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Advertisements & Notices

... fUBE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. If Fourtb appearance of, Mr H Widdicombe-Re- 5negeig~nOt of Mr D Fh5ber-Mr Powrie and Mr Bruce Nortg, TElIS EVENING (Thursday), June 16bh, tbs performances will commence with the celebrated Draoto entitled THE BRIDE OF LAMMdEIRMOOR.- Sir William Aahton, Mr Rtogercsan ; Colonel Aebton, Mr yFtz'iatrick; lisayton of Bucklaw, Mr Vincent ; Edgear ,f gqvonswood, Mr Powrie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S I A L I A. - ARGONAUT. -WHRITE A.STARt I Ntr of BRITISH and AUSTRALIAN ES- A lVOT in'sIIS aligfo Liverpool to Mel oure 5 ni.~ n i dv4mnh Slip. Captain. Register. Burden. To Sail. ?? ?? 1237 3,700 Juno 20 Chn]i. eue 1071 3,200 July 1 ?? l ?? 1,45 4,250 July 20 ii' k iw . . ?? Ii le lt ipper ship Argonaut will be dospatched as tho he 310 , lii -ith a mail, cargo, and passengers. The saloons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Birwmnvs Daay Post is published evsiry Monday, TuVeday, Weie~day, Thursday, and Fiday; and is on sale in aD the principal towns of Waiwickthire, Woreestershire, Staffordshire, Derbyshire, and Salop, by eight o'clock in the morling. The Safwday setmin9 PoMt, a weekly journal for the working classes, price three halfpence, con. taining a well-arranged ?? of the local and general news of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICE. 206 AND 207, HIGH-STREET, EXETER. 12 HOWELL respectfully informs the 11 . Inhabitants of Exeter that the Business of his Establishment will be Suspended on THURSDAY next, 16th instant, at Tbree o'Clock, to give the Assistants an Afternoon's Recreation. Q C PEARS E, Sole Agent for the a * AMlERICAN CAST STEEL HAY, CORN, liand MANURE FORKS, far superior to any other li make. Also ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARISH OF SAINT CUTHBERT. N 0 T I C E. The HA-LF-YEARLY STATUTORY 3IEETING of the PAROCHIAL BOARD of the PARISHi of SAINT CUTHBERiT will be held in the WEST CHURCH, on TuESDAY the 28th aurt., at Tivelve o'clock- noon, to receive the Reportc of the Acting Committee for the year ended 14th May 1859; to impose an Assessment for the year froni Whitsunday 18 I to Whlisunday 1860; to appoint a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOMESTIC SERVANTS. A DVXBTIS FWNTS (not exceeding twentyrow wor&s) from DOMEMSTIC SERVANTS seebng Situations, tr ftor Servante tequired by Fallese, innerted In the DaiVj PFso at ONE S6ILhlNG EACH. Remittances canube made In Postage StDPs. A LADY wishels to recommend a young Person, a s Nursery Governess. A good needlcwrvman.-Apply, Y. Z., Fest office, Bewdiloy.36 WT A N TED, immediately, an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROSS AND CO., OLE AGENTS ior NICOLL'S CHEAP SUMMtE3R JACKvETS, COATS, and OVERCOATS. 22-, I-IIGH STREET. O-tJTFITS TO INI)IA ANX) THE COLONIES. VOLUNTEER RIFLE CORPS. E EDINBURGH LIFE ASSURANCE 1C C05IPANY requires no Extra Premium for Military service of any description within the United aingdom. FRED. CHAPLIN, Secretary, London Office, 11, ling William street, City. Agent for EXETEn, CHM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PEERUVIAN FOUR-AND-A-HALF per CENT. EXTERNAL DEBT, proceeding from the Six per Cent, In- ?? COUP'ON falling due on the 1st of July IlCXt wii be FAII) by thf finatncial agents, Messrs. Antnv ibbs and Sons, on that or any following day, between the hours of Elevell and Lists mav be lrsd on application after the 20th instant, and the| Coupons must be left three clear days for examination. 15, S3i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~fESRS. ALKR- &. tkoERLEY' SL AV~OrIO Day ~hcb~h (o~~dgBubyh11. Liverpiool. ibs entire Albl~m re~ b~lO1*il5i~ us5 W1.111D~i. eo,i crpperlueftsbc VftsII inlallterfrntV~V~ilstO dansid, wnd ltter eup o 80lus ac oathren ealc- cbnasd woosKI his ,gnesid~mtaro, roller munouis d ss ho, . se theuss~i pplnisecf,, a ob oll day MVs tutr o h ste o hepr a, nor ttherns Tho indtsIS Wke nodYAkey, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1V [OURNING.-The Public are respectfully and nfsnue'to tbat OUjRNING of evcry description, in the greatest variety, surited to all requiremetit, upon the most advani- LB. tageous tenrms to purchasers, will be found ready for immediate tise, wiith an extensive variety of choice Mllinery, at PIGH'S FAMIILY MiOCJRNI~fG WAREHiOUSE, the frst esatoblished on r. the United K~ingdom, 163, Regent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP SILKS. COLSON AND SPARK A RE SELLING some very large LOTS of A SILKKS, MUCH BELOW THEIR REAL VALUE. Exeter, June 15, 1859. GREEN AND BENNETT O 0 L I C I T attention to their extensive K STOCK of ELEGANT PRINTED MUSLINS, B A R E G E S. S I L 1K 9, MANTLES, SHAWLS, AND SCARFS, PARASOLS, RIBBONS, &o., &O., including the latest Novelties in each department. W. BROCK AND CO. LACE MANTLES, S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETINl THIS DAY. U NION P R A Y Ei, M IE E T I N E G A MEETING for UNITED PRAYER, to be con- ducted by inisters-reprcse54iflg vairiousEvangelical Churches; will be held (Godliilling), in t, e *MUSIC HALL, onl THURSDAY nest,:the 16thinstant, it One O'clock. The MIAYOR (WM. .EWAnT jun., Esq.) avill preside. Meeting to conclude at 'Two o'cloek. JAMES MORGAN, D.D. 2119 C-l,'IAS. SEAVER. S E R MU ...