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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... CONCERT HALL, LftR NELSONTS E. tHS LIV!PO_:_ ,1A gRM0 I I OCTL tox ;g heoor F rt blo nnfrance 'THIS (WE¶01!4ESDAY) EtVENIN, ,-the I5t h lbtaf When Rlaih Eo ed Ierojnbe I Y OF THE BELL, PRNCIPAL R Gj T ; ES , and ]Doord WuD-C Wdc~et ?? O'sILIE. IrOOERLT NOW ?? F (RT. SELSON. WHITSUAN NTIODE O HOLIDARYOMES. 5E eseed Ecats i t ?? Gaulleery.i. Body, &t. Jp, Nre. Ctuttler, muelceeller. crner of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ?? sTEAM CMMUWIATI ONxI 1rWEE TLlVZRPO(,L AND GGOW. GBAT RIDUCrIOW 1 RATOS OF FRE1OQt M JUNE 153' fC Xpe'nb any ufosweatcete -zS thU sldroted oz other lienika _ aS ase intended to sa (with or ?? U~~fil, ARA e41 weem =JERPOOL _ .D q~ ~~OW. With aaid Pge _a AR a dr:- SS , , , , ., , ,~*Capln Ar iber T~erms Si JV-t0arll lo an siorage CaptiYC. . amner only. I -d'1WROM CLARENCE BOOK, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Saito bg - - ?? UT Os.0UE Op T~lA T OririM o T9 WILL OFe Jylsx ATFUBTON. 9Q., ?~ilbl T~ et,_valuahl5 WARtEHOUE O netm LING IIOUSEII, BywE. JOHN~ FRANK GRIFFITHS, Or% Wednesday, the 2Mt instant, at Mne o'clck. at the Olaen- a oomsoin Sonth John-8tr55t Liverpool. in tho foliom ?? ~ iiili 005Shal b5 ?? upon at the itime of the sale, ~ ' La~0 udvaluable'WA REHOUSE, of £51 e. TnS ~t 1 Beoldunder ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II RED) 9TAR1 LINE OF PAVKETS F-OR -NEW YORK. ' Loadlo in Wateeloo Dock. The very sueirfeblr e okbuilt Wnwst AM -MVri ALLUO. COmaer WoI tm# reitr upee 1n copper-fissteiie'd, a veryf~ Waier, and well snd favourablyko'naalysdleighr -caquiees lu the hwat possible CoUdition. Shle was built ci- rosy for the packet. ?? end has UuourPaa8st aucOmmo- ilsjln for cabin ziassengero.-ApPlY toA.TYO CO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ZooLOG1ICL GARDEN.S, NOW OPEN lJI HE SEASON. WlHITSUNTIDE HOLIDAYS. lSmENdE ATTEACTION. Osstnmi-Gara Days every day during Whitanu Week. GRAND NEW OMIC PANTOMIME, With splendid new Scenery, Dresses, &c: EverY Gala Evening will be performed the Drawing-room Evr aapantomime for 1859, entitled LITTLE BO PEEP. The Opeciu and Comic Seones writton by and produced under the direction of Mr. 1. F. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~fESRS. ALKR- &. tkoERLEY' SL AV~OrIO Day ~hcb~h (o~~dgBubyh11. Liverpiool. ibs entire Albl~m re~ b~lO1*il5i~ us5 W1.111D~i. eo,i crpperlueftsbc VftsII inlallterfrntV~V~ilstO dansid, wnd ltter eup o 80lus ac oathren ealc- cbnasd woosKI his ,gnesid~mtaro, roller munouis d ss ho, . se theuss~i pplnisecf,, a ob oll day MVs tutr o h ste o hepr a, nor ttherns Tho indtsIS Wke nodYAkey, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mVPPY t 41 at ot 0ld~~ ta in rotesant ERVAT 16 YALL Of NO 1 wh tsiwd_ a sin abNs, ~9vt~t?-tt0VtC'~ wj1Lollddaa. Eirrts, WtrKeu t toferenc W TANTllltI, ae1 ?? owtnnws.Seus rela--- -ppy -l1 ~~ ~SLI1VA~~T 010 ALL WORK.'1 -at~ya TIvi lte2 ALL ORK. Out troutth at,)a OF1 ?? WOK ifn- - TPtai FiwPVAi'h OhR'.ALL WORK OAFt AtLL, N11[i a req; eoiailie NhilLtYA~i' oF' i pl ?? Mlbl oaret.iatS Al t8 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. The Publioh are respectfulfly informed that :the CHARGE for IN~SERT ION in the_ DAILY MERCURY of smali PRE- 11 PAID ADVRT. ~ rildito offl Situirtions, Houff*, and Pernoilif Wanted. Proprty A 0 8 Sold or Lot, Apartllents, and P1t the Mliscellaneous ,tants of the riommulnity, is SIXPENCE; that the. uharioe for THREE INSERT~IONS~ LI: Ua ONE ~SHILLING-for SIX IN- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rO 0L 0G1I0AL GARDENfS, LIVlIfttOOL. NOW oPEN FOR TH}E SEASON. IWHITSUNTII)E HOLIDAYS. IMMENSE ATTRACTION. oeF~llE- Gala Days every day during Whitocn Week. GRAND NEW COMIC PANTOMIME, With Splendid new Scenery, Drecece, &-c. ?? ociae Evening will be performed the Drawving-room Pantomime for 1859, entitled LITTLE BO0 PEEP. Thie opening and Cdesaio Socnea written by andi produced unider the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... education. 'OARDINa AND DAY SCHOOL, -.11 t HOMRS 181gb Park-steeet, Toxteth-park. al'.ed1 1844. (7onducted by the Mimsee CREW ande MItS, ~~tn.Terms moderate. f-jy 1 T UJ 'ARIENTS OF BLIND CHILDREtN. -A isd~y. haviug dosing 20 yeam had the chargo and er, ?? of 1blind childrent, in desirouz of taking One or- Two clen (. tlromeu do BOAJIDbWRS snd to stiperinteute their ?? Tihe iuo-t respectable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RITIS~H A-ND NoiTH AbMEICOAN ROYAL I ag MAIL STRAM-SHIP8. NoTIOE.-RBDUOTION IN PASSAGB MONE1Y'. Who FAILIAOE MoNEY b tbso Seemlp from Lavanttoort CHII I ?? TWENTY-iSIX P06tIXS. A SIECOND (JABII ?? POUNDS. onI ( %A'ghtibyt~bellal Steamers to Halifax andi Boaton, and to OITY( NE aok tct. Zi1 per ton, and S per cent. prihoege. KAO Erlhtj on Pareels 5s. ?? upward3a ilrordling to size. VIGO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'T his PyS-ffordsre. Draining 1100m puftIT ?? Cfsttaga Flgn. Fortl e, in ?? reevr'tI f5a 61 ToctavesNA, WiONdo ?? ?? wrilI ;S LL by A C N .L I TihisDay (F~rida)teltiisat ?? 'lc ecletandl modern 110USEHOLD IIPENITUIIE,; coni- ?? Room A ectof six cainh,- coucth andl caicevoinal .isir, Ilsee mottb1'd2~ ss'sliistwd. msassive centre table. ~ csiitd caine, wih pae glass In back, an It p inetsfa ...