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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... MEETING TO-MORROW. UNION PRAYER AlEET ING. A MEETING for UNITED PRAYER, to be con- dlucted by M inisters rerpreseniting varlroum Evangelical Churches, wvill Ibe hield 1Q0d willing), Iin tire MUSIC HALL, on THURSDAY next, the 1Ith instant, at One o'clock. The MAYOR (Wmr. EWAUST, janI., Eqq.) will preside. Meeting to conclude at Two o'clock. JAMES IMORGAN, D.D. 2119 CHAS. SEAVER. TLFMILTON, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . USTRAL1A .- ARGONAUT. _ x, WHITE STAR Line of British and Australian Ex-Royal Mail Packets, sailing fromn LIVERPOOL to MEL- Boultxi:on the 1st and 20th of every month. C ship. Captain. Re. Bur. To Sail. C Argonaut, Flenley, 1,237 3,700 June 20. C James Cheston, Byrne, 1,074 3,200 July 1. 13 Shalimar, Brown, 1,456 4,260 Jnly 20. V The splendid clipper ship Argonaut will be de- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETINl THIS DAY. U NION P R A Y Ei, M IE E T I N E G A MEETING for UNITED PRAYER, to be con- ducted by inisters-reprcse54iflg vairiousEvangelical Churches; will be held (Godliilling), in t, e *MUSIC HALL, onl THURSDAY nest,:the 16thinstant, it One O'clock. The MIAYOR (WM. .EWAnT jun., Esq.) avill preside. Meeting to conclude at 'Two o'cloek. JAMES MORGAN, D.D. 2119 C-l,'IAS. SEAVER. S E R MU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AIk U STRALIA. ARGONAUT. G A I 'WHITE STAR Line of British and Australian Ex-Royal Mail Packets, ( sailing from LIVERPOOL to MEL- BOIU 1NE oo the 1at and 20th of every month. Ship. captain. CtRegn R Bur, To Sntl. Argonaut, F Fenley, 1,2372 3,700 June 20. Jatiws Cheston, Byrne, 1,074 3,200 July 1. S biarirnar, Brown, 1,456 4,2;0 July 20. Thesplndid .clippdr ship i Argonaut will be de- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REDUCTION IN FARES. BELFAST TO LONDON,' VIA LIVERPOOL. I, ronneaxioh with the Great' Westem B'ailway. T1WE 'SEMlAPHORE SAILS 1' forLIVERPOOL, ThisEven- iug' (FRIDAY), 17th instant, at' FARES: Belfast to Liverpool-Cabin, 'Os.; Iteturn' Tickets, available for 14 (lays, 15s.; Deck, 3sv Belfast to;Lon- doIe-Cabiti and FirstClassRailway, 43s, Gd.; Second lass, 3;s. Return Tickets, available for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SC'REW ,PRESS.'-, ROR SA11E,.AN IXCELIENT SC, V PRESS, ; F|I hAripHMtat Villa~s, sihithblo'fbr Printers, Book 4: binders. 8Co.. - - .. Apply at tbe News-LettM- Office, Bild~e striet.. '2001 .. ~~~~~~~~ ~~. mlHE ARTISTS' PENCIL, Finest Quality, cona- 1 bines a firm clear point, with easy erasure, 3d. each, or 2S. per dozen. Sawplee.fqr PiX stanps.. Observe! Each Pencil stamped with the nnme ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ USTRALIA .- AR(169Alt, Aj-tX 3, ^WRITE SUATA L;De~ Of British and Australian Ex-Royal Mgil Packets, sailing from LIVERPOOL to IIEL. goUltNE on tho 1st and 20th of every month, Ship. Captain. .Reg. Bur. To Sail. ArgOnaut, Flenley, 1,237 3,700 June 20, JAnmes Chest', Byrne, 1,074 3,200 July 1. Snilalmar, Brown, .1,466 4,250 July 20. TVe splendid clipper ship Argonaut will be do- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAST WEEK BUT TWO.. M-'R. SAR0NY, OF' BOARBOR0UfH, EN LAND, AN~D 6, STEPHEN'S GREEN NORTH, DUBiLIN, (PO1 tograrpher to thei majesty£,), ES TO ANNOUNCE THAT, HAVING SCARBOROUGHN, on the lst JULY, HSIS GALLERY AT 124 BRIDGE STREET, BELFAST, WILL SHORTLY CLOSE. Mr. SAnONY takes this opportunity of thanking the Nobility and Gentry of Belfast and neighbourhood for the very liberalt patronage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S TAR C O N C E R T HALL, BS 21, ANN STREET. Tbis Evening first appearance in Belfast of THE SISTERS NELSON, ,.h unrivallpd Serio-comie Vocalists and Concertina Flayers. Also, First appearance of MISS ANNIE DEIY, The very pleasing Bravura Vocalist. Concert commen11ces every evening at Six o'clock. Admission Free.' 2160 REDUCTION IN PARES. BELFAST TO LONDON, VIA LIVERPOOL. rn ronuexion with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE THIS DAY. AUCTION OF HANDSOME WALNUT AND M AIIOH ANY FURNITURE, CAWE 'STUFFED BIR¶S, 1&c, ao, To be Sold by A UCTION, at the Mmat 4o JOHN 7H. 5GOWAN, ', (George a( Arnc, ai' 'Arthur Placc' (whbero~same have-b~eepx reoped for 6onvenlencuo of.SSII, dii MON P4 , the 2Qth J4~-b.inrti at! Elvea Zo'clock Porenoon \ A QUANTITY OF NE1W FURNITURE, A comprising Cabinets'; Wardrobes; Dining Tables; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [From the Vrery Rev. Dr. WOODWARD, Dean of DoWn, Dowllpit trick.] The Dean of Dojyn has used Mr. E. Solmoo's Speoe tacles Dend onsiders thqm far supe'.ior to the oidiwurj' Glasse~s and Pebbles,.wbich~le had before ~worn,:thre- fore can have io hesitation in excpressing the benefit conaferred on hi i, and hi.recoimending Mr 'Solo- muons' Lensc9 to all who ma~y require the assistance of Glasses. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .-I 0 LACK BALL AND EAGLE. LINE Jo of ,Packets , FOR ME OR ELBOURNE, AUSTRALA , PACKIET of the 6th JULY, 1859,- Tie0 favourite A 1 P acket SAL DAN A NHAf 3,500 Tons Burtlten ; C apt., FLONN. PACKET of thtl 15tth JULY, 1859, The celebrated com modio lis ipper HARMONIDES, 3,500 Tons Burthen; Capt. MORAN. These magiticent clippers are both A 1 at Lloyd's. They are inmed for their speed and ...