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Advertisements & Notices

... REDUCTION IN FARES. BELFAST TO LONDON,' VIA LIVERPOOL. I, ronneaxioh with the Great' Westem B'ailway. T1WE 'SEMlAPHORE SAILS 1' forLIVERPOOL, ThisEven- iug' (FRIDAY), 17th instant, at' FARES: Belfast to Liverpool-Cabin, 'Os.; Iteturn' Tickets, available for 14 (lays, 15s.; Deck, 3sv Belfast to;Lon- doIe-Cabiti and FirstClassRailway, 43s, Gd.; Second lass, 3;s. Return Tickets, available for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETINl THIS DAY. U NION P R A Y Ei, M IE E T I N E G A MEETING for UNITED PRAYER, to be con- ducted by inisters-reprcse54iflg vairiousEvangelical Churches; will be held (Godliilling), in t, e *MUSIC HALL, onl THURSDAY nest,:the 16thinstant, it One O'clock. The MIAYOR (WM. .EWAnT jun., Esq.) avill preside. Meeting to conclude at 'Two o'cloek. JAMES MORGAN, D.D. 2119 C-l,'IAS. SEAVER. S E R MU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S TAR C O N C E R T HALL, BS 21, ANN STREET. Tbis Evening first appearance in Belfast of THE SISTERS NELSON, ,.h unrivallpd Serio-comie Vocalists and Concertina Flayers. Also, First appearance of MISS ANNIE DEIY, The very pleasing Bravura Vocalist. Concert commen11ces every evening at Six o'clock. Admission Free.' 2160 REDUCTION IN PARES. BELFAST TO LONDON, VIA LIVERPOOL. rn ronuexion with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED.,. (idli IettCer to bo p1' peniS)3 ANTEDa youo LdYbiB neagef theEHoal1 Grodiry and Spllt Tra; alRsoA, ao tl21rt Boy to ata otr pl tte005o ?? Paper. jfl T [l0 DApERS AND ?? ElW otd i 1FT en active experienced Saledectan for the Upholstery tod Darmak Trade. S riot referonces reqited, end aD l~bera eelet gave. Apply to JoboDalya Io or y 40, a-qt Gora'5 If rest. f ii* ilr. r o vsU t .11 u, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE,- 31r a1 Widdicomnn-Last Weak of Mr D Fisher 1d g ir Bruce Nortoon --Mr Poiwrie as : X i Jamis.- tS EVENING (TUJunoday), June,21st, the perform- il cmm munce wi ithtthe ctlebtab ed Scotch Drama ettited TlBll A I ND THE COM IONPR; or, cksalJN DutIG-James V, Ur l owria. JwM.3 rirkl of Bi r Dixon; John HowsLeson, Mr B so n Tibbis ll wiison, Mrs Parker ; Marion g (i a song ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QUEEN'S ROYAL THIEATRp.- sit ?? of Mr H Widdicombe-Rt. J rent of Mr D Fi3her-Mr Bruce Norton-THIS l-G(Salurday). June 18, the performences wil wit the iginal and powerful Drama enti- 019 RBD IN THE AND IS WORTH TWO IN LIoA IUsEI--oderick Praisewortby, Mr H Webb; tr B Norton ; Mr Cap as Sbarke, Mr *Madame Reginald, Mrs Parker; W1e ,.plo, Mlirs A Parker. A Grand Eastern Ballet !l1n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ USTRALIA .- AR(169Alt, Aj-tX 3, ^WRITE SUATA L;De~ Of British and Australian Ex-Royal Mgil Packets, sailing from LIVERPOOL to IIEL. goUltNE on tho 1st and 20th of every month, Ship. Captain. .Reg. Bur. To Sail. ArgOnaut, Flenley, 1,237 3,700 June 20, JAnmes Chest', Byrne, 1,074 3,200 July 1. Snilalmar, Brown, .1,466 4,250 July 20. TVe splendid clipper ship Argonaut will be do- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE.- T gr ?? S'iiddicomrt, Ar i) Fisher, and Mr Brous ,,_TFlHY iVEN ING (M1onday) Jun.- 2 tb, the fM~nCw3 Will conmnwrce woth M ohclin's celabteted rcomdy of THE U;N OF THE WORLD).-Lord Loserc-ift. Mr RVvtion ; Egertorn, Mr G Vincent, 5Mr F tzpatrick ; C 'uns1lor Phisusible, Mr J Sr P rtinax lMacayeapbant, MaIr B Norton; Lily gMi(ycomhant, Mrs M Bhhop ; Lorly Rodolpha ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fUBE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. If Fourtb appearance of, Mr H Widdicombe-Re- 5negeig~nOt of Mr D Fh5ber-Mr Powrie and Mr Bruce Nortg, TElIS EVENING (Thursday), June 16bh, tbs performances will commence with the celebrated Draoto entitled THE BRIDE OF LAMMdEIRMOOR.- Sir William Aahton, Mr Rtogercsan ; Colonel Aebton, Mr yFtz'iatrick; lisayton of Bucklaw, Mr Vincent ; Edgear ,f gqvonswood, Mr Powrie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Published, sent direct on receit of Tr r. I: from tie Establishment, No. 19, L c;C;nie:. L Medical M orh on the physical cxllauei iddc0l!'c frame, and the ijjurious cosequerti f :i, mercury, aith directions for oltviat;ilg cn oesi:-; tions, and containing a valuable prtscriptl el CiIt I pree nl t diseae. The Proprietors Of I cdl, lo rated potent mnedicines have confiled tiedt ?? e a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED.' BOOK_;REEP. WANEDwho ha a eea Accountat, writea gootieipediltlios hand; cago not to ylau~ exceed forty ; reference aftd seourity required. Address 185 A B Z, 01808 of t~ill Paper,. stittillg real namse and 'lcoS address, wbor'blaitompIoyed, what salary expected, ?? own hand writingT. 1 to AN a yooog Mass of good babito antd WV veterenc, to attend the Counlisr of a Canateen. Apply to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TjHE SECRET GUIDE TO HEAiTiH AND HAPPi.:E5i IL -A popular medica! wor. on riervouoness,loss.t ,rtri b and general decay of the faculties, beautifully illa;roted w-: IOU engravings, sent direct from 19, Berner'e.bxrei. Lvndrt on receipt of two penny stamps, to pay po tage. The Patentee has coniided tbe preparatioet of these Medi' cities to a PhysIcian of the Royal University at Erlangel. *ii ...