT Os.0UE Op T~lA T OririM o T9 WILL OFe Jylsx ATFUBTON. 9Q., ?~ilbl T~ et,_valuahl5 WARtEHOUE O netm LING IIOUSEII, BywE. JOHN~ FRANK GRIFFITHS, Or% Wednesday, the 2Mt instant, at Mne o'clck. at the Olaen- a oomsoin Sonth John-8tr55t Liverpool. in tho foliom ?? ~ iiili 005Shal b5 ?? upon at the itime of the sale, ~ ' La~0 udvaluable'WA REHOUSE, of £51 e. TnS ~t 1 Beoldunder ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flEIWVIAN ~FOUR-AND-KALF CENTJI 3. EXERA BEETo prcedn ?? e n rAID b~y teie fi~na~nciatl nanyft', Messr. n te flyr Giobvsp and Sos 0t rvh ?? r that Or 05W foboowing day, betwee n thebotoflepan Two.r ofafvenhrtd onapplitsti~f after the 20h instant, and the Litt may to had on ?? Coupons mni t hbe left thcte ?? days for examination. . . 15, Bishopyga1e-streY&w'ithbfh London, June IS, 1859. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rVHE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS TALL (ERt E\'IOL ANID and at lih- RAILWAY STATIONS. ge -rc. se'. II. '%II11I ahol SON r00 SELL the DAiI LY NE ~V at 3jtiio i IAIL ox TAP hO %S10 t 'ItItElt PrINCfE per SINGLE CODY ad will S5UPPLI all (:OUNTIIS ?? KEtS and NEWS fifiENTS ao 'ech LOrir a' ?? a~id 'heii lo .-to sell the DA ILY O TI CE tot MARItINERItS. N WRECK IN THlE RIVER TujztIIES. NO(TICE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1l1 BOBAY, the- fine' Briti~h-built clipper F CINCIjNNATtO. I 1 lyearS, 781 tons registor; :, the- India Decks. [lios 'gplenclid acozistndation ?? - alntermediatc p teengers. fo, ilrle. it 'r an -0rc, 3, White Lion-court, Coruhill d licklinti, 132, Leadunhall-strect, E.0. 0, ALCUTITA, the celebrated British-built, clipper ship, COIIIN GA, AI 13 years, SO6 tons register; intbe East Indim ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTUGUESE THREE PER CENT. DIVI- DENDS-Tbe IALPY EARLYS DIVIlND, ?? becomes ,duo on the lso of .luly next, on the Boens of 1S53, 184i, and 1867, will eI IPAI ) on thst day and every succeedeng Tuesday an i Fridai, between 51 and 2 o'clock. 'he Courons to bo left for eximintln eight days previous to each fty of paorent. to eooeenonce ore Thursday, the 23rd instant. and every oitowinig Monday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIE GREAT RE31EDY FOR NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY bie EPILEVPSY, &c. Protected by Royal Letters Patent of England and sanctioned ly by all the Contiental Colleges, per T HE GIJTT.B VITE or LIFE DROPS, discovered at and prepared only by Dr. Do Roes, of the Ecole de lledecine, Oli Plris; 3ieher of the R~oyal College of Surgeons, London, &c., &c. mu. are a well-known remedyfor the above comxplaints, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VO LACE DEALERS and Others. -To be(N TL D5Isl'Ooir; of by PUBLIC TLNDFO. in Twenty scyssostc Lets.G by dirction of tire Esccutors of the late Mdi-s Jane O:cvrkc, of 1 oegsb it,)1 StreT. tisasie Ie I;d osreet. Liver-peel, the whole of her Veluabis from STritK of% oNTIQUEi. MEsiiLIN, and other LACE. eroneenine to Wire teel ros 1,0elecel att~r.Wrilat t ibets one of ahe esecuotre. lio. 2. Tit~nhm ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONCERT HALL, LftR NELSONTS E. tHS LIV!PO_:_ ,1A gRM0 I I OCTL tox ;g heoor F rt blo nnfrance 'THIS (WE¶01!4ESDAY) EtVENIN, ,-the I5t h lbtaf When Rlaih Eo ed Ierojnbe I Y OF THE BELL, PRNCIPAL R Gj T ; ES , and ]Doord WuD-C Wdc~et ?? O'sILIE. IrOOERLT NOW ?? F (RT. SELSON. WHITSUAN NTIODE O HOLIDARYOMES. 5E eseed Ecats i t ?? Gaulleery.i. Body, &t. Jp, Nre. Ctuttler, muelceeller. crner of ...