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Advertisements & Notices

... flEIWVIAN ~FOUR-AND-KALF CENTJI 3. EXERA BEETo prcedn ?? e n rAID b~y teie fi~na~nciatl nanyft', Messr. n te flyr Giobvsp and Sos 0t rvh ?? r that Or 05W foboowing day, betwee n thebotoflepan Two.r ofafvenhrtd onapplitsti~f after the 20h instant, and the Litt may to had on ?? Coupons mni t hbe left thcte ?? days for examination. . . 15, Bishopyga1e-streY&w'ithbfh London, June IS, 1859. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rVHE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS TALL (ERt E\'IOL ANID and at lih- RAILWAY STATIONS. ge -rc. se'. II. '%II11I ahol SON r00 SELL the DAiI LY NE ~V at 3jtiio i IAIL ox TAP hO %S10 t 'ItItElt PrINCfE per SINGLE CODY ad will S5UPPLI all (:OUNTIIS ?? KEtS and NEWS fifiENTS ao 'ech LOrir a' ?? a~id 'heii lo .-to sell the DA ILY O TI CE tot MARItINERItS. N WRECK IN THlE RIVER TujztIIES. NO(TICE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VO LACE DEALERS and Others. -To be(N TL D5Isl'Ooir; of by PUBLIC TLNDFO. in Twenty scyssostc Lets.G by dirction of tire Esccutors of the late Mdi-s Jane O:cvrkc, of 1 oegsb it,)1 StreT. tisasie Ie I;d osreet. Liver-peel, the whole of her Veluabis from STritK of% oNTIQUEi. MEsiiLIN, and other LACE. eroneenine to Wire teel ros 1,0elecel att~r.Wrilat t ibets one of ahe esecuotre. lio. 2. Tit~nhm ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 03 my ; 11 ' O°URBN IN G.-IThe Pablica erespee~ i Informezd tha~t MOUftN12T6' of everyr description, -B she r wr ts vteyr ile Dl bae fou~nind'enY roa or m~nediate eae wilehan aeu OU ?? s(cotrne of Nsew ulntonen'o Wdosa' ad a d0t Co n try eoirder seat off immediately unoon thekir r~ceiPt,. dtt i IIJARRIAGE TROUSSEAUX and INDIANI !rd e e' rd zthdr ws Gee ?? forAN vand RAf iIION r~enpec fell1 :r. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTUGUESE THREE PER CENT. DIVI- DENDS-Tbe IALPY EARLYS DIVIlND, ?? becomes ,duo on the lso of .luly next, on the Boens of 1S53, 184i, and 1867, will eI IPAI ) on thst day and every succeedeng Tuesday an i Fridai, between 51 and 2 o'clock. 'he Courons to bo left for eximintln eight days previous to each fty of paorent. to eooeenonce ore Thursday, the 23rd instant. and every oitowinig Monday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1l1 BOBAY, the- fine' Briti~h-built clipper F CINCIjNNATtO. I 1 lyearS, 781 tons registor; :, the- India Decks. [lios 'gplenclid acozistndation ?? - alntermediatc p teengers. fo, ilrle. it 'r an -0rc, 3, White Lion-court, Coruhill d licklinti, 132, Leadunhall-strect, E.0. 0, ALCUTITA, the celebrated British-built, clipper ship, COIIIN GA, AI 13 years, SO6 tons register; intbe East Indim ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )t- -oamiliee who require articles wo' iOURNG, anid wnsh: te have them elegant and useful, without paying exqrbitnnt prices, are recommended to make their elections at Air. BECK- ILEY'S new warehouee in Ludgate-street. The spacious show room coftains the largeet assortment of Mourning Bonnetb and Mantldesin London. Skirta trimmled with crape are kept ready' lor immediat4 use, besides ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1V [OURNING.-The Public are respectfully and nfsnue'to tbat OUjRNING of evcry description, in the greatest variety, surited to all requiremetit, upon the most advani- LB. tageous tenrms to purchasers, will be found ready for immediate tise, wiith an extensive variety of choice Mllinery, at PIGH'S FAMIILY MiOCJRNI~fG WAREHiOUSE, the frst esatoblished on r. the United K~ingdom, 163, Regent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S I A L I A. - ARGONAUT. -WHRITE A.STARt I Ntr of BRITISH and AUSTRALIAN ES- A lVOT in'sIIS aligfo Liverpool to Mel oure 5 ni.~ n i dv4mnh Slip. Captain. Register. Burden. To Sail. ?? ?? 1237 3,700 Juno 20 Chn]i. eue 1071 3,200 July 1 ?? l ?? 1,45 4,250 July 20 ii' k iw . . ?? Ii le lt ipper ship Argonaut will be dospatched as tho he 310 , lii -ith a mail, cargo, and passengers. The saloons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UMMER CURTAINS, comprising Swiss lace, D muslin, tambour, and appitiu0. Leno harness, ft., in great 5 varictY and rdcheroeh de'lgaS. Aiso, silk dama ks, brocatelles. chdlazes, r re e, arrus, and a fine collecti n of French portieres, at Gl. DI&OCKid sphoisterer, kc., 213, Oxtoru-stroet. AXMINSTER CARPETS and MUSLIN 11.OUiftTAINS.-SEWELL and Co. are now offering a lotael g Axminster Ctarpets at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PEERUVIAN FOUR-AND-A-HALF per CENT. EXTERNAL DEBT, proceeding from the Six per Cent, In- ?? COUP'ON falling due on the 1st of July IlCXt wii be FAII) by thf finatncial agents, Messrs. Antnv ibbs and Sons, on that or any following day, between the hours of Elevell and Lists mav be lrsd on application after the 20th instant, and the| Coupons must be left three clear days for examination. 15, S3i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wItENCH, American, and all other Foreign t COUPO SS, now beoming due are bielig PAID on preisonta- t tion at ?? md Bul'dorn Off had. 59. Lormbard-seet ADAM SPIELMANN &ed Co. E CIRCULAR NOTES and FOBEIGN MONEY. 'PTrsveoler' to the Continent, Colonic., Am oeria, tie., can have (IRCULAt NOOT5S of 6 arnd £10 each, pryoy bie at all erinipOI towns: also FOlEIGbN MONIES and FORLEIU STOCKS, astho ...