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Advertisements & Notices

... llgE QUIENS ROYAL THEATRE.-1 iit gappoeranca o'f Mr H Widdicombe-Rq- eat of Mr D Fisber-Mr Bruce Norton-THIS I3%'pG (Friday). Jame 17tb, the performances will aetith tbe a1ijital and powerful Drama enti- ac8 IN THE HAND IS WORTH TWO IN d' ausE- daoe Praiseworthy, Mr H Webb; qrStoloeont, Mr B Norton ; Mbr Cap au3 8barke, M~r jilddiccrubs* 91140e Reginald Prodipal, Mrs Parker; Aln pial, ?? A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IHE SECaET GUIDE TO HEALTH AN0 iAPPISEiS T. -A popular medica! work on servousnes, l SS:r g~i, and general decay of the facultieg, beautifully illutrstdsiit IiI engravingS, sent direct front 19, ileener's-sirekl, LeslDt, ou receipt of two penny stempo, tu psy pe-'t- The Yatentee haa coo'dded the ?? of ticc .MD ciues to a Physician of the Rosal University of Erlrnge, i member oftbe Royal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .STEAM TO ST. PETEBSBUBG. T rp H E lagnificent Stcrew - steamer _11 AMITY, 700 tons, will be dis- 'g g ,patched from HUjL, for the above P ort on the 22nd inst., to be followed e weekly by other firat-class stesmer8ev TO STETTIN. First-clis3 Steamers sail weekly to Stettin from Hull. Ta -Apply to Z. C. PEARSON, COLEMAN, & CO. ,STEAM FROM HULL TO COPENHAGEN AND ST. PETERSBURG. T E fine Screw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RITIS~H A-ND NoiTH AbMEICOAN ROYAL I ag MAIL STRAM-SHIP8. NoTIOE.-RBDUOTION IN PASSAGB MONE1Y'. Who FAILIAOE MoNEY b tbso Seemlp from Lavanttoort CHII I ?? TWENTY-iSIX P06tIXS. A SIECOND (JABII ?? POUNDS. onI ( %A'ghtibyt~bellal Steamers to Halifax andi Boaton, and to OITY( NE aok tct. Zi1 per ton, and S per cent. prihoege. KAO Erlhtj on Pareels 5s. ?? upward3a ilrordling to size. VIGO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T]{E SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS!1 JL AL, OV it XGL1 Dana~eh RAI LWAYST IOS Nfsr.W. II. SNl ITI Rand oI nSILL the DA1ILY NEWS a alhitAIL VAY'SAIOa THREE tE.NObi per SINGLE COPY, and Vill SUPPLIe all COTJNT~tY llcU]eSELU2RIS end NEWS AGE.\NTS on stuch tereos as Vill ereable ehem also to sell the DAILYI NP;WSattit Co narked price of TEafE PE?4Cti per SIIGLE Copy. 186, Steand. j~ SE.MONEY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. The Publioh are respectfulfly informed that :the CHARGE for IN~SERT ION in the_ DAILY MERCURY of smali PRE- 11 PAID ADVRT. ~ rildito offl Situirtions, Houff*, and Pernoilif Wanted. Proprty A 0 8 Sold or Lot, Apartllents, and P1t the Mliscellaneous ,tants of the riommulnity, is SIXPENCE; that the. uharioe for THREE INSERT~IONS~ LI: Ua ONE ~SHILLING-for SIX IN- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REDUCTION IN FARES. BELFAST TO LONDON,' VIA LIVERPOOL. I, ronneaxioh with the Great' Westem B'ailway. T1WE 'SEMlAPHORE SAILS 1' forLIVERPOOL, ThisEven- iug' (FRIDAY), 17th instant, at' FARES: Belfast to Liverpool-Cabin, 'Os.; Iteturn' Tickets, available for 14 (lays, 15s.; Deck, 3sv Belfast to;Lon- doIe-Cabiti and FirstClassRailway, 43s, Gd.; Second lass, 3;s. Return Tickets, available for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOU.S AND, FAMILY APERIENT~ PILLS.-These pills are C~oe of ireisildst e~tablc aperients. with the pure extrct ~ofted flowers of the camomtiile, and combining aromatic and tunic pro- perties. will be found the best remudy for itirigeation, biliouis attacks, sick. headache, acidity or heartburn, firstulcocy, sam,&c. Prepared only by Janies Cockle, Surgeon, 18, New Ormsond-etreet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR SALE BlY PR1VATE CONTRACT, fflHE Schooner SCOMIA, of Inverneso, .E A T { 117 tons register; carriea a large cargo, on a moderate draught of water; shifts without ballast; sails well. Has recently had extensive repair3, is in good order, and well found, Io daily expeoted iu the Tyne. Apply to JOHN LAWRENUE and CO., 1H, Quayside, Newoastle on Tyne, Juue 2, 1869, TO MERCHANTS, SHIP MASTERS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BUlILDING GR.OUtND, GARNGATD ROAD. UP vIE 9ALE, advertised to take place within the T. Faculty Hall, St. George's Place, Glasgow, on 22a June, ?? iVILLNOT GO ON. PAUL & M'CULLOCH, Writers, a South IlanoverStreet. 71J1ME Only Daughter of the Deceased JEREMIMAH e T (ATIIL, fo a rnsrlv cf the Marble Works. Eath Street, 01 ?? is alive, and if tins 0,ouldl meet the eve o~f any of her rel' r.vs. she ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW PARLIAMENT. Now teadv, Second Edition, R DOD'S PARLIAMENTARY COMPANION, eontaining the NEW PARLIAMENT. Royal 32mo. morocco gilt. Whi'taker and Co., Ave-Maria Lane. Three Maps, clearly coloured, for One Shilling. DAWER 'S WA1R MIAPS, comprising Maps of EL lurope, Austria, and North ltaly, showing the various populatione of the principal placea, railwaye, &c., &c., with all reosnt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mVPPY t 41 at ot 0ld~~ ta in rotesant ERVAT 16 YALL Of NO 1 wh tsiwd_ a sin abNs, ~9vt~t?-tt0VtC'~ wj1Lollddaa. Eirrts, WtrKeu t toferenc W TANTllltI, ae1 ?? owtnnws.Seus rela--- -ppy -l1 ~~ ~SLI1VA~~T 010 ALL WORK.'1 -at~ya TIvi lte2 ALL ORK. Out troutth at,)a OF1 ?? WOK ifn- - TPtai FiwPVAi'h OhR'.ALL WORK OAFt AtLL, N11[i a req; eoiailie NhilLtYA~i' oF' i pl ?? Mlbl oaret.iatS Al t8 ...