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Advertisements & Notices

... VOrrr~z QxrT R i n rinn with thef ' Nort'Wh Wales ehrnnirli' as I'~t no An z u - w .. .. ..a t ?? t o * - 7 . 1 * ( u . ?? 1. - - - -. ~ ?? j-,l. - ?? -.1- - irT.1~ T DvA,. irn4t T-,vr Pi-nrp iinqbrn~ and mav be had of Thomas Williams, Ulnemist, t_,iurui VV ftlI.s, j~LkUUUL1J, A I- - 1 Vu - ISSueu e Vt:?jy OULUIUay IVICUIVU11, ILL ?1VIX&A?VVIV.1 VYLUAI ?? L., - -A I I -- ?? ?7 ?? ?? . . I.. I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =IVERPOOL, BEAUMARIS, BANGOR, AND KENAI T BRIDGE,. HE Steamer DittUID, Captain HUNTER, on . T ant after SATUnDAy 7th of May, will leave Lswlw> 1,IVERPOOL on Monday, ~VeWdnesday, and Fri- a - 4 1\ §day, at Eleven o'loek morning; and tfrom the 4;t~irila, at g 3 MENAIBRIDGEt on Tucaday. Thursdlay. and atLLAND DNO, xweather permitting.f On arrival of the Dsuid at Milenai Bridge, a Coach leaves ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AGESDBRAXWWyFA, IAPIE- A'I GYP., ] RHW1G P1BEYL A LIVERPOOL. 5 R AGERLONG HAIARN NEWYDD, X Y GREF, A CHYFLYM, Y LION. Cadben, Jolla Lnwis (yr bwn sydd wedi bod ar y ilineli bon am yr un mlynedd ar bymtheg diweddaf). Steward, C EvAs JoNES, o'r agerlong Ganadaidd Indian. y mae y Lion yn awr wedi dechreu morio yn rheolaidd. Cycbwyfs am fis Mehefin (as bydd ytywydd yn caniatan) E fel y canlyl:- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The ?? ?iBhtSrO S ead Eaxneiatioui, and TrI-E CHEAPEST TOURWIN NORTH WALES. BANGOR, OGWEN LAKE, CAPEL CURIG, LLAN- RWST, AND CONWAY. 5 11 1 Pl . OF WALE Ffour-horse Caho . will. onsand T fter MAONDY, thc' 13th da; of June, jIM), r wu from the BRt- ,figll llOTI''., BANGOR, a(il the ERSKINE AlRMS HOTEL, CONWAY, respectively, each morning (Sundays excepted) at the hour herunde metioned. Leave ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRENCH AND ITALIAN. H. iIANNEQUART gives lessons in both languages. Ap- IIJplyto Dr H., Grove Reuse, L.latidudno. A FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET, tiONSISTING of Drawing, Dining. and Breakfast Roomss, siX L Bedrooms, with 11 beds, all large awil tiry romuns, conunanasd- Ing anrextensive view of the coulltry and both bays. App y to Mr. T1s. WILLI A31S, Chemist. Church Wadks, I lan dudno. WANTED, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CYNNWYSIAD. Italy a'r hyfel : 369 'NWYDDION CYFrERD- NWDDIOWN CRFEYDDOL:- INOL 379 Cymdeithas Rhyddhad DYDDA N .. 379 Crefydd . 370 Ffordd Haiarn Dyffryn Y WaSO GYMBsG 370 Clwyd, a Chaer a Y SENEDD 8, 371 Chaergybi . . . 380 DYGWYDDIADAV YR LLOPPION .. . . 380 WYTHNOS 373 MAROHNADOEDD, &G. 381 NeWIDDION DIWEDDAF. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A IIESPECTABLE YOUTH as an Apprentice to the Dripery A1.Trade. Apply to J. D~virs, Castle-street, Beauaris. CAUTION,-CONWAY FISHERY. T lE F1ishieries of Rhyd-y-crean and Tyn-y-cae, the property o T O~.GWynne, Esq., of Voeli, arc strictly preserved. All treepasersc wiill be prosecuted according to ilaw.] Toelao, 13th June, 1819. RHUG SALE. T OST or Stolen, from ithuZ, alter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT EIN DERBYNWYRh Pris y FAtiR, teei s apioO ds'r Put, Y10 4' yr /s, am chwarter, h. 4c.; an hanter bviyadyn, So. SC.; oed 03 ok adtsir end bob bhwoyddg, 18s. 0* tieirn miaen Uaw, am earA U weeli ei stampio jydd 4s.; an& urme Lk nad eiiir o Chad drwoy Dd8barth- p, s ;yamna taun wd rChtech, am tsrhyt? Ofifer (equal nuiter) o soaa i'° derb'A, ac anjOn y taliadau yn mia 47aw yN ot Se. y papyr ...