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Advertisements & Notices

... ARRIAG1S TROUSSEAUX and INDIAN h.l OUTFlTF.-..ORCIBST!AN and RAThIBONE reopec lully noleictan inepewetiln of their Extensive anad technrcbd STOCK, comn bilntg Parlolan taste wilth tbat excelleneo and durability of maternal Tfr sshlh t heir borne has bcen nloted for ?? oi S6isty Y/ents,-li, Wig-s inore.OttOrt, W. CNHIERTON'S SHIRTS, Six for 42s.; fit, work, an ratrina guaranteed. VEDDING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flEIWVIAN ~FOUR-AND-KALF CENTJI 3. EXERA BEETo prcedn ?? e n rAID b~y teie fi~na~nciatl nanyft', Messr. n te flyr Giobvsp and Sos 0t rvh ?? r that Or 05W foboowing day, betwee n thebotoflepan Two.r ofafvenhrtd onapplitsti~f after the 20h instant, and the Litt may to had on ?? Coupons mni t hbe left thcte ?? days for examination. . . 15, Bishopyga1e-streY&w'ithbfh London, June IS, 1859. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rVHE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS TALL (ERt E\'IOL ANID and at lih- RAILWAY STATIONS. ge -rc. se'. II. '%II11I ahol SON r00 SELL the DAiI LY NE ~V at 3jtiio i IAIL ox TAP hO %S10 t 'ItItElt PrINCfE per SINGLE CODY ad will S5UPPLI all (:OUNTIIS ?? KEtS and NEWS fifiENTS ao 'ech LOrir a' ?? a~id 'heii lo .-to sell the DA ILY O TI CE tot MARItINERItS. N WRECK IN THlE RIVER TujztIIES. NO(TICE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1V [OURNING.-The Public are respectfully and nfsnue'to tbat OUjRNING of evcry description, in the greatest variety, surited to all requiremetit, upon the most advani- LB. tageous tenrms to purchasers, will be found ready for immediate tise, wiith an extensive variety of choice Mllinery, at PIGH'S FAMIILY MiOCJRNI~fG WAREHiOUSE, the frst esatoblished on r. the United K~ingdom, 163, Regent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f WNEYEYIVIORAM and PONS' (of ~ l-,eLondon) LINE of PACK r SHIS to i. ,, lia:Dlucrrio, in PASSAGE-MONEY. -For p10crc jihullilp, direct, to sail from Gravesend on S~ X I ,1,100 tons, .1. IFoTURUtLi, Commander; j.1,t Indict Docks. This wtll-knowrn and ravourite '1:Ii ., fitted expressly for the Australian trade; her ,su W Ulenia~es of passengers aro unsurpassed, ar~d Mced lpot n o (with -~Yi LIA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flOYAL LITERARY FUND.- R The SEVENTIETH ANNIVERSARY DINNER of the CORPORATION will taks place in Fraemasons' Hlall On WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 22nd of June- The Right Hon. W. E. GLADSTONE, M.P. in the Chair. STDWARDSo: Itisbard Edward Arden, Esq. Rev S.1 . W King, M.A., P.S.A. P.G S., F.lo.G.S- F.E.G.S. Saxlinchasn W etworth Blakett Beau- Rirht Hoe. Lord Kingesdown mont, Esq. M.P. John Frederi a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S I A L I A. - ARGONAUT. -WHRITE A.STARt I Ntr of BRITISH and AUSTRALIAN ES- A lVOT in'sIIS aligfo Liverpool to Mel oure 5 ni.~ n i dv4mnh Slip. Captain. Register. Burden. To Sail. ?? ?? 1237 3,700 Juno 20 Chn]i. eue 1071 3,200 July 1 ?? l ?? 1,45 4,250 July 20 ii' k iw . . ?? Ii le lt ipper ship Argonaut will be dospatched as tho he 310 , lii -ith a mail, cargo, and passengers. The saloons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .ODES, for MOURNING.-BECKLEY'S.- FarrVieL who require articles for MOURNING, and wix' te have them elegant an4 useful, without payin7 exorbitant prices, are recommended to make their selectios- at Mr. BECK- 3EY'S new warehouse in Ludgate-street. The spacious show roobi contains thelargest assortment of Mourning Bosmets and XaptlesiuLondon. Skirts trimmcd vith crape are kept ready for immediate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UMMER CURTAINS, comprising Swiss lace, D muslin, tambour, and appitiu0. Leno harness, ft., in great 5 varictY and rdcheroeh de'lgaS. Aiso, silk dama ks, brocatelles. chdlazes, r re e, arrus, and a fine collecti n of French portieres, at Gl. DI&OCKid sphoisterer, kc., 213, Oxtoru-stroet. AXMINSTER CARPETS and MUSLIN 11.OUiftTAINS.-SEWELL and Co. are now offering a lotael g Axminster Ctarpets at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PEERUVIAN FOUR-AND-A-HALF per CENT. EXTERNAL DEBT, proceeding from the Six per Cent, In- ?? COUP'ON falling due on the 1st of July IlCXt wii be FAII) by thf finatncial agents, Messrs. Antnv ibbs and Sons, on that or any following day, between the hours of Elevell and Lists mav be lrsd on application after the 20th instant, and the| Coupons must be left three clear days for examination. 15, S3i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNTING RESIDENCE IN 31. LEICESTERSHIRE. To BE SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. BURTON, at HARBOROUGH HIOTEL, in MELTON MOWBRAY, on Tuesday, the 21st June, 18569, at Six o'clock in the evening, a moot desirable HUNTING RESIDENCE IN MELTON-MOWBRAY, late the property of, and occupied by, John Keal, Eeq., deceased. Te house is on an eminence overlooking the river Eye, and a rich vountry in the distance, ...

Published: Sunday 19 June 1859
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1398 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... CAFE DEA~ LYURP HTL TAVERN, DINNERS from' 2s. Tho celebrated Cald Dinner, Bo. 6tL. ready a from 5 fld 9. A Haunch of Groves's 'Venloha every Wednesday. WItLLIAM JOHN t HAn', Prtrprletor. a f's 4~N OCK HOTE, Epping.-Tis Establishmen t h, ?? COnveNeNceADEacmoaint RE ?? deandsp of ?? ine the cou rntroI s strather lun loaltyprod derial aet mdractena ofc~ aeenr tond healdfu and tis evbigorcatin ...